Demon Souls always had an easy mode.
I think the only Souls-Like to have difficulty options is Jedi Fallen Order from EA (of course).What a hollow(pun intended) experience it would be with an easy mode. The tough but fair mechanics are what make a Souls game. If you lack the patience, there are thousands of other games for you.
Thats a good way of putting itStarskySilverz . Its a tenet of the genre, take it or leave it. I love how quickly Gavin answered the question. My man. Unless I am mistaken, no Souls-likes have difficulties. They wouldn't be part of the genre to me if they did.
What are you saying???
This is not the hamster way.
Demon's Souls already has an easy mode, it's called magic. Sorcery is absurdly OP in Demon's Souls. Literally every Souls game after it had to nerf easy mode and no raytracing.
just been confirmed.
weakstation already showing its limits.
Demon's Souls already has an easy mode, it's called magic. Sorcery is absurdly OP in Demon's Souls. Literally every Souls game after it had to nerf magic.
You could also go with Faith and make a health regen build. You can still use melee, but like I said, magic is just completely broken in Demon's Souls, and a health regen build means that most enemies can't deplete your health faster than it recovers.I have never gone that route in any souls game. I don't kn w, i feel like I'm playing skyrim or something if i rely too much on magic (all my skyrim builds were full on sorcerers).
I can tell you another thing you won't be getting.Oh well, guess I won't be getting it then.
Are they planning on balancing this out? I meant typically in these remakes, does game balance occur?You could also go with Faith and make a health regen build. You can still use melee, but like I said, magic is just completely broken in Demon's Souls, and a health regen build means that most enemies can't deplete your health faster than it recovers.
I like fun games.
I haven't heard of them doing any balancing, so it's possible that the spell casting glitches might still be in the game, but dealing with some casting Firestorm with the speed of Fire Spray is easy, just get out the Scraping Spear and break their equipment. Of course it's entirely possible that Bluepoint is gonna do balance patches, since From only did one balance patch to prevent players from recovering one of their character's bloodstain with a different character.Are they planning on balancing this out? I meant typically in these remakes, does game balance occur?
An easy mode is best for sales, but these games sell a shit ton anyway so they haven't got to bend the knee just yet.
Can't wait to go through 4 Dualsenses on my way to completing this badboy!