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GameSpot: Kojima to leave Konami after MGSV, power struggle, communications embargo

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It actually hurts a little that Contra and Castlevania still belong to Konami. Silent Hill, as well.

Metal Gear is done the second Kojima is done. Without his unique voice and style Metal Gear isn't the same, and I figured this day would come eventually.
It took a hell of a teaser and Kojima's involvement to get some hype for a new Silent Hills annnnnnnd it's gone.

Has there been a history of friction between Kojima and the Konami? I felt like I remembered MGS2 causing issues for them specifically but that was a long time ago.

Maybe KojiPro was becoming too close to being more recognized than Konami.


The hero Los Santos deserves
RIP Konami.

I hope Kojima doesn't retire after this. He should start a new studio and take all of his talented staff with him. I'll donate like crazy if he makes a kickstarter.


Heh, now all we need is a stealthily taken photo of a secret meeting between Iwata and Kojima for maximum meltdowns.

Anyways, I wouldn't say no to a Snatcher or Policenauts pseudo sequel, maybe even with VR capabilities. Or something new entirely. Time for ye olden kickstarter, I sez. Hop to it, Kojima. Take my monies.


Don't worry everyone, he'll be able to pick up his work on Silent Hills again after Konami collapses in 6 months and Kojima picks up the IP from their corpse.
Do you think Konami realise that 90 percent of their relevance over the past decade has been due to this man? I mean, they're going to lose out massively when he's gone, but Kojima on the other hand could probably walk into a job with any cash-rich Japanese publisher and build up a studio and a new brand to his own liking.




Seriously fuck it. Hopefully they'll contract him to make Silenthills.

As much as I want this game; Screw Konami. If they are honestly treating them this way they should pack up and leave. No reason to make money for a company like this. Kojima and his team deserve better.


And thus ends the area of people caring about Konami and any chance of getting a good Silent Hill game. Hot damn, what a crazy event.


If Konami owns the IP, I don't think MGS is going anywhere. Just like there was Ninja Gaiden 3, there will be more MGS.

I'd be really interested in seeing what Konami did with the franchise without Kojima.

I'm sure it'd be terrible, but god damn would it be interesting.

They'd be doing crazy shit like bringing Solid Snake back.
Looks like its not only kojima leaving but his whole dev staff

If they stay together, hopefully they can build an engine comparable to the Fox Engine, that thing is a beast
This is absolutely insane. This is a Capcom all over again, auteur designer gets way too big, overshadows other execs, power struggle, auteur leaves, company flounders.

Though, this feels much bigger than Infaune leaving. And at least MGSV will come out, unlike Legends 3....

Konami is fucking up big here.

Welp fuck!

ANy way that this is just a PR stunt to get EVEN more attention to the game? Please said it is!!!

Absolutely no way. Their stock is taking a hit today from this.
What the fuck else does Konami even have other than Kojima? I mean I guess they probably have a shitty mobile games division just like every other big publisher in the world, but as far as the console/PC space goes they don't have any other franchise that hasn't been run into the ground yet but Metal Gear, and without Kojima they may as well not have Metal Gear. Who the FUCK over there thought it was a good idea to do anything but give him whatever he wanted?

Kojima himself will be fine, I'm sure- there's probably at least one of the big guys willing to throw as much money as he wants at him and whoever he wants to bring along.



Metal Gear is dead then

As is Konami as a games company

Best thing to hope for is that Konami sells off their IPs and Kojima heads up a new team at Sony? MS? Nintendo? Platinum games?


damn. i liked the plushy fiefdom kojima had at konami. i'm not sure it's a slam-dunk that someone else with money will just replicate that, certainly not with the same creative freedom he had (within the metal gear series), even if they do it will take years, building up new staff like mikami had to at zenimax. awful news.


Metal Gear is dead after 2015. I hope Kojima lands in a good place and gets the resources to create another huge franchise.


Looking at my HMV Kojima poster with the oddly apt Joy Division quote

"Surrendered to self preservation,
From others who care for themselves.
A blindness that touches perfection,
But hurts just like anything else.

Isolation, isolation, isolation."


So, Konami silently dismantled KojiPro and scrubbed Kojima's name off everything they could think of, for reasons not entirely clear at this point. Then they went to bed on it and the story has gotten away from them.

Did they just not think things through, or don't they care?


Honestly like, this is good for him. Starting fresh without all that baggage?

Of course parting is sweet sorrow but I'd be on cloud 9.


The Metal Gear we know is basically dead as well. Wonder if Kojima will start up his own studio or go somewhere else considering studio startups haven't worked all that well for the Gooch and Itagaki. :(


Huh. Guess that's it for Kojima's Metal Gear Solid (and the last thing I cared about at Konami). At least the MG saga looks like it's going to come full circle with MGSV.

Hope the soon-to-be-ex-KojiPro guys and gals land on their feet.
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