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Gamespot: Our complete list of 10/10 reviews and how they're decided


ITT people act like GTA IV wasn't an amazing game

It was brilliant, the world felt alive for the first time in the series. The graphics were great, and the main character was something different

And they made combat fun, which it was not in the ps2 games


Gold Member
I respect their perfect scores, but I'm also from the generation that took Famitsu's perfect scores to heart.

They aren't necessarily the same thing because western journalist tend to weigh in a different mindset IMO. I felt that FFXII deserved a perfect score, OOT, and a few other games.

I'm happy that MGSV did well and that we didn't see this sudden decrease in over all appreciation of Japanese games period.

I'm not quite sure if most news agencies would agree with Famitsu and their 4 person-10 point score 40/40 review system. I think it is wise to have more than 1 person reviewing games. I remember listening to Jeff Gerstmann talk about Chrono Cross receiving the perfect score and yes we all had mix views about it. I had it on launch and enjoyed it, but that's because it was the sequel to Chrono Trigger. Years later, and this has been said in the thread, that game had nothing else to compare it to.

If you stack games up side by side, each game out does the last one, which in some cases isn't the point. Zelda:OOT had some things about it that not every other title did and I can definitely say FFXII has done better in many different ways than a lot of other entries have.

Perfect 10's says a lot when you're use to seeing 7's or 8's. Even Polygon's 6.5 is enough to think something is up with how games are scored by a wide audience. A perfect 10 shows a game is good even if it's really a solid 8.5 or a 9. I just tend to think the person reviewing it had a good time versus "OMG THIS WILL CHANGE EVERYBODY'S MIND".


And they made combat fun, which it was not in the ps2 games

One half-step forward with the gunplay, two steps back with the car handling.

Rockstar didn't make fun combat until Red Dead. Snap-on aiming on the PS2 games was always the worst part of it, but GTA IV doesn't really improve it that much.

Also, standards for third-person combat had advanced well ahead of GTA IV by 2008, so it felt even further behind for its time than the PS2 games did.


I personally would give Majora's Mask a 10/10 over OoT, but I won't argue it's a masterpiece.

Soulcalibur was fun, but mechanically speaking SCII - SCV exceed it IMO.

Can't remember any of the Tony Hawk games very well.

GTA IV was probably one of the biggest overreactions on this list. Definitely not as fun as the PS2 games.

Bayonetta 2 was worse than the original, and the original was held back by some unfortunate design choices. 9+ sure, for both, but I don't think they are truly 10/10 worthy.

I thought Journey was pretty damn overrated, it was beautiful, but it left me wishing it had been longer.
I'd pick Tony Hawk 2 over Tony Hawk 3. And GTAIV is just a game that didn't hold up against greater scrutiny, and didn't hold up over time, but was still great when it came out. Definitely had a lot of 'wow' moments, that years later the game is easy to see through.


I thought Journey was pretty damn overrated, it was beautiful, but it left me wishing it had been longer.
Making it longer sure seems like the best way to ruin the game by killing its perfect pacing, to me.

It's the perfect length for playing in one sitting, as its meant to be.


I'm not quite sure if most news agencies would agree with Famitsu and their 4 person-10 point score 40/40 review system. I think it is wise to have more than 1 person reviewing games.

I think they're scoring system is good but they don't use it that way at all. I hate to be the "omg paid reviews" guy but i truly believe famitsu scores are based on those and hype alone. The Demon's Souls fiasco really outed a lot of people.
Ocarina is the GOAT. I noticed that all my casual video game friends completed love GTA IV but everybody on the internet hates it. Biggest difference in opinion only rivaled by COD.
I... Don't really like this list of 10's very much. I don't think Chrono, Bayo 2, SMG2, Tony 3, GTAIV belong and there are a bunch of omissions. With all of those, it kind of feels like "we didn't give a 10 to the last game in the series that actually deserved it, so here's a sympathy 10 for the sequel". But whatever, lists are gonna list.



I looked it up, yeah, it's Dimitri Rascalov. I don't get what people see in Niko's story, it's typical Houser movie-ripoff nonsense, it's no better or worse than all the other Houser movie-ripoff nonsense stories.

When it comes to GTA, Houser has always put more effort into the supporting cast of characters than the actual main plot. GTA games have always been more about who you meet than what you do.


Reviewer says GTA IV is the best GTA ever. That's just crazy talk, even for 2008. He just liked Niko Bellic a lot, and in hindsight, Niko wasn't really all that great of a character.

The thing people remember most about GTA IV's story is how annoying Cousin Roman was, I think that says everything. People don't talk about that game's story these days the way the reviewer did back then.

Can anyone even remember the name of the character that Niko is getting revenge against, without Googling it? I sure as heeeeeeelllll can't. It's a forgettable plot.



Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but i have always found the perfect score(s) around GTA4 to be particularly baffling. The game was flawed to the point where I'd actually call it bad. And this is an opinion I came to in 2008, not 2015.
zelda 00t
witcher 3
soul caliber

are the only games on that list i would consider 10s, i could see mario galaxy 2 being a 10 for me as well but never played it. don't get the hate for the witcher 3 combat, it shits on most open word game with similar combat, its not like you can button mash your way out in hard difficulties


I would consider only one of those games (that I have played) to be a 10/10 game, and even only then because of its staggering levels of narrative fan service.

People also shit on GTAIV too much, the game was incredible at the time.


I would consider only one of those games (that I have played) to be a 10/10 game, and even only then because of its staggering levels of narrative fan service.

People also shit on GTAIV too much, the game was incredible at the time.
GTA III was incredible for its time, has aged poorly, and doesn't get shit on.

Maybe GTA IV gets shit on because it wasn't actually as incredible for its time as it was made out to be.


GTA III was incredible for its time, has aged poorly, and doesn't get shit on.

Maybe GTA IV gets shit on because it wasn't actually as incredible for its time as it was made out to be.

There were disappointing aspects to it granted, many of which were addressed in the DLC. These were very minor in comparison to the package we got, which was incredible. As was 3.
GTA IV was amazing at the time. I think Liberty City was the most realistic and gritty setting in the series so far. I enjoyed the story too, once it got going. I'm in agreement with the majority of that list.
zelda 00t
witcher 3
soul caliber

are the only games on that list i would consider 10s, i could see mario galaxy 2 being a 10 for me as well but never played it. don't get the hate for the witcher 3 combat, it shits on most open word game with similar combate, its not like you can button mash your way out in hard difficulties

Soul Calibur was a good game but a MASSIVE step down from soul blade ps1 in the gameplay department.

Graphically it was light years past everything else including its own arcade version(!) But I was pretty pissed the actual game had half the content of the previous entry.


There were disappointing aspects to it granted, many of which were addressed in the DLC. These were very minor in comparison to the package we got, which was incredible. As was 3.

Gay Tony was cool, but Lost and the Damned was just more GTA IV. I was glad to see Trevor bash in Johnny Klebitz's head at the beginning of GTA V.


Pretty sure they were reviewing the soundtrack in Chrono Cross and not the game itself.

Thumbs up for Soul Calibur and The Witcher 3, though. Well deserved 10s.


Why did Journey get a 10? is it because it was free for people who bought it b4? because many remasters did a better job and yet they didn't get an increase from 9 to 10 for example.


The Witcher 3 is the least deserving 10 on their list, with a much larger list of far more deserving games.

Otherwise, not bad.
Chrono Cross is a weird game because, as the follow-up/successor to Chrono Trigger, it had a lot to live up to, and frankly I think the gameplay in Chrono Cross is garbage, but I played through that game because it has some of the best goddamn music ever in video games, and I dare anyone try and refute that.

10/10 though?..mmmmmm no. I mean hey, everyone has the right to an opinion, but I remember Jeff talking about the story on this one, it being given to a freelancer, and at the time they figured "10 means perfect", and Jeff asking the guy after the review "so you think that game's perfect?" and him responding "I never said it was perfect" and Jeff telling the story he was furious afterwards.

GTA IV, I don't agree with the 10/10, even when it came out. I think people were just so caught in the zeitgeist, that game does not hold up, and hell, I wasn't all that impressed when I played it on PC when it launched (bad port-job aside).

Come on, Garbage though?
Man, just seeing some of the older games listed here really brings me back. I used to browse Gamespot all the time due to guys like Greg Kasavin and Jeff Gertsmann! I loved their content and how they viewed things.

On the subject of 10 out of 10 games or even rating system, I'm not sure if it's something I agree with. I feel the body of the text should do the the talking, and by the end of it you should have an idea of what you're in for and if it's something you want.


Huh, I didn't even realize they gave the PS4 port of Journey a perfect score. Weird to think that the only thing holding back the original release from a perfect score was an increased resolution and frame rate.


Ocarina is almost a rite of passage for any young person who wants to be a gamer. They were correct at the time when they said we would still be talking about it today. Forget about 10 years, more like 30.


the first 4 10s took a 3 year period, and then a 10 year gap before another one.

they've given 4 10s over the last 10 months

This is just observational and not intended to be biased

Now the bias:

There are better god damn games released between 2001 and 2008 that deserve 10s more than THPS3 and GTA4 (especially GTA)

Bayonetta 2 and SMG2 are the only good games on that list



Huh, I didn't even realize they gave the PS4 port of Journey a perfect score. Weird to think that the only thing holding back the original release from a perfect score was an increased resolution and frame rate.

Different reviewers ;)
CTRL+F = Metroid Prime

That Ocarina summary gives me goosebumps. If you weren't there at the time then it's difficult to convey just how momemtous it's release and the ensuing hype felt. It really was perfect.

Ocarina of Time was the Matrix of the videogames world back then, we were all amazed by that game back in 1998. No game did ever or will do that to hardcore gamers, because these days we all know what to expect from graphics to gameplay.

If there was one 10. This is still it. Yeah the graphics don't hold up great. There are a lot of play mechanics that are better now. But both of these quotes above nail it. Nothing like it before and paved the ways for years. Funny that he mentions the Matrix because the next game that does this again will probably be a vr game.


GTA IV's reception will forever be a stain on the industry.

I still like the game, but I mean... compare it to Red Dead Redemption and GTA V and a 10 it is not, even for its time. Those games weren't that far off and it wasn't hard to imagine playing better games than GTA IV in 2008, especially since it was a step backwards from the PS2 games in so many ways.

Man, this. I will NEVER understand GTAIV's reception. Honestly the worst GTA I've played (started with 3). Didn't even bother to finish.
Interesting list, weird that there was such a huge gap between 2001 and 2008. Totally disagree with their 10/10 of Journey, Bayo 2, and GTA4 though.

I would have put Mass Effect 2, GTA5, TLOU, Arkham City, Fallout NV, AC4, and World of Warcraft in that list instead but I totally understand its all a subjective thing.

Still weird that there is such a big drought in their lists during the prime 360/ps3 years.
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