I have no idea where you are going with this. It is almost as if you have not read this thread or the numbers provided in the article.
Let me get one thing out of the way first. Joystiq did not claim this was a worldwide problem, Joystiq is an American website with Jurnos that are from America. Some of the stats in the article are presented from American sources (hence the term "for America") Race is a social construct and not all cultures refer to the darker skinned people in their society as black. It is not that the "US = the world" imo, I find out that it ends up being the case that alot of people who are the internet aren't aware of where the webpage they are visiting originates and the point of view they may be presenting is from a specific country. Thankfully sites that are in a different language entirely, don't suffer from this but complaining that Joystiq has an american point of view on the situation is just as bad as pointing out a european point of view in eurogamer.
So because of this distinction it should go without saying that this doesn't represent the experience blacks go through in other countries because the underlying structure that leads to this behavior may be entirely different depending on their societies views on race, classification and stereotypes.
What are
you talking about?
First, don't insult my level of reading comprehension skills in insinuating I barely read the article or posts in the thread. I posted in this thread some days ago, and I read the snippets in OP. That should be enough; this isn't new territory, most of what they have to say, has already been said (and better) from other sources.
It's evident you aren't able to discern when a person is speaking from the perspective of other people, rather than directly speaking of their own particular POV. Most of what I said was in relation to the assumptions and beliefs other people tend to have on these manners, not my own. Altho, I do personally feel that some of it is true, and it should be easy to figure out which that is.
In other words, when I say "reinforce perceptions that US = World", I'm speaking about how other people, typically other Americans, will look at it as. I know exactly what you're talking about in regards to the whole Joystick thing, but I'm telling you that the way they frame it, focuses on it from a pretty American point of view, and "black" in America has a different definition than in other countries.
But the dominant number of people reading it will be English-speaking, and the way the article is framed, likely American. The article's use of black is clearly in terms of the American definition of people of African ethnic heritage; I'm obviously not saying dark-skinned people of other ethnic heritages don't experience this sort of thing, but the article itself isn't referring to it from that frame of mind. So the readers, mostly English-speaking, mostly American....they're going to see it from an American POV. That isn't right, but that is how most people think.
All of this is for naught, though, because in the end
you practically say exactly the same thing I'm saying; however I'm willing to take it a step further and say that this isn't even something black (btw, I can clearly understand that the term "black" means different things in other countries, but this article is obviously referring to the definition of it as people of African ethnic heritage, not the broader context of those of other ethnic heritages being dark-skinned, so I don't know why you bought that up) people face absolutely in the U.S (or that it's a problem that only afflicts black minorities in America, but the article doesn't really go into that so neither do we need to in this case); it
is a problem, and large enough of one to merit discussion, but let's not go into saying you could round up 100 black people and get 95 of them to attest to this being a regular occurrence to the most extreme examples posted in this thread.
And me mentioning that isn't to belittle those extreme instances either; they're despicable and the people who do that sort of thing are miserable imps with cold sickly hearts. But those are the extremes; the extremes of anything are usually not the majority, that's just common sense.
Honestly I don't know how you interpreted what I said in any other way than what it is, or saw it as dismissive of the point of the thread. I'm just adding clarity here, that it isn't a "doom and gloom" virtual dystopia situation for many black gamers both in NA and globally. But part of the reason it may seem that way is due to the influx of articles that focus on exactly that, and never the counterbalance.
Unfortunately it seems I've probably said too much as it is, so I'm bailing out. Don't want unnecessary confrontations or bans from this. And I've pretty much said all I have to say anyhow :/