I just got this game.
And I can't stress how awesome this is, I wasn't a big fan of Gears1, I thought it was a bit overhyped but this game fucking delivers.
Everything about it is amazing, combat/gunplay near perfection, pacing is ace, controls are solid, level design is the shit, even the story isn't too bad, I actually felt for the rookie when
because he was always the one that revives me when down and felt some type of affection for him.
The bosses are actually more interactive and less scripted than last time other than General Ram.
so anyways this game is fucking ace.
I am on to Act 4 now, my only complaint is that some of the fights are a bit too short, where sometimes when I finally get comfortable with the surrounding, there are no more shit to shoot at. but getting farther in the game, there is much more action, plus Horde is there which I didn't touch yet.
Also wtf at the graphics quality in Act1, it looked worse than Gears1, but the other acts are absolutly amazing.
sorry for the grammer, it's 3am right.