Exactly....i hope they all have gay grandchildren.
If you're voting for Nader, I hope you know where Bush stands on those same issues, too!Pimpwerx said:Nader may not be popular, but at least I kinda know where he stands on the big issues. PEACE.
That doesn't change the fact that the GoP will paint it that way because most people haven't a clue on how Congress (let alone the rest of the government) actually works.
Grizzlyjin said:Thats a little too close for comfort, but at least that crap failed.
DarienA said:As others have explained it still wasn't really that close a vote... there were quite a few more hurdles to overcome...
Grizzlyjin said:Well I mean close in terms that it is kinda split both ways, I know you need a majotiry for it to actually pass. But I just didn't expect so many people to be in support of such a thing.
Mermandala said:Draw your ovwn conclusion about journalistic integrity -- but -- more importantly, if a weird looking dude flashing a Box Cutter moves in next door with a Box Turtle, remove your children from the street and call Tom Ridge or Brian Fellows. Boom Boxes and Kick-Boxing are also suspect as they attract unsavories.
SolidSnakex said:Here's more craziness:
"I would argue that the future of our country hangs in the balance because the future of marriage hangs in the balance," said Sen. Rick Santorum, a leader in the fight to approve the measure. "Isn't that the ultimate homeland security, standing up and defending marriage?"
Ecrofirt said:I hate that goddamn cocksucker, and he's from my state.
SKluck said:It's still illegal in almost every state anyway, this isn't a big victory or loss for anyone.
Ecrofirt said:I hate that goddamn cocksucker, and he's from my state.
DarthWufei said:That gave me quite the chuckle. Ir's amazing how many homosexual related terms are used as derogatory remarks.
What does RINO mean?Ripclawe said:1) The RINOs are going to be skewered come election time with their no votes
Took a bit to find, but:Prospero said:I recommend taking some time to read the transcripts of the debate on the matter at thomas.loc.gov. (No direct link, because links don't seem to last there for more than a couple of hours for some reason.) Check the Senate transcript from July 9 to yesterday.
There's one point during the debate where Sen. Orrin Hatch takes a detour, seemingly to talk about the evils of Harry Potter slash fiction, that's most entertaining.
This is an age where any child can bring up pornography on the Internet. At one time if you clicked on Harry Potter, you would get pornography geared to those children. We all know that. Click on almost any children's book or subject or title or person mentioned in a children's book and you get pornography for children. I don't need to go through all the other ills of our society to let everybody know that we are living in a world where there is a lot of filth, a lot of degradation. We have to stand up against it. We have to protect the traditions that do make sense in our society, and traditional marriage is at the top of the list.
Ecrofirt said:It's very weird when you've got several homosexual friends, and homosexual terms have always been used in a derogatory manner. It's something I'm worknig to overcome, especially when one of them is being an ass and I've always said something like "You're being queer.".
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:well, to be fair, women do that too.
I think there are just as many derogatory words connected to women as there are to gays actually.
Sorry to rain on your parade, but as others have said, this was not a majority vote. Any action that wasn't a "yes" vote counted against it. I think both Kerry and Edwards knew this and decided they could take a day off doing campaign stuff.Pimpwerx said:Sad Kerry and Edwards don't have the sack to stand up for a just cause. Abstaining is as bad as voting yes. It means you're too much of a coward to defend something you believe in. Reason #1001 I won't vote for Kerry. Spineless leaders = teh suck. Nader may not be popular, but at least I kinda know where he stands on the big issues. PEACE.
Republican In Name Only, I presume.JoshuaJSlone said:What does RINO mean?
Chipopo said:I'm fucking disgusted it was that close. God damn.
Lathentar said:I could get a robot to say yes on command.
Sorry to rain on your parade, but as others have said, this was not a majority vote. Any action that wasn't a "yes" vote counted against it. I think both Kerry and Edwards knew this and decided they could take a day off doing campaign stuff.
JoshuaJSlone said:Took a bit to find, but:
This is an age where any child can bring up pornography on the Internet. At one time if you clicked on Harry Potter, you would get pornography geared to those children. We all know that. Click on almost any children's book or subject or title or person mentioned in a children's book and you get pornography for children. I don't need to go through all the other ills of our society to let everybody know that we are living in a world where there is a lot of filth, a lot of degradation. We have to stand up against it. We have to protect the traditions that do make sense in our society, and traditional marriage is at the top of the list.
Gay marriage
Against same-sex marriage, backs benefits, rights for same-sex couples
Just because he doesn't support gay marraige doesn't mean he would have supported a constitutional ammendment banning it. I suspect his being against "marraige" is a political decision, since (I believe) his daughter is gay.Lathentar said:According to CNN, Kerry would have voted Yes for this Ammendment.
Lathentar said:According to CNN, Kerry would have voted Yes for this Ammendment.
1 USC Sec. 7
Sec. 7. Definition of ''marriage'' and ''spouse''
In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any
ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative
bureaus and agencies of the United States, the word ''marriage''
means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband
and wife, and the word ''spouse'' refers only to a person of the
opposite sex who is a husband or a wife.
(Added Pub. L. 104-199, Sec. 3(a), Sept. 21, 1996, 110 Stat. 2419.)
Of course I'm no expert on these things, but that quote seems to be concerning laws of the Congress and federal government only, whereas an amendment to the Constitution could overrule the decisions of states.Phoenix said:The US code already establishes that any law passed down by Congress with respect to marriage defines marriage as something between one man and one woman. I always get a laught out of this because I wonder if any of the politicians know enough about the US code to know that this is a dead issue already.
This I agree with.This is all one large issue intent on spliting the vote and taking the people against 'gay marriage' and siding them with Bush. This is all one big game of chicken with the hearts and minds of the public, and just like with the war on Iraq people are believing what they are being fed from all sides.
I have seen this issue take people who absolutely hate Bush consider voting for him because they don't want to allow 'gay marriage'.
I always foundit weird how people can formulate whether or not they support a candidate fully based on one issue. =/Phoenix said:I have seen this issue take people who absolutely hate Bush consider voting for him because they don't want to allow 'gay marriage'.
JoshuaJSlone said:Of course I'm no expert on these things, but that quote seems to be concerning laws of the Congress and federal government only, whereas an amendment to the Constitution could overrule the decisions of states.
Traumahound said:What the hell Internet is he on? And why don't I have access to it?
I usually hear it as something like "referendum on our foreign policy".Kobun Heat said:1) I've heard it said that this election is going to be a referendum on gay marriage. It's tough to disagree with.