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GBA SP price drop soon? $79.99 signs at EB


works for Gamestop (lol)
from CAG

tenzor said:
At work today, we got marketing materials for a GBA SP price drop. The price is going to be $79.99. I am not sure when it goes in effect, but the box said not to display yet. The price drop should be coming up soon, so if anyone is going to get a GBA SP anytime soon, wait for the price drop.

Nintendo getting ready for Nintendo DS?


I predicted this months and months ago... said the DS would be $149.99 for Christmas and the SP would drop to $79.99.
I can't believe Fry's has been selling the system for the past few months for $84.99. I think that's below retailer cost. I guess Fry's is banking on accessory sales.

At any rate, if this price drop is true, this is a good sign for the Nintendo DS debuting at $150 or less.


Not sure what to think of this, to be honest, they don't need a price cut, but if it did get one, GBA is going to slaughter PS2 and XBox sales for the rest of the year. It would be a great way to insure Pokemon FiLe's dominance at Christmas over Halo 2 and GT4. I don't think Nintendo should do it, they are still selling like hotcakes, but maybe they are just "in case of price drop" signs, who knows.


GC: $99.99
GBASP: $79.99
GBA: $69.99 (I think, too lazy to check)

...so what does that leave DS at?



Gaming stores have already been told to start pushing the Nintendo DS in time for the holidays, so this price drop scenerio makes perfect sense. It also gives me an opportunity to state once again my position about a 149.95 price point for the NDS. I hope it happens. I think it will.
I honestly didn't think Nintendo would ever launch a handheld at higher than $99.99, but I guess when you've got a hugely popular $79.99 system, $99.99 for the DS wouldn't make sense. $149.99 is sounding more right all the time.


Oh yeah, on the 25th (or maybe the 27th) there was an interesting analyst article on Wall Street Journal Asia predicting a low price point for the NDS. I didn't copy it, but if anyone feels like searching for it and posting it...

(...at least the interesting parts :))

Deku Tree

They should price drop the GBA to $49 if they drop the SP to $79.
$10 is not a big enough gap. Nobody will want the old GBA.


Deku Tree said:
They should price drop the GBA to $49 if they drop the SP to $79.
$10 is not a big enough gap. Nobody will want the old GBA.
they don't even really make the old GBA anymore, do they? i never see anybody but young kids with them, either. do stores have lots left?


Yeah, we got a similiar sign pack at my work (KB Toys). We were actually even given instructions not to open them before we received notice... But we opened it anyways. I mean that's like expecting someone not to push a red button.

Deku Tree

My local target and Best Buy still have a bunch of original GBA's.
I don't know anything about whether or not they're still in production.


Nintendo might drop the SP price with Pokemon FR/LG which would be an ingenius move.

It would help everything:

Pokemon RuSa sales
Pokemon FiLe sales
Gamecube sales (because people will notice the Pokemon franchise extended to GCN with Pokemon Colosseum)
Gamecube software sales because Pokemon will literally be a system seller (as long as it's still true you can use any of the 351 or whatever it is Pokemon from the Advance games in PC).

If this happens, my September-for-Nintendo analyzation may have underestimated the TOTAL DOMINATION that's to come.

That said, I wouldn't get too excited, who knows how accurate these reports of $79.99 signs are, and whether Nintendo actually expects to drop the price...


I'm not sure how huge of a domino effect it would have on GC sales, but Nintendo could very well be onto something. A lower SP price would also help out FSA and FFCC, no matter how small.
Strangely enough (and I imagine this has probably been mentioned even if I haven't seen it), Nintendo.com's shop also offers Pokemon Box now...


works for Gamestop (lol)
from CAG

gizmogc said:
Its official to me. I got some small bit of news from my old work (Game Crazy) that it is dropping to $79.99. Looks like later next week (tons of DS promo items will be hitting in the next month include dummy units)
Oooh, interesting news, and I wouldn't doubt SP is getting a price drop. I'm with Auron as well, I hope this means DS news is coming very soon. It's a good sign.


Auron said:
I'm guessing we'll see some good DS info real soon.
I heard around here that early September (even as early as the 1st) will be when the DS news will be announced.
I'm personally wondering what's taking them so friggin' long.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Kobun Heat said:
I honestly didn't think Nintendo would ever launch a handheld at higher than $99.99, but I guess when you've got a hugely popular $79.99 system, $99.99 for the DS wouldn't make sense. $149.99 is sounding more right all the time.

But... the GBA launched at $150.
Anyone know the trade-in value of a regular GBA at Gamestop?

The only "deal" I know about from EB is trading in an old GBA plus 3 games to get the SP for $50 (which I already have).


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Weird. I bought a GBA launch day and all these years I've thought I paid $150 for it. I wonder why that got in my head. Maybe I DID pay 150, ha.


Unconfirmed Member
Shit, it looks like I will be trading in my SP tomorrow for store credit... then waiting for the price drop to pick up a swass new retro edition :D:D.

gg Gamestop. pls leave kthnx

king zell

$149.99 for DS is very reasonable considering SP's $79.99

IT would be better than I expected if true.. these info points at some big promo coming during Sep for DS

I can't wait!


Party Pooper
my manager at TRU just confirmed this before i left work.

goes into effect thursday

tomorrow is a big conference call ALL about Rzone, so hopefully i'll get some DS news from that. maybe a price... that would be fanfuckingtastic


Thursday...what an odd date. I'd expect to see it coincide directly with the Pokemon Titles.

Pokemon+Price Drop = Holy shit. Plus, they can make up for the sales they'll lose to the DS this Christmas in the span of September/October.

That RZone Conference Call should be interesting...I'm more interested in software pricing than hardware at this point. This drop pretty well ensures that Nintendo is going low with the DS...I think 149.99 has suddenly become a maximum.

So, we're looking at $99.99 GBASP and $199.99 Nintendo DS in Canadian Dollars..here's hoping software doesn't start pushing $50, or else I'll be pissed.
Looks like it's official.

Well not exactly. Fry's was selling it for $89.99 last month, and $84.99 more recently. I mean an official price cut probably is on its way, but Fry's has been running their own sales too.


Gorgie said:
So, does anyone know what Nintendo plans to set the new Canadian price to be? I'm really hoping $99 CDN.

Currently, it's running at $130. A $20 American price drop, to me, drops it down to $100. If not, I'd expect $105 price point at Wal-Mart, etc.


so where is the bloody UK price cut!?

Not that I really care, I've already got one, so Nintendo has already bummed me in the gob
If the SP drops in price what about the GBA Player then? I don't really care for hand held gaming too much(eye strain)but I would seriously look into a gba player if they were reduced to 20-25 dollars at retail.
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