I guess this means silent hills is dead. Del toro is no game maker.
Metal Gear is dead after 2015. I hope Kojima lands in a good place and gets the resources to create another huge franchise.
With multiple producer departures from Konami this week, I don't think this is solely about Kojima and Konami having a spat.
I think Konami is making a major structural change that takes them away from video games outside of one or two series. Kojima, whose position as an executive had him overseeing all video game development, clearly wasn't happy about this.
Though I also wouldn't be too quick to completely blame either party. There have always been rumors about Kojima being infamously difficult to work with as an employee. Things about him promising milestones to higher ups with no realistic way to hit them. The most repeated rumor I've heard is that he assumed MGS4 would be done long before the time they were actually trending toward and Konami had to basically shut down all other aspects of video game development to get all hands on deck to finish MGS4.
Who knows, I'd probably blame Konami way, way more than anyone else here. But I think it's clear they just want out of the video game rat race. I don't immediately want to blame them, either, because the video game rat race must suck for a Japanese third party right now. They probably pushed extra hard on Metal Gear to the exclusion of all else and that wasn't making anyone involved happy.
So did Konami, apparently
Kojima seems to have a strong interest in the mobile gaming industry. I can see him heading in that direction with a small, independant studio like a lot of vets.
"We need you to make mobile games..."Heh, now all we need is a stealthily taken photo of a secret meeting between Iwata and Kojima for maximum meltdowns.
So I'm thinking about what the smartphone Metal Gear will be like and it'll probably be pretty cool! You can make it grid based, sort of like Hitman Go, but instead of a premium product they may go with an energy thing so missions and being spotted will drain your lifebar (rations restore it but cost extra). Collecting cards of MGS characters, weapons, and vehicles and using them AC!D style will be a hoot too, and they can have special monthly events so you have a chance at "capturing" special characters like Tuxedo Snake or Pliskin with their own unique attributes.
They'll probably be able to pump it out pretty quick, too, what with Kojima not being able to stop it. A win-win situation all around.
Konami must be PISSED to start erasing the guy's name this fast.
I really wanna know what happened.
Crazy. We need this story. Unless Kojima did something really terrible I can only imagine Konami is acting like a brainless soulless corporate giant with no understanding of it's employees value. Cause he's the best/only thing they had.
That's probably going to be the case, but it's still really sad.Hopefully we get a masterpiece with TTP, then it won't be a total loss
So I'm thinking about what the smartphone Metal Gear will be like and it'll probably be pretty cool! You can make it grid based, sort of like Hitman Go, but instead of a premium product they may go with an energy thing so missions and being spotted will drain your lifebar (rations restore it but cost extra). Collecting cards of MGS characters, weapons, and vehicles and using them AC!D style will be a hoot too, and they can have special monthly events so you have a chance at "capturing" special characters like Tuxedo Snake or Pliskin with their own unique attributes.
They'll probably be able to pump it out pretty quick, too, what with Kojima not being able to stop it. A win-win situation all around.
Lol the pre-order figures must have come in."So when do you wanna do Metal Gear Solid 6?"
"What? No! No no no!"
That's disgusting.Kojima seems to have a strong interest in the mobile gaming industry. I can see him heading in that direction with a small, independant studio like a lot of vets.
So I'm thinking about what the smartphone Metal Gear will be like and it'll probably be pretty cool! You can make it grid based, sort of like Hitman Go, but instead of a premium product they may go with an energy thing so missions and being spotted will drain your lifebar (rations restore it but cost extra). Collecting cards of MGS characters, weapons, and vehicles and using them AC!D style will be a hoot too, and they can have special monthly events so you have a chance at "capturing" special characters like Tuxedo Snake or Pliskin with their own unique attributes.
They'll probably be able to pump it out pretty quick, too, what with Kojima not being able to stop it. A win-win situation all around.
If Konami owns the IP, I don't think MGS is going anywhere. Just like there was Ninja Gaiden 3, there will be more MGS.
I'll wait till the MGSV drops to $10 before I buy it, minimize the profits Konami gets.