GTtime cuts off as soon as they start the Miitomo talk, bummer.
I'll wait for the YouTube upload, i guess.
Their equipment causes a slight lag. By the time they see the button prompt on screen, they should already have pressed it. Nightmare fuel for the Krauser fight. Other than that, I love qtes. One of the best things in gaming. I hate sitting with a controller on my lap while a long cutscene plays, please keep me engaged Mr developer.
I like QTEs, when they respect 3 criterias:
1) Contextual prompts: Meaning the buttons and action you have to press/perform relate to what is happening on screen (Shenmue tied the punch button, to punching actions in QTEs for example and the kick buttons to jumps, which makes sense, since you jump with your legs.
2) Do not have them be random: Related to the one above, QTEs should follow a fixed pattern so you won't be forever stuck on a part and you can eventually memorize and go past a section.
3) Branching paths, in failure: Shenmue and Heavy Rain, as well as Until Dawn had this nailed down, basically when you fail a prompt, you often time can continue in a different (usually worse) branching path of the narrative, compared to nailing them all, it's not just an instant failure of the QTE.
In RE4 you either die instantly or just lose a ton of health and don't progress the QTE itself.
RE4 fails all three criteria, which is why i hate them in that game.
It basically plays a cutscene and slaps button prompts into it, instead of giving the cinematics a sense of agency and interaction.
The QTEs in RE4 are not very consistent, and feel tacked on at the last minute.