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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!


mikekennyb said:
Horde mode is awesome, but I wish that they had an option for half a horde mode or something. I don't always have the time to go for a 50 round game, if there was a version you could play condensed into 25 rounds I'd go for it.

If you host a match you can start Horde at any level you so wish...

That being said it's like campaign mode. The further you have gone the further you can start Horde. I have only ever reached up to 38 iirc and that is the furthest along I can start Horde.


F#A#Oo said:
Yeah me too... :(

Was playing with Amir0x but we were all so very dis-organised...:lol

Haha very true. Really, we just had to stay in that spot. If we kept building up a weapon base, it'd be fine. It's difficult once you get behind on the later waves because you have to fight really difficult odds with the base weapons, plus maybe the turret gun or the mortar.
F#A#Oo said:
If you host a match you can start Horde at any level you so wish...

That being said it's like campaign mode. The further you have gone the further you can start Horde. I have only ever reached up to 38 iirc and that is the furthest along I can start Horde.

Thanks for making me feel dumb! :lol :lol :lol

I'll try starting at a higher level next time.


Just finished off my SP Insane run. Great stuff.

kbear said:
yeah i got kicked off live too, that was weird...
Thought it was just me for a second. Kicked me off, I signed back on and it kick me off a few mins later. *shrug*

robut said:
Posted a while back. The vid's obviously cut off too soon though, 'cause the whole conversation is:

"Hmm.. been looking for this.. WHO WANTS TOAST?!"
"I like 'em crispy."
"I like 'em crispy on the outside."
"Hell yeah!"

dammit, any way to tell what weapons you've used for the Kick em While They're Down achievement? I'm missing one and I can't figure out which


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Taking fooooooooooooorrrrrever to connect to a game in matchmaking.

I think all 2 million GoW2 players must be trying to play right now.

In other news, I still haven't finished the (fun) SP campaign, but I'm having a blast playing against bots in the MP "training ground".

Very very awesome package here.

And I have discovered the beauty of short, controlled-bursts with the Lancer.


Gryphter said:
dammit, any way to tell what weapons you've used for the Kick em While They're Down achievement? I'm missing one and I can't figure out which
There's no way that I know of, but it's probably the Boomshield you need, I know of a few people (including me) that all needed that one for their final execution.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
johnFkennedy said:
Anyone want to play horde?

you're upsidedown right? sorry to bail on you, had just played through 28 waves of hardcore horde with a few other gaffers and needed to drop out. Its 4am where I am!


raYne said:
Posted a while back. The vid's obviously cut off too soon though, 'cause the whole conversation is:

"Hmm.. been looking for this.. WHO WANTS TOAST?!"
"I like 'em crispy."
"I like 'em crispy on the outside."
"Hell yeah!"


Its difficulty based. 1 line of dialog per difficulty level, so you get all 4 on insane.


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
FUCK YES. Just beat the game today. Final battle was a bit
but the
section before it was pretty damn awesome.

Also the
Jabu Jabu
chapter was fucking amazing.


Anybody else having problems with stat tracking? The gears site hasn't posted the stats for like the last 6 games I played.


Amir0x said:
matchmaking is so terrible at the moment, just stick to playing with fellow GAFers!
Between shitty matchmaking and playing with random players sucking so bad, playing games with GAFers is the best thing ever.


Aladuf said:
Between shitty matchmaking and playing with random players sucking so bad, playing games with GAFers is the best thing ever.

I wish I knew what that was like.. I can't even get a game going without being disconnected all the fucking time..


Sumidor said:
I wish I knew what that was like.. I can't even get a game going without being disconnected all the fucking time..
How so? Your Live just disconnects all together, or Gears messes up?


Aladuf said:
How so? Your Live just disconnects all together, or Gears messes up?

Both. Either if I just sit in the menu for too long, I get disconnected, or when I start a game up, it doesn't start and just sits there.


Sumidor said:
Both. Either if I just sit in the menu for too long, I get disconnected, or when I start a game up, it doesn't start and just sits there.
hmm.. that's weird, hopefully you can find a fix for that.


Just checked my budget, and it looks like I'll be able to fit in an XBox 360 this Christmas. I already have a few friends that own one, and playing Gears 2 at the moment. But I don't want to play at a friends house in bite size chunks. I wanna sit on my couch and just thrust myself in the game. Can't wait.
I think I'm finally starting to master the multiplayer mechanics. The shotgun used to be an issue for me with its various delays and such but recently I've just got it down. I've also just really started to get a lot better at picking my spots. Grenade mines and stuns still are a large annoyance for me but I'm adjusting.

The lag issues are pretty much making me not want to play pubs anymore. Plus the ranks are so few and unrewarding that I think I'd rather just play privates from here on out.

Time between matches becomes a huge annoyance. There are so many stop gaps between things that just cause a slowdown in the experience. 10 seconds to access multiplayer, 10 seconds to choose maps, 30 seconds to actually play and etc.


Aladuf said:
hmm.. that's weird, hopefully you can find a fix for that.

Oh and now, when I try to look at my friend's list, it takes forever to load and doesn't load up all the information... And I just got disconnected in the middle of a game. Fuck this, i'm done.
Just starting Act 4, some of the battles are starting to feel cheap. In this instance where I have to defend the
I have to deal with a wave of locust and those ridiculous kamikaze runners that explode on top of you. Its very difficult to actually cover my surroundings and pick off the locust from afar so sometimes i'll just unknowingly explode.

2 reavers then spawn one after the other, and killing these is again pretty annoying. They have a claw attack they use when you are behind cover that is either impossible to dodge or has an unfair area of effect, but the best strategy is to get behind them and shooting them in the rear. Thats fine, except sometimes the jump over cover command is unresponsive which means I get impaled unfairly.

After that an enemy pops up with a mortar and one hit kills me. This scenario has way too much luck - learn from repetition going on, its getting frustrating.
I just got this game.

And I can't stress how awesome this is, I wasn't a big fan of Gears1, I thought it was a bit overhyped but this game fucking delivers.

Everything about it is amazing, combat/gunplay near perfection, pacing is ace, controls are solid, level design is the shit, even the story isn't too bad, I actually felt for the rookie when
he died by the worm
because he was always the one that revives me when down and felt some type of affection for him.

The bosses are actually more interactive and less scripted than last time other than General Ram.

so anyways this game is fucking ace.

I am on to Act 4 now, my only complaint is that some of the fights are a bit too short, where sometimes when I finally get comfortable with the surrounding, there are no more shit to shoot at. but getting farther in the game, there is much more action, plus Horde is there which I didn't touch yet.

Also wtf at the graphics quality in Act1, it looked worse than Gears1, but the other acts are absolutly amazing.

sorry for the grammer, it's 3am right.


Just finished the campaign... it's been my only focus -- after playing some multiplayer Day 1.

I think it's a pretty solid improvement over Gears 1. Story is told better although it seems pretty clear where they're probably going with it. Baird and Cole had the best exchange in the game, obviously.

As for the game, I know others are doing it, but I don't think there's a game that does fighting with cover better. I understand the desire to break up the game play with some different styles of segments, but I'd be just as happy if it was all basic shooter stuff all the time. With the exception of the last "vehicle" section, I could have done without -- although they were all way better than Gears 1's vehicle portion.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
OMG, insane is so hard. I'm at the end of Act 2 right now(
in the worm
) and already hit a few snags. Honestly though, this game seems a lot more glitchy, atleast on the moving vehicles. I noticed a few things, but it might be the fact that glitches on insane = death that makes it more noticeable. A few restarts were especially needed for
riding the torture thing(I don't know the name, lolz)
because after it stopped moving the cover was glitched for me, Dom wouldn't stick to it for more than a split second, thus leading to pieces as the troika killed me right afterwards.

Other than that, it's been a lot of fun. I don't recall having to restart because you don't help the AI teammates in the first Gears though, that made some parts annoying because they blatantly ignore everything sometimes. The worst part so far was easily
splitting up to take out the mortars near the end of the first Act. I don't really get why you instantly die when split up even though the AI bots need help getting up. My partner kept saying Tai was being an idiot and running past everything, which he was, so things like that forced a lot of restarts.
And this obviously isn't the game's fault but FUCKING live disconnected since it was doing that off and on all day right at the
brumak you have to mortar
, and for some reason I disconnected AND got logged out and was hosting at the time, so it booted me to the menu. I needed to start at the checkpoint which was at the end of the tunnel, but then my co-op partner wasn't able to connect to me for some reason so I had to join him and redo the whole chapter again.

And Reavers take SO much ammo to kill now, jeez. :lol
Sumidor said:
Both. Either if I just sit in the menu for too long, I get disconnected, or when I start a game up, it doesn't start and just sits there.

Did you clear the specific ports that M$ requires for Xbox Live to be cleared? Even though I played many games online, I never did this until Gears 2's picky ass network wouldn't let me play multiplayer.

Mine was like yours except that I couldn't connect to any Gears 2 multi games at all and has since worked much better. But let's face it: the online is pretty feckin' slow to find a match.

Basically go into your router manually access, then port forwarding options, and make sure that you open the following ports:

UDP 88
UDP 3074
TCP 3074

So for the first one it will have "Beginning port" then enter 87, then for "Ending port" enter 89. So then 88 is open you see? Then a drop-down menu for UDP/TCP but make sure that the appropriate option is chosen.

Then perform a network test from the XBL Blade and "NAT" should say "Open". You should be good to go if your problem was the same as mine.


So, I just picked up Gears the other day, and have been playing some single player rather than co-op due to having NXE installed on my 360 from swapping hard drives with a friend. (without knowing it'd happen)

I haven't been reading this topic as I wanted to remain spoiler-free with the game (way too many pages to catch up on now anyway) and I haven't been keeping up on info for it. I think I'm nearing the end of Act 2 now: is it me, or does the game seem to run a lot worse than the original game?

I'm playing on hardcore, and there seems to be lots of stuttering in places, and tearing / framedrops when there's more than one or two locust on the screen at once. (grenades exploding are a nightmare) I don't remember issues like this with the first. It wasn't perfect, but I'm sure it wasn't this bad.

I do have it installed on my hard drive, which I guess could maybe be causing the stuttering if the game is designed around caching to the drive, but it doesn't explain the framerate being really inconsistent in most firefights. (can anyone comment on whether or not you should have it installed?)

Issues aside, I'm really not enjoying it that much so far. It really feels like a rehash of the first game, and the section on the Derricks[/spoiler] was terrible. Then again, I only enjoyed the original Gears in co-op as well, so being forced into single player might have something to do with that.

Oh, and is it me, or is the aiming not quite as tight this time around? I used to be headshotting enemies left and right in the first game and I seem to be having a much harder time doing that now. (fine with the sniper rifle though)


Does anyone find themselves getting matchmaked with lousy teams? I'm not blaming the actual matchmaking for this, but I just seem to have terrible luck. I'm always matched with a crappy team or against another team who are obivously together as a party.


Chinner said:
Does anyone find themselves getting matchmaked with lousy teams? I'm not blaming the actual matchmaking for this, but I just seem to have terrible luck. I'm always matched with a crappy team or against another team who are obivously together as a party.
I found that was happening a lot. Way too often I'd be in a 3 man team versus a 5 man team (and this is before anybody even dropped out.) Gears2 is such a team based game, even more so than Gears1, and success is so dependant on your team mates staying alive and keeping active. There'd also be way too many games where I'd be the highest ranker on my team (I'm rank 3) and we'd be playing a team, of 4 ranks and even rank 5's. We'd get absolutely decimated and my stats took a real beating because of it :lol
I tend to only really play in a party now and am happy just playing with insane bots if nobody I know is on.
Rapping Granny said:
Also wtf at the graphics quality in Act1, it looked worse than Gears1, but the other acts are absolutly amazing.
I loved the bait-and-switch of having the least visually appealing level first.

Oh, and go back a play Gears1, you seem to remember it looking better than it did.


Just finished it.

I loved everything except for
The ending. Felt very sudden, and the last "boss" was nothing but aiming at it for 10 seconds. Complete turnaround from that arsehole Raam. Still not a whole lot of information about what's going on either


wow, anyone try Wingman mode? it's a lot of fun... you team up with partner and play other teams with 2 ppl and winner is team with most kills i think


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Great game overall, but everything following the E3 demonstration was a huge let down. The final level of Gears 1, minus Raam, was absolutely fantastic. It left such a good impression. The music, the high speed train, the variety of encounters, it was intense and awesome. The final segment leading up to the boss as well as the boss itself was really lame in Gears 2, however. Very disappointing.

Still, the rest of the last Act was plenty good. The scenery was fantastic (the best in the game, if you ask me) and the gameplay was mostly great (though that tiny crane bit was awkward).

Overall, I still think I prefer Gears 1. It left more of an impact on me back in 2006 and featured more a appealing setting (for me). Gears 2 is better in some ways but doesn't hit all of the same high notes.

I'm surprised that the ending for both games was so weak, though. I mean, in both cases, the ending just kind of came out of nowhere and had nothing to say. Both games had terrible final bosses, though at least the battle in Gears 1 was an actual fight (even if it was a lame one).

It was still a fantastic followup and one of the more memorable experiences of the year. I feel almost completely satisfied with it. Can't wait for more CO-OP and, perhaps, some multiplayer.


dark10x said:
Great game overall, but everything following the E3 demonstration was a huge let down. The final level of Gears 1, minus Raam, was absolutely fantastic. It left such a good impression. The music, the high speed train, the variety of encounters, it was intense and awesome. The final segment leading up to the boss as well as the boss itself was really lame in Gears 2, however. Very disappointing.

Still, the rest of the last Act was plenty good. The scenery was fantastic (the best in the game, if you ask me) and the gameplay was mostly great (though that tiny crane bit was awkward).

Overall, I still think I prefer Gears 1. It left more of an impact on me back in 2006 and featured more a appealing setting (for me). Gears 2 is better in some ways but doesn't hit all of the same high notes.

I'm surprised that the ending for both games was so weak, though. I mean, in both cases, the ending just kind of came out of nowhere and had nothing to say. Both games had terrible final bosses, though at least the battle in Gears 1 was an actual fight (even if it was a lame one).

It was still a fantastic followup and one of the more memorable experiences of the year. I feel almost completely satisfied with it. Can't wait for more CO-OP and, perhaps, some multiplayer.
You're in the extreme minority with that "setting" complaint or whatever, which you've made sure to mention about 10 or 11 times in this thread already, and basically everything else as well.

Gears 2 completely destroys Gears 1. The gameplay is so much more varied. Gears 1 had the same type of encounters over and over again. The vehicle section is also 10x better than the one in the original. The music is better. The graphics are better. The gore is more detailed.

And I still don't quite understand your setting complaint. Gears 1 had a greenish cave level as well, but Gears 2's is even better... both visually and gameplay-wise. Also, Act 5 on the train in Gears 1 wasn't anything special at all, imo.


I thought the lead up to the boss in Gears 2 was awesome. The lead up in Gears 1 was good as well, but there was more variety in Gears 2. I can give you more detail to why I believe this if ya want, Dark.
kbear said:
You're in the extreme minority with that "setting" complaint or whatever, which you've made sure to mention about 10 or 11 times in this thread already, and basically everything else as well.

Gears 2 completely destroys Gears 1. The gameplay is so much more varied. Gears 1 had the same type of encounters over and over again. The vehicle section is also 10x better than the one in the original. The music is better. The graphics are better. The gore is more detailed.

And I still don't quite understand your setting complaint. Gears 1 had a greenish cave level as well, but Gears 2's is even better... both visually and gameplay-wise. Also, Act 5 on the train in Gears 1 wasn't anything special at all, imo.
raYne said:
Posted a while back. The vid's obviously cut off too soon though, 'cause the whole conversation is:

"Hmm.. been looking for this.. WHO WANTS TOAST?!"
"I like 'em crispy."
"I like 'em crispy on the outside."
"Hell yeah!"

Oh my god. I didn't know that; that should have been an achievement. :lol :lol

Will do the next time I play campaign.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
finished last night and i just cant see how ANYONE in their right mind could even compare the single player campaign of 1 and 2 with a straight face... gears 2 is so far above and beyond what was offered up in the first. the cutscene presentation, the in game dialogue, sound effects, the pacing, the set piece battles, the varied scenery and settings, the far improved graphics, and a story i actually followed and cared about (maria!!!).

the only thing that detracted from the gears 2 experience was some of the additional gameplay segments. things such as the reaver section and i'd say even the tank stage, didnt feel right, felt tacked on, and the whole game would have been better of without them.

maybe because i'm the type of gamer that really values presentation, but i definitely feel that gears 2 makes the first game look almost amateurish in comparison. there is no going back
Wow this game just doesn't have any let down moments. Each act gets better and better. End of Act 3 was the most visually impressive moment I have seen on a console so far. This game really destroys Gears 1 like mentioned before. I was definitely convinced of that after the end of Act 2 and everything that happens afterward is just like one vicious curb stomp after another to the first game, which I absolutely loved to play.

Edit: Whoa what the hell, I just notice I'm a little dizzy right now after all the
boat shaking
in act 3. :lol
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