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Gamespot's Fable review...





Li Mu Bai

Note to the kiddies: IGN X-Box is a buzzing hive of fanboys, with a nice long illustrious history of overanking their games. GS & IGN Cube & IGN PS2's game scores tend to correspond moreso with Gamespot's. (esp. IGN Cube) 8.6 is by no means a poor score, & I will play it nonetheless to formulate my own opinion.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
Fable is a well-put-together but standard action adventure, primarily consisting of lots of basic combat and running from point to point. Mind you, this is a decidedly great game, all in all.Its most interesting, riskiest features may lie at the fringes rather than at the core--but they're there.

Yet, however you choose to spend your time with the game, you should be able to squeeze a good 20 to 30 hours out of it when all is said and done.

Fable is an imaginative game that's got enough remarkable, unique moments in it to make it shine. That many of these moments happen to be good for a laugh is all the better. It's true that the game's high points are not always frequent--its ambitions are evident but not always fulfilled, and the pervasively playful spirit of the game sometimes is mired by convention. These trespasses are more than excusable, though. Regardless of how much time you ultimately spend playing Fable, you're not likely to forget the experience for a long while.

Sounds good to me


8.6 is a good score.

sonycowboy said:
Tales of Syphonia 8.8 > Fable 8.6.


It will be somewhat disappointing if Fable isn't better than ToS. ToS does r0x (in a pretty good, not great way,) but I had higher expectations of Fable.


How long is Pikmin 2 susposed to be? It's a fantastic sequel thus far, but I've played maybe two/two and a half hours and the debt is 30% repaid, approaching 40%.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Alex said:
How long is Pikmin 2 susposed to be? It's a fantastic sequel thus far, but I've played maybe two/two and a half hours and the debt is 30% repaid, approaching 40%.

Well, paying off the debt is not too long but there's more after paying it off.


Li Mu Bai said:
Note to the kiddies: IGN X-Box is a buzzing hive of fanboys, with a nice long illustrious history of overanking their games. GS & IGN Cube & IGN PS2's game scores tend to correspond moreso with Gamespot's. (esp. IGN Cube) 8.6 is by no means a poor score, & I will play it nonetheless to formulate my own opinion.

Gee, the difference between IGN's score and Gamespot's score is the same as the difference between GMR's score and Gamespot's score. Does that mean that GMR is a buzzing hive of Xbox trolls?

More importantly, how the hell can you appraise whether the game was properly rated by either reviewer if you haven't even played the game?

Some people...


WWE RAW, Wreckless, WWE RAW 2, GunValkyrie, Brute Force, etc did not deserve 9's from IGNXbox. That's where it comes from.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
GSG Flash said:
Well, paying off the debt is not too long but there's more after paying it off.

paying off the debt=returning about 50% of the treasures. Besides, your collection rate will probably slow down quite a bit as the challenge increases. mine did.


Ah, I see. I'm not expecting some 30-hour monster like IGN Cube rambled on about, but if I crushed the game in Pikmin 1 time, despite how fun it is, I'd be pissed.

To return to topic, I pre-ordered Fable when I bought Pikmin 2, fun times.


How I hate this trend of simplifying, streamlining, and removing hard decisions.

E.g. having chapels that allow for insta-alignment change is a ridiculous nod to the casual I-don't-want-to-have-to-live-with-my-decisions crowd, the same crowd that Ion Storm tried to woo in Invisible War.


From the sound of the review, it sounds more like a 9.0 instead of an 8.6, but I guess Gamespot is going more for the "use the full score spectrum" strategy while IGN usually uses the 5.0 to 10.0 range.


Speevy said:
WWE RAW, Wreckless, WWE RAW 2, GunValkyrie, Brute Force, etc did not deserve 9's from IGNXbox. That's where it comes from.

Let's not forget their Halo 2 should be quaking in it's boots type comment for GOTY in their preview after about 2 hours of play. That type of hype is ridculous given the GMR and Gamespot reviews.


Li Mu Bai said:
And Blinx sure as hell didn't deserve an 8.8 (6.3 from GS) Try to accept it IJoel, I know it's difficult.

Speechless... just... wait... it's actually hilarious.



8.6 is a good score. Not a great one but good. Btw the topic title should be:

Gamespot's Fable review (XBOXIGN OWNED!!!)


I think the most important review attribute is the Tilt. He tilted it 9.0, not 8.0 which he easily could of done. Shows in the end he really enjoyed it.


Oh crap... I guess I'll have to call up EB and cancel my preorder. I can't believe it turned out so shitty.

pfffft... Hell yah I want my cheesy poofs.


Sysgen said:
I think the most important review attribute is the Tilt. He tilted it 9.0, not 8.0 which he easily could of done. Shows in the end he really enjoyed it.

Yep, that he did.

Fable is an imaginative game that's got enough remarkable, unique moments in it to make it shine. That many of these moments happen to be good for a laugh is all the better. It's true that the game's high points are not always frequent--its ambitions are evident but not always fulfilled, and the pervasively playful spirit of the game sometimes is mired by convention. These trespasses are more than excusable, though. Regardless of how much time you ultimately spend playing Fable, you're not likely to forget the experience for a long while.


"And Blinx sure as hell didn't deserve an 8.8 (6.3 from GS) Try to accept it IJoel, I know it's difficult."



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
sonycowboy said:
Tales of Syphonia 8.8 > Fable 8.6.


That hardly means anything...

I mean, Star Ocean 3 got a 7.9 and I like it a whole lot more than ToS (not that ToS isn't a good game). :)


IGN - 9.3
TXB - 9.1
Gamespot - 8.6
GMR - 8/10

Very good scores so far across the board. There's still XBN and EGM to wait for and a few others. I think XBN will score this a 9 and EGM will average high 8's.
8.6 seems decent enough. I'm still renting to see what I think of the game though. Theres no way I'm making a purhase based on some reviewers personal tastes in games.
All the people who think IGN gave Fable a score that is seemingly higher than it deserves and are wondering why, remember that IGN reviewed it early compared to most other places. And then go and find Gamespot's rule on not accepting exclusive early reviews because the company offering it expect a great score no matter what in exchange.

IGN has been rumored to do this for a couple of years now, and I have no doubt in my mind that Game Informer does the same, or at least did once with Star Wars Galaxies (gave it a 9.5 in a review that took place 2 months before the game was even released, at which point is was practically unplayable. Imagine how shoddy it was at the time of the review.)


Soundwave 2k4 said:
All the people who think IGN gave Fable a score that is seemingly higher than it deserves and are wondering why, remember that IGN reviewed it early compared to most other places. And then go and find Gamespot's rule on not accepting exclusive early reviews because the company offering it expect a great score no matter what in exchange.

IGN has been rumored to do this for a couple of years now, and I have no doubt in my mind that Game Informer does the same, or at least did once with Star Wars Galaxies (gave it a 9.5 in a review that took place 2 months before the game was even released, at which point is was practically unplayable. Imagine how shoddy it was at the time of the review.)

That's a very good observation Soundwave.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Not that the score isn't good, but Fable has dropped quite a lot of places on the "games I want this year" list. That's only because there are so many great games coming out though.

I'll get it eventually, might as well wait for an offer or until it drops in price. Maybe I'll find it second hand.

I could still get it this year I suppose, but I reckon I can only afford 5 games (and I certainly don't have time for more than that) and Pikmin 2 and Burnout 3 have already taken two of those spots. I'd be amazed if Halo 2 and MP2 didn't get scores to justify two of the other spots, and there'd have to be a hell of a lot of disappointing games for Fable to sneak back in. Surely one of KOTOR2, MGS3, Paper Mario 2, Mario Tennis, Viewtiful Joe 2, GTA: SA and Ratchet & Clank: UYA will be as good as we all hope.
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