I started playing Arma 3 Life yesterday. It's really strict about roleplaying. You aren't supposed to break character at all. You can't even preface out of character speech with OOC without breaking the rules and getting a temporary ban.
Anyways, my character is black. I'm not.
As soon as I signed on I was getting made fun of for being black. There was a group of like 12 people talking about me and laughing. One of then knocked me down and they made racist jokes. They ended up calling me Jay-Z and making fun of my lips. It was fucking disgusting.
Rather than roleplaying the game, I'm actually primarily roleplaying being black.
I know this is trivial compared to what its like to have this happen in real life (in game or not), but it was really bizarre to me.
That is fucked up. Now imagine
actually being black instead of just roleplaying, and receiving that kind of hate on a near-daily basis. :\
Reminds me of one of the rare times I went online to play Gears of War 2 (Horde mode, so a
coop game, not competitive with trash talk or anything) with randoms. I played very few times, and used the mic maybe twice in total. One time was totally fine and not only I didn't get any shitty comments, I even got complimented on my playing by getting the final kill on the last wave. Cool.
The other time, after a few waves with randoms (no mic + muting everyone) I was invited to a private game. I wasn't sure why, I didn't know these guys, but I thought ok sure and joined their game. They were chatting it up so I turned on the mic, and... well, it was... a weird experience, nothing that awful compared to what goes on in some online games but still not very pleasant. The subject of race bizarrely came up because I was playing as Dom Santiago, and one of the guys asked me if I was Hispanic. I said no. He asked me why I was playing Santiago if I wasn't Hispanic, which really, really confused me. I said "why not?" and they seemed to think it was really weird, like I was presumptuous or something. :S I then said "but I'm also a girl, and Dom is a guy, and what does it matter?" (note, GoW2 didn't have any playable female characters) and they didn't have a counter-argument to that I guess. Then I was asked what race I was, and I quote, "so uh Morr-ee-gon, what race are you then if not Hispanic? Are you white, or are you a nigger, or...?".
I don't remember what I said then, I think I just said "what does it matter?" and they said "just curious is all", but the way they just casually dropped the n-bomb like that, and the bizarre obsession with knowing the race of a random player, was just so damn creepy. Needless to say, I finished one wave and left that lobby. I honestly don't think these guys realized how much they were being racist dicks, the way they spoke it was all normal game chattering. But it was really obnoxious and I don't even want to imagine what the competitive game modes must be like. *shudders*