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Gamespot Halo 2 reviewonline!

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hyperbolically metafictive
reviews for BIG HYPED GAMES crack me up. since all the scores will fall between nine and ten, all those little gradations take on massive significance. OH NO A 9.4 IT'S ALL OVER


snapty00 said:
Hmm, I wouldn't go THAT far. That'd be like comparing a ditch to the Grand Canyon.

But yeah, they're pretty bad nonetheless. It's not nearly as entertaining, though.

of course it's not as entertaining, your are on the same side now ;)

anyway, I doubt MEtroid Prime 2 vill get better than 9.4. I think not.
Joe said:
multiplayer will last FOREVER! but i will give value a 9.

the game is so much fun to play! but it is dissapointing.

and i liked how he managed to get a complaint out of TOO MANY options in multiplayer games :lol

He didn't really complain about them, it was more of a caution if you were to play with few people around. He actually says that it's the best online multiplayer component available for consoles.
snapty00 said:
Hmm, I wouldn't go THAT far. That'd be like comparing a ditch to the Grand Canyon.

But yeah, they're pretty bad nonetheless. It's not nearly as entertaining, though.

and comparing all fanboys to your posts is like comparing an M&M to a Black Hole of ultimate suckage.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
drohne said:
reviews for BIG HYPED GAMES crack me up. since all the scores will fall between nine and ten, all those little gradations take on massive significance. OH NO A 9.4 HE MUST HATE IT!

i dunno, i think its more about what comments he made in his review then the actual 9.4 he gave the game... at least for me. a lot of his comments seem quite stupid, stretching the truth, or just wrong.


not an idiot
9.4 is a really great score from a site and especially a reviewer who is known to judge xbox games very hard. i think some of you just need to keep that in mind and look at review scores in proper perspective. i earlier predicted they would give it a 9.3, so it's even better than i thought.

p.s. watch the fucking spoilers, sheesh


hyperbolically metafictive
i can't bring myself to read four pages of kasavin dithering, but i did notice a couple errors as i skimmed it. did he really mean to imply that halo 2's environments are as repetitive as halo 1's? or anywhere close to it? that's just...false.


Chili Con Carnage!
I knew Kasavin would be the guy who rushed through the game at the bungie review session thing mentioned in the weekly updates.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
drohne said:
i can't bring myself to read four pages of kasavin dithering, but i did notice a couple errors as i skimmed it. did he really mean to imply that halo 2's environments are as repetitive as halo 1's? that's just...false.

exactly what i'm talking about. and saying that the cutscenes are ugly? pulease.
CrimsonSkies said:
Glad to finally hear from Date of Lies. I often look for his opinion on Xbox titles.

"I hope to God that "spoiler" isn't actually real. Not because I'd hate that, but because I wouldn't want that spoiled. I've been avoiding spoilers for the last two weeks, and now, in my own thread."

You've been spoiled, just accept it. Anyone else would have been banned for it. He won't be.

Wow, I didn't know I had a fanclub.

PS: I have Halo 2 completely pre-ordered and it is one of my most anticipated games this year, but for multiplayer and gameplay in general, not for the exagerated storyline (although it certainly does have it's place).

and... i like my xbox...


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Matlock said:
I think he's referring to the glitchy cutscene popin.

i'm well aware of what hes referring to, and its annoying and a bit dissapointing... but aside from riddick, what xbox game has better cutscenes?


hyperbolically metafictive
and why aren't reviews explicitly referring to the cutscene glitches? maybe bungie promised that they'd be fixed in the retail version.


Ghost said:
I knew Kasavin would be the guy who rushed through the game at the bungie review session thing mentioned in the weekly updates.


Caveat. In the past, I have really agreed with Greg, I think he has done a fine job of being fair and balanced (LIKE FOX NEWS /natch), and though his excitement (as indicated through his blog) is huge for a game like Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders (which is admittedly a 'solid' game at best) -- I think his complaints this time around are a bit on the extreme side of things.

However, the very nature of reviewing is totally subjective and totally places all of the power in the reviewers hands (once the NDA expires when you review video games) -- and this probably is the way Kasavin feels. However, there are some glaring inconsistencies in the score and the content -- but he may have his reasons.


drohne said:
and why aren't reviews explicitly referring to the cutscene glitches? maybe bungie promised that they'd be fixed in the retail version.
they mention them and thats it. its only worth a mention because its not that big of a deal.


The Inside Track
drohne said:
and why aren't reviews explicitly referring to the cutscene glitches? maybe bungie promised that they'd be fixed in the retail version.
There has been no review copy of the game. You either have the final retail game, or nothing. So nothing can be fixed or anything.
And from what I've been told, the cutscenes are less glitchy (but still a bit) when played from the retail dvd than from the hard drive.


Well from reading the review it sounds like it deserves a 9.4, which is a GREAT score. The game doesn't sound flawless though. I gotta give Gamespot props for NOT handing out 10's like it's nothing which unfortunately is what some reviewers do.


op_ivy said:
i'm well aware of what hes referring to, and its annoying and a bit dissapointing... but aside from riddick, what xbox game has better cutscenes?

Any of 'em that doesn't have popin. :p


SomeDude said:
Well from reading the review it sounds like it deserves a 9.4, which is a GREAT score. The game doesn't sound flawless though. I gotta give Gamespot props for NOT handing out 10's like it's nothing which unfortunately is what some reviewers do.



CrimsonSkies said:
"I'm curious what Kasavin considers a 10 in graphics on the xbox if Halo 2 and DOA Ultimate are only 9s."

Didn't he give Riddick a 10 in graphics? Maybe that's the standard. And from what I've seen it really hasn't been beat by Halo 2 or DoA U.

Apples and Oranges. I think DOA:U, while not having the same impresive lighting seen in Riddick, is also devoid of the horrifying LOD issues. And Halo 2 also has huge environments not seen in Riddick.


SomeDude said:
Well from reading the review it sounds like it deserves a 9.4, which is a GREAT score. The game doesn't sound flawless though. I gotta give Gamespot props for NOT handing out 10's like it's nothing which unfortunately is what some reviewers do.

Why have a scale that goes to 10 if your never gonna use it?

There is not one perfect game, or will there ever be, I say use the 10 if the game is well above average.
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