Rob Crossley of Gamespot: "Probably a good time to thank you all again for using adblocker"
You'll be missed fellas.
Here's to this being an opportunity rather than a letdown.
Well said.You guys wanna know what made GT so great? It's because they were just about the games. No politics, very limited expansion into other mediums like film or comics, and just filled with a group of people who positively loved video games. Their content was amazing, their videos always passionate, and you could feel the love of games ooze out of literally everything they did. You can't fake the reaction that Elyse, Brad, Huber, and Kyle had to The Last Guardian, FFVII, and Shenmue 3. You can't fake the constant enthusiam Ben had when talking about Persona 5. You can't fake the unabashed joy that Brandon had for Disney Infinity. And it'd be impossible for anyone to fake the disdain that Ian Hinick had for anything that wasn't Bloodborne/Dark Souls. (And the sheer managerial prowess of men like Matt Blair and Daniel Bloodworth should not be overlooked, nor should the smooth editing stylings of the man himself: Don Cassanova.)
GT was one of the last bastions of genuine love of games in this industry. They never tried to be edgy by dabbling into politics like so many sites have, and they just kept it focused on why we were all there: the games.
Thank you for everything GT. You were absolutely amazing.
You guys wanna know what made GT so great? It's because they were just about the games. No politics, very limited expansion into other mediums like film or comics, and just filled with a group of people who positively loved video games. Their content was amazing, their videos always passionate, and you could feel the love of games ooze out of literally everything they did. You can't fake the reaction that Elyse, Brad, Huber, and Kyle had to The Last Guardian, FFVII, and Shenmue 3. You can't fake the constant enthusiam Ben had when talking about Persona 5. You can't fake the unabashed joy that Brandon had for Disney Infinity. And it'd be impossible for anyone to fake the disdain that Ian Hinick had for anything that wasn't Bloodborne/Dark Souls. (And the sheer managerial prowess of men like Matt Blair and Daniel Bloodworth should not be overlooked, nor should the smooth editing stylings of the man himself: Don Cassanova.)
GT was one of the last bastions of genuine love of games in this industry. They never tried to be edgy by dabbling into politics like so many sites have, and they just kept it focused on why we were all there: the games.
Thank you for everything GT. You were absolutely amazing.
Who was running GT for the past year or so? In terms of decisions?
So Pop Fiction is dead then, alongside their other shows. What a horrible way to go.
Rob Crossley of Gamespot: "Probably a good time to thank you all again for using adblocker"
They should create a Youtube channel
Hi everyone, Ben here. I just wanted to confirm that GameTrailers is shutting down officially today. Everyone is being let go. We all found out mere hours ago, so we're still reeling a bit. Sincerely, thank you all for the tremendous support.
its amazing that this
could have a sad ending. Not having a gametrailers when shenmue 3 hits is just...hopefully huber gets somewhere where he can be as expressive
Aww man, this got me.