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Gametrailers Thread: Good Night and Good Game


GT seems pretty down on VR, regardless of how they show it, maybe it's just an impression i'm getting, because i'm so stoked about it.

Although both Bloodworth and Huber (Don, too) seemed to like it, so it's just a matter of not having tried it yet.

I'm pretty sure most of them have tried it and when they've talked about it, it was positive. Ben and Brandon I'm sure have. But it's there's just no good way of putting it on stage, I was pretty bored.


GT seems pretty down on VR, regardless of how they show it, maybe it's just an impression i'm getting, because i'm so stoked about it.

Although both Bloodworth and Huber (Don, too) seemed to like it, so it's just a matter of not having tried it yet.
Yeah, it's not just you.
One thing I've noticed is that they will focus more on how vr is presented than the content itself.
Hopefully when when vr is getting some tangible releases, some of the staff's opinions turn around.


I'm pretty sure most of them have tried it and when they've talked about it, it was positive. Ben and Brandon I'm sure have. But it's there's just no good way of putting it on stage, I was pretty bored.

I should point out it's a vibe i got even at this E3, where Blood seemed the only one excited by the technology.
But again, maybe just a wrong impression.

Maybe they'll post here about it. :p

VR just looks silly, nothing they've shown has changed that perception imo.

NOthing they've shown today, no, but in general i strongly disagree.


I've messed around with my friends PC vr thing, it's not for me. I'd rather just play with a TV and controller in hand, normally.

I'm liking this daylight savings cross over with america, getting to watch a lot of GT before falling asleep :]


Eh, I think they're talking more about the way VR is being sold, and their point is totally valid there. Generic actors in Iron Man ripoff view being terrible at pretending they're playing a game is basically a step above faked Kinect demonstrations. They'd do better stealing 90 seconds worth of YouTube clips of people falling over and having authentic reactions when they take of the headset, but for some reason there always needs to be this thick layer of insincere production gloss over everything.


I find live-commentaries hard to watch in general. Commentators tend to implant a tone in the audience that effects how they think of the stream. I hate watching a trailer in a conference that I'm liking, but then the commentator will talk about how it sucks, so it makes me think twice. It's annoying more so when they say something negative. If a commentator says, "this whole thing sucks" I tend to get frustrated because I want to enjoy myself. When they say something is overly positive, the worst thing I think is, "huh, that's odd how they like that," but don't think of it much more than that.

I like to watch the conferences alone and then watch again with the commentary to see what others thought. I haven't seen the GT reactions to PGS


The only big discrepancy for me was with VR, because again, i'm super excited for the real thing... but i get their point about how hard it is to sell it.
Still, something like Robinson looked really cool to me.

Beyond that, and aside from Brandon being a big Star Wars fanboy (it is endearing, tho), and Matt Blair getting passive aggressive with chat commenting on that floating rock (but i've already mentioned how i just don't jell with his personality, shit happens), i didn't feel like they were ever obnoxious during it, it was as good as usual.

I do get your point though, ito, though i personally don't really experience that.


I find live-commentaries hard to watch in general. Commentators tend to implant a tone in the audience that effects how they think of the stream. I hate watching a trailer in a conference that I'm liking, but then the commentator will talk about how it sucks, so it makes me think twice. It's annoying more so when they say something negative. If a commentator says, "this whole thing sucks" I tend to get frustrated because I want to enjoy myself. When they say something is overly positive, the worst thing I think is, "huh, that's odd how they like that," but don't think of it much more than that.

I like to watch the conferences alone and then watch again with the commentary to see what others thought. I haven't seen the GT reactions to PGS

This is exactly how it is for me as well. Really allows you to form a better opinion about whats being shown as well.
Watching a conference live with commentary only makes sense, if you agree with the views and opinions of the people who are commenting. It's obviously expected that they react to specific scenes and talk over trailers and the presenters. Of course Brandon gets all giddy during the Star Wars trailer, much like Ben was pumped about Gravity Rush 2. But that's pretty much what I want to see and that's okay, because the conference itself wasn't a big deal for me. If it wasn't for Kara at the end, I would've felt like I had wasted my time. The only thing that was a bit of a bummer, was the short analysis after the conference.

Mikey Jr.

What was with the hard cut on the last ff7 stream?

Didn't get to see that sweet omnislash.

I'm blaming bosman. He pulled something when he got up.


I loved GT Live this week. I've been a fan of Jirard for years so it was awesome seeing him interact with GT. They should do more stuff together.


Just hearing that guy on GT live talk about beating every game at 100%, made me anxious.
I've never been a completionist myself (only platinum I have is Bloodborne) and it sounds tedious as fuck, to chase after every little meaningless thing.
At the same time, mad respect for the dude and his cosmic patience.


I'd love to see Brandon do a trailer score for NieR: Automata. Something I miss about the full Let's All Go is they talked about 4-5 smaller trailers for a few minutes each.


Just hearing that guy on GT live talk about beating every game at 100%, made me anxious.
I've never been a completionist myself (only platinum I have is Bloodborne) and it sounds tedious as fuck, to chase after every little meaningless thing.
At the same time, mad respect for the dude and his cosmic patience.

Honestly, I don't know how he still cares about video games. The crunch sessions I have where I try and scrape up the last trophies feel like such a chore to me, I don't understand how he can do it.
I don't know if anyone here will know the answer, but its worth a try. I just started Huber's 2nd Re4 vid and I'm using PS4 YT app because the PS4 is hooked up in the main room and I can do other things while its on. But there's this weird delay of 6 seconds for some reason.
It's not there on my phone or desktop, just PS4. Its annoying because I'm hearing stuff happen before it does and it spoils unexpected deaths and comedy bits.
Sucks, I really wanna watch. The 1st part was great.
I don't know if anyone here will know the answer, but its worth a try. I just started Huber's 2nd Re4 vid and I'm using PS4 YT app because the PS4 is hooked up in the main room and I can do other things while its on. But there's this weird delay of 6 seconds for some reason.
It's not there on my phone or desktop, just PS4. Its annoying because I'm hearing stuff happen before it does and it spoils unexpected deaths and comedy bits.
Sucks, I really wanna watch. The 1st part was great.

Can't use the PS4 web browser and go to either Twitch or YouTube?
Can't use the PS4 web browser and go to either Twitch or YouTube?

Yeah, but its not as user friendly and takes a while to load up.
Just weird how its this onr (awesome)video thats laggy. *shrugs*
Great video though, so intense at times. Who'd have thunk RE4 could do that? I think a lot of it is how good Huber is as an MC. He treats every encounter like an end boss. Excellent.
There's a dedicated twitch app on PS4 now. Works pretty well, other than the fact that audio doesn't always play when I start a video. Backing out and starting it again always seems to fix it, though.


There's a dedicated twitch app on PS4 now. Works pretty well, other than the fact that audio doesn't always play when I start a video. Backing out and starting it again always seems to fix it, though.

US only still,.so you do have to sign into a US account to download it if you're from outside the US.


Yeah i'm almost done with the RE4 play through.
It was pretty great, Huber was great and RE4 is clearly one of the best games ever made... But those QTEs are sooo cheap, holy shit.
Accumulating that many deaths during the Krauser fight, *just* because of broken, crappy QTEs, is utter bullshit.

They're not interesting or challenging, either.

I'm not even a qte hater, I love them in Shenmue, I love them in Until Dawn and Heavy Rain.
RE4 just has really badly implemented ones, and not just because of the latency or input lag Huber was experiencing.

Another thing I found annoying, is the way the difficulty scales stealthily, the more you die.
Fuck that! if I'm playing on professional, it's because I want the challenge.
It's a slap in the face to be wasting two hours on a boss, and then have the game making get past it by lowering its health or whatever in a sneaky way, makes you feel like a chump.
Yeah i'm almost done with the RE4 play through.
It was pretty great, Huber was great and RE4 is clearly one of the best games ever made... But those QTEs are sooo cheap, holy shit.
Accumulating that many deaths during the Krauser fight, *just* because of broken, crappy QTEs, is utter bullshit.

They're not interesting or challenging, either.

I'm not even a qte hater, I love them in Shenmue, I love them in Until Dawn and Heavy Rain.
RE4 just has really badly implemented ones, and not just because of the latency or input lag Huber was experiencing.

Another thing I found annoying, is the way the difficulty scales stealthily, the more you die.
Fuck that! if I'm playing on professional, it's because I want the challenge.
It's a slap in the face to be wasting two hours on a boss, and then have the game making get past it by lowering its health or whatever in a sneaky way, makes you feel like a chump.

Their equipment causes a slight lag. By the time they see the button prompt on screen, they should already have pressed it. Nightmare fuel for the Krauser fight. Other than that, I love qtes. One of the best things in gaming. I hate sitting with a controller on my lap while a long cutscene plays, please keep me engaged Mr developer.


GTtime cuts off as soon as they start the Miitomo talk, bummer.

I'll wait for the YouTube upload, i guess.

Their equipment causes a slight lag. By the time they see the button prompt on screen, they should already have pressed it. Nightmare fuel for the Krauser fight. Other than that, I love qtes. One of the best things in gaming. I hate sitting with a controller on my lap while a long cutscene plays, please keep me engaged Mr developer.
I like QTEs, when they respect 3 criterias:

1) Contextual prompts: Meaning the buttons and action you have to press/perform relate to what is happening on screen (Shenmue tied the punch button, to punching actions in QTEs for example and the kick buttons to jumps, which makes sense, since you jump with your legs.

2) Do not have them be random: Related to the one above, QTEs should follow a fixed pattern so you won't be forever stuck on a part and you can eventually memorize and go past a section.

3) Branching paths, in failure: Shenmue and Heavy Rain, as well as Until Dawn had this nailed down, basically when you fail a prompt, you often time can continue in a different (usually worse) branching path of the narrative, compared to nailing them all, it's not just an instant failure of the QTE.
In RE4 you either die instantly or just lose a ton of health and don't progress the QTE itself.

RE4 fails all three criteria, which is why i hate them in that game.
It basically plays a cutscene and slaps button prompts into it, instead of giving the cinematics a sense of agency and interaction.

The QTEs in RE4 are not very consistent, and feel tacked on at the last minute.
The end of the RE4 stream was so tense, felt sorry for Huber but maybe he should have quit at midnight and came back for the final session fresh.
He was so shattered that the the little mistakes on the turrent section built up into a mountain of trouble for him.
Loved it though, alao good to see a GT let's play not end on a hard cut and have a few minutes to decompress and enjoy what just happened.
Any ETA for Ada's Separate Ways play through?
The end of the RE4 stream was so tense, felt sorry for Huber but maybe he should have quit at midnight and came back for the final session fresh.
He was so shattered that the the little mistakes on the turrent section built up into a mountain of trouble for him.
Loved it though, alao good to see a GT let's play not end on a hard cut and have a few minutes to decompress and enjoy what just happened.
Any ETA for Ada's Separate Ways play through?
Huber said probably next week or the week after


The end of the RE4 stream was so tense, felt sorry for Huber but maybe he should have quit at midnight and came back for the final session fresh.
He was so shattered that the the little mistakes on the turrent section built up into a mountain of trouble for him.
Loved it though, alao good to see a GT let's play not end on a hard cut and have a few minutes to decompress and enjoy what just happened.
Any ETA for Ada's Separate Ways play through?

Did you have any problem with the video itself? For me, it went fine most of it, but there last 2 hours are a nightmare, constant buffering at 720p (and even lower, it doesn't load any faster).
I don't get it, because my internet is fine, and even other youtube videos load perfectly fine.

I'm thinking maybe it's the fact that it's 11 hours of video, that causes problems? Either way, it's a real pain in the ass to finish up the last 2 hours, which is funny, since the first 9 were perfectly fine for the most part.
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