Gametrailers has been a favorite of mine for years. Very sad.
I don't understand how can the owners be such assholes that they can't bother to tell them ahead of time.
I am sure they already knew at this point.
I've been told to enjoy the rest of the honeymoon, but if you have any job leads in LA, let me know
the GT time host has always been the same though
GameTrailers has a fantastic archive from over the years, some of which isn't all saved on YouTube or elsewhere. I implore as many people as possible to attempt to back some of it up; especially the cancelled video game trailers.
This is a huge loss for preservation and for gaming. They were a great inspiration to me, and I hope everyone lands on their feet after this - they certainly deserve to.
Nope, Ben commented in the other thread that they found out earlier today.
You guys wanna know what made GT so great? It's because they were just about the games. No politics, very limited expansion into other mediums like film or comics, and just filled with a group of people who positively loved video games. Their content was amazing, their videos always passionate, and you could feel the love of games ooze out of literally everything they did. You can't fake the reaction that Elyse, Brad, Huber, and Kyle had to The Last Guardian, FFVII, and Shenmue 3. You can't fake the constant enthusiam Ben had when talking about Persona 5. You can't fake the unabashed joy that Brandon had for Disney Infinity. And it'd be impossible for anyone to fake the disdain that Ian Hinick had for anything that wasn't Bloodborne/Dark Souls. (And the sheer managerial prowess of men like Matt Blair and Daniel Bloodworth should not be overlooked, nor should the smooth editing stylings of the man himself: Don Cassanova.)
GT was one of the last bastions of genuine love of games in this industry. They never tried to be edgy by dabbling into politics like so many sites have, and they just kept it focused on why we were all there: the games.
Thank you for everything GT. You were absolutely amazing.
Do you think this was a coincidence? Of course it wasn't.
Talk to your child about anime today - before it's too late.
GameTrailers has a fantastic archive from over the years, some of which isn't all saved on YouTube or elsewhere. I implore as many people as possible to attempt to back some of it up; especially the cancelled video game trailers.
This is a huge loss for preservation and for gaming. They were a great inspiration to me, and I hope everyone lands on their feet after this - they certainly deserve to.
You guys wanna know what made GT so great? It's because they were just about the games. No politics, very limited expansion into other mediums like film or comics, and just filled with a group of people who positively loved video games. Their content was amazing, their videos always passionate, and you could feel the love of games ooze out of literally everything they did. You can't fake the reaction that Elyse, Brad, Huber, and Kyle had to The Last Guardian, FFVII, and Shenmue 3. You can't fake the constant enthusiam Ben had when talking about Persona 5. You can't fake the unabashed joy that Brandon had for Disney Infinity. And it'd be impossible for anyone to fake the disdain that Ian Hinick had for anything that wasn't Bloodborne/Dark Souls. (And the sheer managerial prowess of men like Matt Blair and Daniel Bloodworth should not be overlooked, nor should the smooth editing stylings of the man himself: Don Cassanova.)
GT was one of the last bastions of genuine love of games in this industry. They never tried to be edgy by dabbling into politics like so many sites have, and they just kept it focused on why we were all there: the games.
Thank you for everything GT. You were absolutely amazing.
Oh no
Been following them on and off for years and really got into their stuff since this past E3. Absolutely fell in love with the team and their content. GT Time in particular is (was...) the best gaming podcast going.
Goddammit. I'm actually speechless.