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Gamespot: Our complete list of 10/10 reviews and how they're decided

I still remember buying GTA4 on release day and playing for about 10 hours and not liking it. My feeble brain couldn't comprehend why. I really really really thought I was going to love it, but I didn't even like it. I straight up hated it and aside from the productions values I thought it was a bad game.
Im still not quite sure what happened with that game. And I'm still not sure if I'm the minority or majority.


Junior Member
Ocarina of Time was the Matrix of the videogames world back then, we were all amazed by that game back in 1998. No game did ever or will do that to hardcore gamers, because these days we all know what to expect from graphics to gameplay.


Its as if they haven't played beyond Act 1. The first act was impressive for a PS3 game, though by no means the most technically stunning game. But the game really fell apart after it, mostly rail shooter and some bad stealth segments (the camera broke because this game doesn't allow it breh) with fucking dwarf robots. Chaffs were the fucking rarest item, because stealthing past those robots was so fun.

MGS3 was more stunning. Even technically. The amount of detail that went into that game was insane.

Agreed completely.


I still remember buying GTA4 on release day and playing for about 10 hours and not liking it. My feeble brain couldn't comprehend why. I really really really thought I was going to love it, but I didn't even like it. I straight up hated it and aside from the productions values I thought it was a bad game.
Im still not quite sure what happened with that game. And I'm still not sure if I'm the minority or majority.

Well, when one of the main activities in your game is driving a car and you suddenly make cars not fun to drive anymore, that is probably not a good thing.

They took the focus away from sandboxy fun to focus on (an attempt at) a grounded story. Thankfully, GTA V was the exact opposite and a return to form.


what the fuck am I reading

The massive and unwarranted overhype for MGS4 is something that I'm really never going to forget. "The most technically stunning video game ever", released one year after Crysis, and was not even the best loooking PS3 game at the time (Uncharted had been released the year before).

huh? MGS4 looks so much better than UC1


10/10 doesn't mean perfect, but it means "as good as a game can be at the time it is released". I can't find fault with any of these given the time they were released.

That said, in the early days Gamespot's scoring system called it "Perfect", which they have since amended in their modern scoring system. No game is perfect, but it can be best in class.


GTA IV's reception will forever be a stain on the industry.

I still like the game, but I mean... compare it to Red Dead Redemption and GTA V and a 10 it is not, even for its time. Those games weren't that far off and it wasn't hard to imagine playing better games than GTA IV in 2008, especially since it was a step backwards from the PS2 games in so many ways.
GtaIV has the best realized cast of characters of all time. From the voice acting to the writting to the animations and the unique character models. No game comes close to having memorable characters that were taken as far as can be in an engrossing narative.


Ocarina of Time was the Matrix of the videogames world back then, we were all amazed by that game back in 1998. No game did ever or will do that to hardcore gamers, because these days we all know what to expect from graphics to gameplay.
I think the possibilities for surprising new experiences are there with VR.

Right now to me, VR seems as much the uncertain future as games going from 2D to 3D was in the 90s.
ITT entitled people think their opinion is somehow more valid than other people's opinion, so much so that they believe their opinions to be hard fact
I've played all of those except Chrono Cross and MGSV (obviously). The only ones I'd personally give a 10/10 to are Ocarina of Time and Super Mario Galaxy 2.

I'd give the rest of them pretty high marks though (9 or above), except MGS4. That's the one real outlier to me...it was a staggering drop in quality from the first three games, especially as the follow-up to the masterpiece that MGS3 was.

There are only a handful of games over the years that have gotten overwhelmingly positive critical praise where I just haven't been able to understand why, and MGS4 is definitely on that list.
I think the possibilities for surprising new experiences are there with VR.

Right now to me, VR seems as much the uncertain future as games going from 2D to 3D was in the 90s.

Ahh man, I completely agree. VR has sooooooo much potential, and it has yet to stick in the past, but it feels like the tech is finally catching up to the dream and it has me incredibly excited.


GTAV is more deserving of a 10 than GTAIV

Also, it's weird that Journey for PS3 is a 9 and the PS4 version is a 10 with there being no difference between them besides resolution and frame rate.

GameSpot has been much more liberal with their use of 10s the past. Eleven 10s in the history of GameSpot and 4 has occurred in the past year


ITT entitled people think their opinion is somehow more valid than other people's opinion, so much so that they believe their opinions to be hard fact

It's just Gamespot reviews, dude, it's not the divine word of God etched into stone or anything.

Everything is going to be okay.
Grand Theft Auto IV deserved that ten and every other ten it got. I'm not saying that with a hint of irony in me. It truly deserved tens.

Come at me.
Even at the time, I thought GTA wasn't perfect. Fantastic, but not perfect. And this is besides the fact that the game aged extremely quickly. Faster than any other game, to be quite honest.
Chrono Cross is a weird game because, as the follow-up/successor to Chrono Trigger, it had a lot to live up to, and frankly I think the gameplay in Chrono Cross is garbage, but I played through that game because it has some of the best goddamn music ever in video games, and I dare anyone try and refute that.

10/10 though?..mmmmmm no. I mean hey, everyone has the right to an opinion, but I remember Jeff talking about the story on this one, it being given to a freelancer, and at the time they figured "10 means perfect", and Jeff asking the guy after the review "so you think that game's perfect?" and him responding "I never said it was perfect" and Jeff telling the story he was furious afterwards.

GTA IV, I don't agree with the 10/10, even when it came out. I think people were just so caught in the zeitgeist, that game does not hold up, and hell, I wasn't all that impressed when I played it on PC when it launched (bad port-job aside).


Chrono Cross is pretty average, no way it deserved a 10 over FFVI to FFIX, Chrono Trigger or other high profile RPGs.


I think the possibilities for surprising new experiences are there with VR.

Right now to me, VR seems as much the uncertain future as games going from 2D to 3D was in the 90s.
Completely in with your line of thinking. 100% this, along with AR and other immersive similar experiences


Over the years, Gamespot have been one of the toughest review outlets. If they gave a game a 10, that means there's definitely something really special about that game. IGN have always been much looser with their scores in comparison. I still remember the amount of uproar there was over the Zelda 8.8 at Gamespot.

I don't think Gamespot has the same cadre of reviewers as they use to have, after Gertsmann left they took a hit, but their reviews really did mean a lot back in the day. They were really top rate. Reviews don't mean that much anymore though.


Lol I knew this thread would just be people crapping on GTA IV. Yeah while I loved IV, and I'm a big GTA fanboy, it should not of gotten all the perfect scores it did. Great game but not THAT great. Any GTA console game post III is better. Whatever though, was is IV seven years old now? Is what it is.


sparkle this bitch
Hahaha at MGSIV being there.

Same with GTAIV.

Two shit stains.

And anyone who denies THPS3 its rightful place is wrong. They perfected the formula.


And none of them would be on my top 10 list.

Not a fan of GTA, tried to like but they just controlled too poorly for me as shooters or driving game.

Did not like Bayo 1 on 360, more a gaiden guy.

Only game I enjoyed out of that was MGS4, and not played Witcher or MGS5 yet.

Its just opinions.
THPS3 deserved it. There, I said it.

By adding the revert to the game mechanics, they blew the door open on the combo system, and made vert play equal to street play.

Toss in the much larger and more detailed stages, and it was a recipe for greatness. Honestly, I don't think the series ever again approached it in terms of overall package.

Chrono cross, I dunno. As a standalone game, it's pretty amazing. As a sequel to CT, it falls short.

Journey i'll give it to as well. Probably some of my favorite presentation and emotional design in a game ever.

Soul C: no real issue here.

GTA 4: lol nope.

MGS 4: lol nope.

SMG 2: i'd give it just short of a 10 honestly. It felt more like a level pack for SMG released as a standalone product to me.

OoT; yeah, it's a 10. Even all these years later it's still pretty amazing in terms of design. It was wildly influential as far as how 3d action/adventure games would play. I'd say more lessons were learned from OoT then were learned from Mario 64.


Personally, I'd give MGS4 a 7 on a real 10 scale. It's not even the best game of the franchise. Most points being knocked off for Kojima's insane writing. A marriage proposal in the middle of a gun fight... I cringe every time. Kojima desperately needed an editor.


OoT and maaaybe SMG2 are the only ones on this list I agree with. Also, technically speaking THPS3 is a pretty perfect skateboarding game.

MGS4 I'd give really, really close to a 10. There, I said it. Screw the haters.

Bayo 2 is a really, really great game. Dunno if I'd give it a 10, but I can see why a reviewer gave it that.

I never got through Chrono Cross.

SoulCalibur is an excellent game but I'm not sure I'd give it a 10, either. It was pretty revolutionary for it's time, though.

The Witcher 3 and GTAIV, though? Ha. If you overlook huge issues with either of those they might deserve a 9.

Opinions, though, I guess.


Fully agree with Galaxy 2 inching ever so slightly past Galaxy 1 for that perfect score. Both games are phenomenal but Galaxy 2 did the impossible and made a seemingly flawless game even better than I could hope.
ITT entitled people think their opinion is somehow more valid than other people's opinion, so much so that they believe their opinions to be hard fact

ITT somebody doesn't realize they're on a message board full of videogame enthusiasts and misconstrues people posting their strong opinions as them being entitled, and belittles them for it


2008 was the year when western game reviews became a joke.

GTA4 and MGS4 are both far from deservering anything close to a 10, both are extremly boring and mediocre at best entries in there respective serises.

both a far cry from previous entires gta san andreas and mgs 3.


Super hyped for again and most likely mainstream = 10/10

2008 was the year when western game reviews became a joke.

GTA4 and MGS4 are both far from deservering anything close to a 10, both are extremly boring and mediocre at best entries in there respective serises.

both a far cry from previous entires gta san andreas and mgs 3.

My thought exactly. also Bayonetta 1 is a head of Bayonetta 2 when it comes to much much deeper combat(aka the most important thing in the game) and balancing in higher difficulties.


Bayonetta 2 and Witcher 3 were very deserving of those scores.IMO

I think it's crazy to give either of these games more than an 8/10.

Witcher 3 has too many problems with pacing and quite frankly it's a buggy mess.

Bayonetta 2 is inferior to the first one.
The Witcher 3 is pretty much the pinnacle of big budget WRPGs and will likely continue to do so until possibly CDProjekt's next game.

Anyway I don't really enjoy a number scoring system. I feel that game's are too different from one another to score them right next to each other. I usually rank games on some sort of tier system.

S-tier = One of the best games I've ever played
A-tier = Fantastic game, in the running for GOTY
B-tier = Good game, very enjoyable
C-tier = Decent, an enjoyable experience
D-tier = Mediocre
F-tier = Bad

It wasn't better in some aspects to the original, but it was a better overall experience. Didn't have the insta death QTE deaths or overly long Arcade segments as the original.
Even if it didn't top the climatic final battle of the original it was still a great game that had a wonderful pace and a great balance between cutscene and gameplay.

I find it odd that some people prefer Bayonetta 1 over 2. Outside of Urban Climax and a few bosses that don't work as well with witch time turned off, Bayonetta 2 is better than the original in every way. I was actually a bit disappointed by the original when I played it due to all of the insane hyper around it.


The Witcher 3 is so close to being a masterpiece. Fix the technical problems and change the combat to something more like Dragon's Dogma and you're looking at 10/10.


I absolutely believe MGS4 is worthy of a 10. The story was mind blowing. Maybe the fan in me is biasing my judgement. I don't necessarily think so. MGS series is my favorite game series of all time and many others, especially among game enthusiasts. Given game enthusiasts are generally rating games, it's obvious the game received a perfect score for the fan service cash out.

Additionally, it gave us some of the most memorable moments in gaming like Snake crawling through a microwave in pursuit of revealing the identity of the Patriots.

Btw, the largest complaint I've seen is lack of gameplay. Okay, I get it and see why it is a complaint. However, those first two acts are gaming bliss. The Middle East and South America offer so much replayability. And as always, the boss battles were exhilarating, meaningful and challenging. Shit, I even loved act 3. Sneaking around Prague trying to rendezvous with whom turns into one of the best twists in gaming was an brilliantly executed, especially within the context at that moment in the game. And that boss fight following immediately after, fuckkkkk, it was epic.

All in all, haters be damned, MGS4 is a masterpiece.
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