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Gamespot Halo 2 reviewonline!

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yeah, the only real complaint is the story. He actally loves the game, keeps bigging it up throughout the video review, 10 for Gameplay.

So its all down to presentation i guess


CrimsonSkies said:
"I'm curious what Kasavin considers a 10 in graphics on the xbox if Halo 2 and DOA Ultimate are only 9s."

Didn't he give Riddick a 10 in graphics? Maybe that's the standard. And from what I've seen it really hasn't been beat by Halo 2 or DoA U.

I agree. Riddick is the best looking game on Xbox. Didn't the Bungie guys agree in some interview that Halo 2 wouldn't look as good as Riddick?
holy crap! the world is completely wrong! There's people complaining about a 9.4/10. Does this 9.4 affect anyones decision to buy the game?

Ranger X

WOW, how come this thread isn't a war of Halo fans VS the world? Where are you guys? lol

Both Rachet and Clank 3 and GTASA > Halo2 !!!

Isn't a shame?? common! Wasn't your Halo2 "the game of century of something"?

Personnally i must say that i believe the scores in overall. At least it fits me. Those 3 are great games but GTASA > Rachet3> Halo2. ;)


Despite a rather short campaign and a disappointing storyline, Halo 2 is an exceptional shooter that frequently delivers thrilling, memorable, and unique moments in its online, co-op, and single-player modes. - Greg Kasavin

It could of been written:

An exceptional shooter that frequently delivers thrilling, memorable, and unique moments in its online, co-op, and single-player modes despite a rather short campaign.

The "disappointing storyline" has no place in the header since it's totally subjective.

He writes exceptionally but the tone of a game that is this anticipated and a game that did turn out to be as in his words exceptional is too negative.


kitchenmotors said:
In the words of Artie Lange...

Waaaaaaahhhh Halo 2 didn't get a perfect score Waaaaaaahhhh

Feel Gamespot's wrath, bitches!
This is nothing. Wait until Greg gives MP2 a 9.8 :p
CrimsonSkies said:
"I'm curious what Kasavin considers a 10 in graphics on the xbox if Halo 2 and DOA Ultimate are only 9s."

Didn't he give Riddick a 10 in graphics? Maybe that's the standard. And from what I've seen it really hasn't been beat by Halo 2 or DoA U.
I have both Riddick and DOA, and DOA is visually superior. Riddick looks really amazing, but it has framerate issues and some those weird texture things that people bitch about. And Riddick is a recent release, so the improvements over time really shouldn't matter.





DAMN, HALO 2, DAMN MAN. We were counting on you...


multiplayer will last FOREVER! but i will give value a 9.

the game is so much fun to play! but it is dissapointing.

and i liked how he managed to get a complaint out of TOO MANY options in multiplayer games :lol
I *really* dislike this new trend in games of suddenly swapping character perspective -- it's right up there with mini-games in terms of lameness.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Drinky Crow said:
I *really* dislike this new trend in games of suddenly swapping character perspective -- it's right up there with mini-games in terms of lameness.

I was going to avoid mentioning this but I guess since it's actually been released at several stores the cat is out of the bag.
"I have both Riddick and DOA, and DOA is visually superior. Riddick looks really amazing, but it has framerate issues and some those weird texture things that people bitch about. And Riddick is a recent release, so the improvements over time really shouldn't matter."

It's the character models in Riddick to me that gave it the nod. The environments are better in DoA U, but the lighting is also better in Riddick.


Project Midway said:
These threads really bring the best and worst out of you all people. Like starving hyenas looking for a prey or something. :lol

can imagine TXB forums now


Drinky Crow said:
I *really* dislike this new trend in games of suddenly swapping character perspective -- it's right up there with mini-games in terms of lameness.

Mini-games rock, punk!


GAF's Bob Woodward
I'm impressed the forum didn't completely fall over. Yep, it did take 5 minutes from the time I hit "submit" to the time this thread actually went through, but at least it did eventually do so, with the correct time etc. (8.00pm! i was first! :p)

I wonder how many people will agree with greg's criticisms once they've played the game..

..still, it's an excellent score. About what I expected (I predicted a 9.5).



On balance, we feel, the Campaign mode deserves a score somewhere that snugly sits between the two; it's an up and down game, and although it hits stellar heights, it trawls some murky depths, and for that we're not going to sit back and praise it unconditionally like some people might.


28/30 = 9.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

OMG Gamespot confirms Halo 2 > MP 2. At last my soul can rest!


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
siamesedreamer said:
Yeah, I *really* appreciate the spoiler tags. Ass.

i'd like to see a mod ban himself for this failure


SantaCruZer said:
can imagine TXB forums now

Some selected dialogues.

What jerks! Fanboys!


I know!!!!!!! Man this is is b.s. Every other site claims that it surpasses halo 1 but i guess gamespot doesnt agree. Its even got a lower score than GTA SA.

Never trust gamespot again, banned from my favorite list.

that score is horrid, because based on their own system, it is flawed.

value and tilt a 9????


value is 9? Now tahts just stupid. Like literraly because it has ONLINE.

Dumbass Administrator/Writer on TXB said:
Gamespot is on crack...I think they probably scored it low because they wanted attention.

Answer me this...have they ever given any Xbox game higher than a 9.4? If they have they are just crazy because there is nothing as good as Halo 2 on the Xbox...period.

Wow, Gamespot sure likes attention. I can understand the graphics being a 9, but the "value" being a 9 is just ridiculous, considering how good the multiplayer is.

Then, with the "tilt" being a 9, it's obvious they wanted to keep the score lower.

Sigh. But, that's Gamespot for you.

The first Halo got a 9.7, but Greg... he just one son of a bitch. Gamespot is what Shock say, attention whore.

where were all you "gamespot sucks" people when Killzone got a bad review?


Everyone knew Killzone would get bad reviews because it sucks.

He complains about the story and the length of the single player.

Have we seen a game with a better story? no, at least on the xbox

Is 10-15 hours too short for a fps? no, thats above averadge length

9 for graphics? I have also yet to see a game with better graphics on the xbox that can pull of such a great draw distance with soo much detail.

9 for replay value? Mp and coop. There has yet to be console fps with as many multy player options as this.

After reading that review, I would like to see how he rates MP2 and half life 2.

Gamespot hates xbox.period. The highest score they gave to an xbox game was a 9.7. Not only do they revoew xbox games badly, but the gave R&C a 8.7. SCREW YOU GAMESPOT!

Jesus christ



People...keep in mind that Gamespot's overall score is not some random-number-fuck-the-indiviual-categories shit that IGN pulls. It's an average, and each category has a different weight.
The story DOES suck (especially the ending) and the graphics ARENT that mind-boggling.

I'd say this might be the fairest Halo 2 score.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I hope to God that "spoiler" isn't actually real. Not necessarily because I'd hate that, but because I wouldn't want that spoiled. I've been avoiding spoilers for the last two weeks, and now, in my own thread..
Glad to finally hear from Date of Lies. I often look for his opinion on Xbox titles.

"I hope to God that "spoiler" isn't actually real. Not because I'd hate that, but because I wouldn't want that spoiled. I've been avoiding spoilers for the last two weeks, and now, in my own thread."

You've been spoiled, just accept it. Anyone else would have been banned for it. He won't be.


er, the perspective changes when MC gets into a vehicle, right? just like in halo 1, right? how is this a spoiler?


better gameplay: check
better graphics: check
better sound/music: check
better campaign mode: check
new environements no repition: check
xbox live multiplayer: check
clans: check
bungie.net stat tracking: check
lower score than the original: check

wait wtf??


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
skip said:
er, the perspective changes when MC gets into a vehicle, right? just like in halo 1, right? how is this a spoiler?

it was all an ongoing joke. thanks for ruining it


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
skip said:
er, the perspective changes when MC gets into a vehicle, right? just like in halo 1, right? how is this a spoiler?

He's not talking about the camera perspective.


SantaCruZer said:

The truth that xbox fanboys are no better than nintendo ones. We're all the same.
Hmm, I wouldn't go THAT far. That'd be like comparing a ditch to the Grand Canyon.

But yeah, they're pretty bad nonetheless. It's not nearly as entertaining, though.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Mooreberg said:
He's not talking about the camera perspective.

is that something you really needed to clarify!? jesus christ, whats wrong with you guys?
Joe said:
better gameplay: check
better graphics: check
better sound/music: check
better campaign mode: check
new environements no repition: check
xbox live multiplayer: check
clans: check
bungie.net stat tracking: check
lower score than the original: check

wait wtf??

Reviewed by a different reviewer with different tastes: Check
skip said:
er, the perspective changes when MC gets into a vehicle, right? just like in halo 1, right? how is this a spoiler?

Yeah. It's not like he said that in multiplayer you can choose only between Master Cheif and an Elite for charcters.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Joe said:
better gameplay: check
better graphics: check
better sound/music: check
better campaign mode: check
new environements no repition: check
xbox live multiplayer: check
clans: check
bungie.net stat tracking: check
lower score than the original: check

wait wtf??

Game scores become quirky over time. You can't compare a game from two years ago directly with a game now. I think the whole suggestion is that Halo 2 does not have the same impact now as Halo 1 did back then. Hence the higher Halo 1 score. It's like arguing that Banjo&Kazooie is a better game than Mario64. If you took time out of the equation and just compared them like for like, technically Banjo might come out on top. But, Mario64 came out long before Banjo, and was far more original and had thus had far more of an impact. It was revolutionary - Banjo was evolutionary. I guess you might say the same about Halo --> Halo 2.
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