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Gamespy Fable review

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.


In the end, though, what matters is just how meaningful that one playthrough is. Fable is lovingly crafted, accomplished, and, most of all, entertaining. Everything that makes it unique has been implemented so seamlessly that you don't notice it immediately, but once you realize it's there, it encourages you to further explore its rich world. This is something that any RPG fan with an Xbox should definitely experience.

Sounds more like 5/5
"Is 80% a bad score now? Does GS ever use half stars?"

They didn't used to, but Sly 2 just got 4.5/5 stars, so I guess they do now.

Also, they gamespy guys have said that the stars don't directly correlate to a percentage, so 4 stars from them doesn't mean the reviewer would give it 80%. The guy that reviewed Jak 2 gave it 2 stars, but said that if he had to give it a percentage, it would be low to mid 60%.
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