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GameSpot: Kojima to leave Konami after MGSV, power struggle, communications embargo

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That was when Kojima invited Akio Osuka (the voice of Snake) over to the development team to give them energy to finish the game.

You see Kojima put all his heart into this project and this is how konami thanks him for that.

Konami uploaded a new one earlier today.


Now I'm sad :( I genuinely felt bad making that to mock Konami but it makes me question how they can actually do it and give no fucks.


This is a PR stunt. I'll put money on it.


When Konami finally closes the console game business side and announces to go fully mobile, Kojima will show up and scream "Surprise motherfuckers, nothing changed at all, it was all a lie, I played you like a damn fiddle and Hayter is also back on board. We tricked everyone including all investors. Did you like it?".

Come on.


Finally Kojima can make something new. You'd think after all this time he would have some ideas...

MGS, ZOE, Snatcher, who cares. Looking forward to something else.
Do you think Sony is going to give him the control he wants?

It would be glorious but I mean he is in uncharted waters now. Kojima working on non-mgs related things. Will they sell? Hell yes they will. Will they sell like MGS? Thats the million dollar question.

Sony is pretty hands off with their 1st party studios, just look at Stump's game and how he blew nearly (rumored) 50 million (or 100, it's been a while) before they pulled the plug.


Remember when Konami was a top-tier developer? Yeah, what a shame at what they have become in the last decade.

Same thing is happening at Capcom as well.


Kojima going to Sony is what could be best for gaming in regards to him having creative control, they also have Morpheus. It's going to be Destiny all over again if he goes to EA,Acti or Ubi.
To be honest, I really don't think the Sony that exists now is probably all that keen on giving *that* much creative control to its developers.


bish gets all the credit :)
Well that sucks. He was actually telling the truth this time about this being the last MGS game.

Clearly Konami were fans of David Hayter.


I actually like this line of thinking. Unfortunately as big as PC gaming is, there are sales to be missed if anything is PC exclusive.

Would be super cool, just so I could see how much he could push the envelope, but I doubt it would happen. There's pretty much zero AAA PC exclusive publishers out there.


looking forward to the inevitable independent studio he is going to form and the wii U exclusive knock off of "Alloy Rig Dense: calculated reconnaissance games"

much how Hironobu Sakaguchi formed mistwalker and made the last story...



When Konami finally closes the console game business side and announces to go fully mobile, Kojima will show up and scream "Surprise motherfuckers, nothing changed at all, it was all a lie, I played you like a damn fiddle and Hayter is also back on board. We tricked everyone including all investors. Did you like it?".

Come on.

Indeed, MGS the Movie..?
He put Kiefer on it for nothing if the movie doesn't happen.
FUCK, not only we lost Hayter we won't even capitalize on Kiefer, all of this swaparoo bullshit for nothing.

hao chi

marketing stunt, don't believe everything you read on the internet.

they said they pushed the release date back to have more time to market mgs5 and somehow now this drops....

Somehow I can't see any publisher intentionally doing something that would likely drastically lower their stock prices unless it's absolutely necessary.


My ode to Metal Gear from a regular guy -

Right when I saw the thread title, I was stunned and could not believe it. It was shocking - I had a sad feeling inside. I am not a super Metal Gear fan but a general gamer who loves Metal Gear, and is one of the titles I preorder everyone because of loving the games and wanting to support Kojima. With Kojima being involved in much of the marketing efforts of the game, although I do not follow Metal Gear closely, I got to know the the man.

When I saw this, I immediately thought is console gaming dead? I am in the U.S, and am not pro-Japanese for video games whatsoever, but it feels like the end of an era with this announcement, where ambitious creative (quirky like Metal Gear) console games are slowing becoming far and between with the standard menu taking hold of the industry (the Maddens, the Call of Duty's).

For whatever the reasons are, power is certainly one of them. Konami is literally REMOVING communications by the Kojima team (email, phones, etc.), and renaming everything with the Kojima brand. That means it is bad - where trust and boundaries have gone too far. Konami is not even allowing Kojima to market the game, his last Metal Gear to the media. Why would they not? Greater marketing and publicity leads to greater sales, but they do not care and power by Konami is more important.

I am a normal gamer, but I am sad. Very sad of this. I love Metal Gear. I do not want to see Kojima and Metal Gear go. Metal Gear will not be Metal Gear without Kojima. It is sad it had to come to this, where an once amicable relationship could not have separated on good terms.

It is never too late, and I hope Kojima and Konami can repair their relationship and come to an agreement on what's next.

I agree with these posters below - is console gaming coming to an and? Not console gaming itself but the output of major ambitious titles with creative freedom.

It just seems a lot of Japanese companies are just having a hard time with the new gaming landscape.

This why I never understand the reasoning when posters argue that the PS4 will revitalize

It's sad to me since Japanese companies--Konami, Capcom, Nintendo, Square, Enix, Namco, were so formative to my early gaming years.

I still enjoy gaming, but it's just been sad to see the decline in output with the majority of these companies. SNES to PS2 was just an amazing era of output and creativity from Japan.

I am kind of coming to the realization that this will probably be my last console generation or at least consoles will no longer be my primary platform of choice going forward. Kojima leaving Konami just kind of cements it. All of the great Japanese gaming companies I grew up with since the 8 bit days are either dead, focused on mobile now or are shadows of their former selves. I find that 99.9 percent of games Im interested in now are also on PC which I've transitioned too mostly. The only first party stuff I care about from Sony is Naughty Dog properties and I don't really care much for Microsoft's first party IP outside of maybe Halo and it seems like with Windows 10 cross buy owning an Xbox console going forward will be even more pointless since I have a PC. Metal Gear games were console sellers for me but now you can even get MGSV on PC. I cant even get excited about Final Fantssy these days. I'm starting to fail to see the point of owning a console. God help me, I'm probably going to be one of those PC/Nintendo/retro gamers next gen. God speed Kojima.


Gold Member
To what end? I don't see this being anything that could be to the advantage of anyone right now with this news leaking.

It's not like he's been mistreated at Konami. He's had birthday gifts, parties, numerous luncheons, numerous trips around the world, and fashion designers at his finger tips. He's a very important person to just have slip through your fingers. I would increase his pay and suffer the loss. I cannot see Konami saying goodbye without offering something. Think about it like this: Kojima's final MGS as his last project at Konami equals lots and lots of sales. Granted it looks excellent. It attracts attention. It gets everyone stirred up and it's also worrisome because of what we were promised with Silent Hills. I'd follow his studio and say my goodbyes to having any trust in Konami unless it's a port. What is upsetting how is debranding content. You don't just take Sid Meier off every game he's been in. You just don't. Without Kojima there's a huge piece missing from MGS. They are shredding the heart of Metal Gear Solid. In the west all you see is the money. You see money and rarely that much honor. This man deserves better.


Console warriors would rather have what is best for them than what is best for gaming.

Kind of predictable really; it's just about the e-penis of numberwang exclusives. I would rather they remain multiplatform for everyone to enjoy their games, or they follow what ideas they have and if that is only possible on one platform then they go with that


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Everyone saying that Kojima wants hardware power so Sony makes the most sense—really? We're talking about the Kojima that oversaw the release of a bunch of PS2 exclusives despite it being a lot less powerful than two of the other platforms? And who's now developing a cross-gen game? The guy who oversaw GBA game releases even after the release of PSP?

That Kojima? He seems happy to work on a variety of platforms regardless of their hardware grunt.


Wow. First Nintendo goes mobile and announces their new hardware, then Sega - SEGA!!! - brags about their success, which is a surprise whenever it happens, and now this news of Konami's imminent self-destruction. It's all happening this week, isn't it?

But what does this mean for Silent Hills? Canned, or is Guillermo del Toro going to direct the game himself now?

More to the point, what about MG Online 3? MGO - Kojima = Not A Good Idea?


I see you guys worrying about Silent Hills. What if he creates the same game but with another title? I mean, it is his vision and it is nowhere near completion. Del Toro and Reedus can leave Konami and work with Kojima.


we won't even capitalize on Kiefer, all of this swaparoo bullshit for nothing.

Konami surely will capitalize on Kiefer. I'm positive on that. Well at least they will try. Maybe MGS games without Kojima won't bomb? Who knows.

But yeah, it's a disgrace, that the last Kojima MGS won't feature Hayter as Snake.


Yep, the only things of value on PCs are indie games. Nothing with a bigger budget or cinematics ever goes there. Nor does any Japanese support.

It's not the only thing of value, but that's what he would be forced to do in his current position. It's also a damn headache to establish and manage a company for anything other than Indies.


Gold Member
Wow. First Nintendo goes mobile and announces their new hardware, then Sega - SEGA!!! - brags about their success, which is a surprise whenever it happens, and now this news of Konami's imminent self-destruction. It's all happening this week, isn't it?

But what does this mean for Silent Hills? Canned, or is Guillermo del Toro going to direct the game himself now?

Guillermo del Toro is probably having lunch with a head of a movie studio. Do you think he cares more than Kojima? I highly doubt it.
Console warriors would rather have what is best for them than what is best for gaming.

Rather than thinking about what I want, I just think that going to Sony makes a lot of sense.

Personally i'd love to see him make a new IP, AAA independent studio, working with Bethesda or TakeTwo are things that make sense to me given their approaches but I don't know if I consider that to be actually likely.

As long as I can still access his games should I wish to play them I don't mind what he does, multiplatform obviously would be better.
I don't see Kojima relocating outside of Japan, so I think that he either creates his own studio ala Platinum or goes to Sony. As mentioned before I don't think he'll work for Nintendo, specially because of their hardware policy but who knows.

I'm ambivalent regarding these news, one the one hand I fear he might end up in a position where he'll be unable to make games like MGS anymore, on the other I am exicted to see him getting out of Konami's clutches and Metal Gear's shackles. We'll see.


Neo Member
Fuck Konami.

You killed Silent Hill by handing it off to small developers, and forcing shitty Korn music into the game. You've now killed the only chance Silent Hill had of ever making a comeback.

You had MGS, you had Silent Hill, now you will have fuck all. Well done.


That's why it's brilliant. Kojima's team could offer something to Nintendo they currently do not have.

Eeehhhhh. Most of Kojima's fans are on Playstation. I can't imagine the tag "A HIDEO KOJIMA GAME" will have much value to the average Nintendo die-hard.


Nah Kojima doesn't need ND. He needs his own thing so he can fully realize his vision.

Even if Sony did come up with an exclusive publishing deal, Kojima would not be at Naughty Dog. If anything it would be at Sony Japan but he would probably just be running a separate studio.


It's not the only thing of value, but that's what he would be forced to do in his current position. It's also a damn headache to establish and manage a company for anything other than Indies.

Interestingly enough, a mostly-crowd-funded Star Citizen game cost about the same amount as MGS IV. So, no. You're wrong.


To be honest, I really don't think the Sony that exists now is probably all that keen on giving *that* much creative control to its developers.

I think, at least for the first game, MS and Sony would both give him a blank check to do anything he wants.

He's just too big a get.
Does Kojima get to take his engine with him? What happens to Silent Hills, and would Konami even dare to continue Metal Gear without Kojima? This is fucking sad.
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