GashPrex said:so in single player i am on the last chapter and right afterdom has just stopped fighting, in fact enemies just run right by him and completely ignore him. This happen to anybody else?we enter the mansion through different doors
I get the same thing.Brannon said:Free Lancer my ass, that thing costs 99,999 MS Points now
Shins said:See, stunts like that are what got you Herpes.
unomas said:So are a ton of other people by looking at my friends list. Patch the game EPIC! Too much lag, bad party system, weapon balance is rediculous and even after that I found myself enjoyiing some wingman yesterday and other modes as long as you're in a group of friends. If you're playing with randoms though the game is a chore. They still have a chance to save it with a patch but the backlash is mighty already.
I've never had any problems with matchmaking in Gears. I wonder what determines, for Gears, whether you will have a long time finding games or a short amount of time.Kibbles said:WHEN THE HELL ARE THEY GOING TO FIX MATCHMAKING? Seriously, we've been sitting in the lobby searching for at least 15 minutes now.
I just found a match after ~ three minutes of searching.Kibbles said:Going for about 20minutes here without finding a matchFuck matchmaking.
ConglaturationsDax01 said:I just found a match after ~ three minutes of searching.
Dax01 said:I just found a match after ~ three minutes of searching.
Dax01 said:I just found a match after ~ three minutes of searching.
HotGarbage said:Man, sounds like this is as bad as Brawl's matchmaking
From what I have experienced, I still prefer it to Gears 1's system of online.Dosia said:That is a pretty long time compared to about 10-15 seconds for gears 1.
Speevy said:I came into this thread and the first things I read were "F*** you." and "Choke on a dick."
TTG said:Wow, the level design(if you can even call it that) on the way to the queen's chamber is some of the laziest I've ever seen. Halo's library level has nothing on this. I'm surprised campaign mode isn't catching more shit for this stuff. The worm level, the lab where you just chainsaw through about 20 "Flood" bad guys, the path to the queen's palace, random sections of walking from checkpoint to checkpoint... I'm surprised at how clunky these sections are. It looks like the campaign was designed for some cool co op action for when you're tired of the multiplayer stuff and that's about it. AND I'm still using the same fucking weapons minus the very situation specific mortar/flame thrower. :/
Oh and since I'm on a rant: I love how Marcus stares down switches and levers into submission if you're carrying a turret. Who cares if you're making the biggest game of the year with an unlimited budget, there's no need to take some extra time to animate it properly.
Brannon said:Free Lancer my ass, that thing costs 99,999 MS Points now
99,999 MSP... my god. That would be terrible. :lolDark FaZe said:I ordered it when it was 0 points...
It better not have charged me shit...
DaCocoBrova said:This.
Seems sloppy has hell and makes me appreciate Gears 1 even more. Thought it was just me who realized these things.
Were there some major staff changes at Epic for this one? It sure feels like it in just about every area of the game.
:lol :lol You dick.Flunkie said:GAWD Aladuf is such a douchebag. First he teamkills me, then kicks me out of his game. After I rejoin, he made fun of me for my rank and called me a wannabe badass. WTF?!I thought I WAS badass?! :'(
More like Aladouche, amirite?