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GBA SP Pearl White & Fuschia Pink exclusive to Canucks?


Not sure if these are available to the USA, but I was at Futureshop today and noticed that they had an exclusive Pearl White GBA SP :


Now you don't have to get the FF Tactics box to get this sweet looking GBA!

I head to Zeller's and noticed they have an exclusive Fuschia Pink GBA SP... I don't have a picture, but the box looks just the same as the one above, but with a pink GBA and the Zeller's logo.

This might be good news for the GBA collectors out there. ;)


I want the Pearl one. I also saw the pink one at Zellers too. It's a very light pink with glitter I think. Not too bad looking.


This Christmas every major retailer is getting an exclusive GBA. GameStop has a platinum with tattoos, Toys R Us has a speckled green/orange geoffrey one, Best Buy has a surf blue. EB, Walmart and Target probably have exclusive ones too.


o_O @_@ O_o
Yeah the surf blue at best buy is the exact same thing as the limited edition Mana Blue... I was more than a little dismayed to see my once "unique" import wasn't so unique anymore.

Then I chewed some gum and I was over it.

It's still teh pretties. :D
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