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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!


Finally started playing this today, now that Fable II has loosened it's grip on me. I only played through the opening part, right up until they start riding the big vehicles. Impressive stuff in every department. In fact, every element so far is a step up from Gears 1 - except the writing. Holy shit it's bad; from the very first exchange onward. They ratcheted up the bravado, and the cheese has flowed forth like so much juice. Really terrible stuff. If the cinematic leading up to the caravan was on mute, I'd have been floored. As it was I was laughing/cringing at that dude's speech and delivery.

I'm using the alternate control scheme, with run and cover mapped separately and am loving it. I never had a perfect handle on my movement in the first game, probably doing one or two accidental dives in each encounter. After the opening area, I've already adjusted and it feels quite a bit tighter. Very welcome change.

Question: Is Horde available on every map, including the download ones? That's the only MP Gears I ever plan to play, so I'm tempted not to download the five maps since my HDD is starting to get full.


GhaleonEB said:
Question: Is Horde available on every map, including the download ones? That's the only MP Gears I ever plan to play, so I'm tempted not to download the five maps since my HDD is starting to get full.
Yep, every map supports Horde including DLC. The download for the maps is only 120 mb or so, so that's not too bad for someone running out of space I'd guess.
The worse thing about the bots on a harder difficulty is when they move out of cover just as you're about to pull off a headshot with the sniper rifle.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
GhaleonEB said:
Question: Is Horde available on every map, including the download ones? That's the only MP Gears I ever plan to play, so I'm tempted not to download the five maps since my HDD is starting to get full.

Yup, every single map...


Just finished it.

I thought Jacinto and the ending were great. Great level/encounter design for the whole "aftermath" act pretty much. The environments were amazing, the parts leading up to Jacinto were great... and I finally got to use the Hammer of Dawn, for a minute there I thought it was gonna be cut from the game. Shit, even the story got interesting when they switched back to Marcus with
Anya and his father

And the Brumak bit was the one vehicle part in the game that really worked VERY well. I think if the whole game was up to the level that Aftermath was, it would be very high on all GOTY lists, including mine.


Did the
section remind anyone else of MGS4's part where you take
Metal Gear Rex for a spin?
They seemed to control really similarly to each other. Though you were a bit closer to invincible in Gears.


Aladuf said:
Yep, every map supports Horde including DLC. The download for the maps is only 120 mb or so, so that's not too bad for someone running out of space I'd guess.
Ah, that's not too bad. I've got about 1.5 gigs left, so I'll go ahead and download them. Thanks.


Mrs. Harvey
MY GOD IS THIS GAME BEAUTIFUL!!! It's one of those games where you can watch people play it and still enjoy it. Currently halfway through campaign.


the first gears of war, along side rainbow six vegas, sold me on a 360. not only did both games disappoint below my lowest expectations, i despised the console for it. if it wasn't for the exceptional arcade titles, halo3 and a few multiplatform titles, it would've been sold a long time ago.

that said, gears2 is the reason i bought the console in the first place. it's everything the first gears should've been. its predecessor's hardcore difficulty was one of the most unbalanced and buggiest gaming experiences i've ever encountered. this time around, it is balanced to near perfection with not one single encounter being unforgiving nor frustrating. outside of the controls, which have been improved alot, i can't blame the game for my shortcomings or any deaths that have occurred. and bravo for the improved squad a.i.

i can go on about how great this game is, but i'll just be preaching to the choir. bravo epic and insomniac/bungie, please take notes. epic is back baby.


Comics, serious business!
teepo said:
the first gears of war, along side rainbow six vegas, sold me on a 360. not only did both games disappoint below my lowest expectations, i despised the console for it.

So you despised the 360 because two games came out for it that didn't live up to your expectations? How does this make sense? How is this the console's fault, exactly? Wat? That's like saying I hate the highway because I saw two ugly cars driving on it the other day. Or, I hate my MP3 player because the Britney Spears album I bought didn't live up to my expectations.


teepo said:
i can go on about how great this game is, but i'll just be preaching to the choir. bravo epic and insomniac/bungie, please take notes. epic is back baby.
I can't understand how you like the second game so much more than the first one. They're not that different. Refinement and tweaking do not an utterly new experience make.


RSTEIN said:
So you despised the 360 because two games came out for it that didn't live up to your expectations? How does this make sense? How is this the console's fault, exactly? Wat? That's like saying I hate the highway because I saw two ugly cars driving on it the other day. Or, I hate my MP3 player because the Britney Spears album I bought didn't live up to my expectations.



Evonus said:
I can't understand how you like the second game so much more than the first one. They're not that different. Refinement and tweaking do not an utterly new experience make.

you're more easily entertained then i am, obviously.


A job that pays for both my needs and wants: priceless

edit: You're obviously more fickle than I am. Gears of War has a core gameplay mechanic that you either like or don't. Gears of War 2 has the same mechanic. You liked it the second time, but not the first. Fickle. ;- )


teepo said:


you're more easily entertained then i am, obviously.

Ever hear of second hand games?

Also, this gears is not that much different than the first but ok.


and this has just reconfirmed why i stay the fuck out of official threads. i give my subjective view on the game, an extremely positive one at that, where i attempted to paint why exactly the experience has improved substantially for me, yet i get shitted on by brittle fans who focus on the negatives which were meant to highlight the positives.


i've spent more time in matchmaking than i have in matches. is epic going to fix this shit or what? horde isn't too bad but vs is just a fucking joke.


Now that I've played the second section for a bit (shooting down the mortars): what the fuck were they thinking? This is seriously archaic game design. Can I at least get a targeting reticle?

This section is unmitigated shit.


GhaleonEB said:
Now that I've played the second section for a bit (shooting down the mortars): what the fuck were they thinking? This is seriously archaic game design. Can I at least get a targeting reticle?

This section is unmitigated shit.

Are you talking about the brig section? Left Trigger is your friend.

Edit: I'm not sure how someone can hate the first game, and fall in love with the second. I still think the first has a few set pieces that are better than most in the 2nd.


Tonights matches for me = 100% motherfuckin' shittacular

Tonights matches for Third = probably rockin' a solid 4/1 kill-death ratio

I am so terrible at this game lately, I don't even know why. It seems like while everyone else is finally finding a groove on all the new maps I'm stuck back struggling to just try and figure out any possible strategy. I've totally been overexposed to Gears 2 again lately... I gotta stop doing that. :lol


GhaleonEB said:
Now that I've played the second section for a bit (shooting down the mortars): what the fuck were they thinking? This is seriously archaic game design. Can I at least get a targeting reticle?

This section is unmitigated shit.
Left trigger Ghaleon?

GhaleonEB said:
Now that I've played the second section for a bit (shooting down the mortars): what the fuck were they thinking? This is seriously archaic game design. Can I at least get a targeting reticle?

This section is unmitigated shit.

Make sure you read the tool tips, there's a part later where you are operating something, and there is a key bit of information that a ton of people have missed, resulting in much death and coming here for help.

For those who've finished, It's the
left stick moves the Reaver of course.

Played a bit with some of you tonight, it was good fun thanks. My apologies to whoever got left as the locust in that 4 vs 2 round. I've always thought it best to just get it over with and rebalance the teams. So sorry for still going 100% and all, we obviously don't think less of you.

Aladuf and Third Engine, you guys fucking Dominate, yikes.


PedroLumpy said:
Aladuf and Third Engine, you guys fucking Dominate, yikes.
Joke post?

I doubt I'm just being rough on myself here, I feel like my gameplay has been in the shits lately, especially tonight. :(
Aladuf said:
Joke post?

I doubt I'm just being rough on myself here, I feel like my gameplay has been in the shits lately, especially tonight. :(

Well, I may have not been there for the entire evening. And I also don't have a ton of experience. But in the matches I was in, you and him
were top of the scoreboard.

Man I wish I could watch to see how the guy going for the snipes on Blood Drive was making it there so fast.


PedroLumpy said:
Well, I may have not been there for the entire evening. And I also don't have a ton of experience. But in the matches I was in, you and him
were top of the scoreboard.

Man I wish I could watch to see how the guy going for the snipes on Blood Drive was making it there so fast.
Ah gotcha, and as for rushing snipe on Blood Drive me and Third were alternating each time and we seriously have the motions down for it. We spawn and are just gunning for that thing.
Aladuf said:
Ah gotcha, and as for rushing snipe on Blood Drive me and Third were alternating each time and we seriously have the motions down for it. We spawn and are just gunning for that thing.

I had a feeling it's all in the little details. I've done annex bot matches to learn where weapons are, and got a feel for beating bots there. I would never have thought I was super fast just beating bots, but the first time I reached the bottom of the stairs and saw someone already leaping over to get it, I was just like fuck....

But really fun of course. Gotta work on those executions. I think in my best match I had like a 1:3 kill/down ratio. Pads the score real nice though.
Dax01 said:
This game sucks. Especially with people like Aladuf and ThirdEngine.

Fuck you guys.
You were on our team most of the time!

PedroLumpy said:
Aladuf and Third Engine, you guys fucking Dominate, yikes
We just have a ton of Gears experience. Once you have all of the controls mastered, it's not hard at all to have a good game.

Aladuf said:
I doubt I'm just being rough on myself here, I feel like my gameplay has been in the shits lately, especially tonight. :(
You're being too hard on yourself, brah. I can always count on you and Recovery to hold your own during our matches.

PedroLumpy said:
But in the matches I was in, you and him
were top of the scoreboard.


h3ro said:
Damn you Aladuf, you got me back in the mood for Burnout Paradise... I gotta go hunt down my copy tomorrow...
I'm not even gonna lie, I was trying to get Paradise back into your brain. Now we need to play some online. :lol


ThirdEngine said:
You're being to hard on yourself, brah. I can always count on you and Recovery to hold your own during our matches.
Well then overexposure is a bitch, time to fire up the PS3/Wii for some playtime instead of 100% of my gaming time going to Gears 2.


just beat the campaign and my god,the scenery. the game was a 9\10 to me up until
the queen's palace
stuff,feel kidna flat there,but it recovered nicely once to make it back up to the surface through the end. the music was pretty epic and the main theme was extremely nice. it didnt get you pumped up liek the main theme from the first game,but it was great in its own way. cant wait for the 3rd game to wrap up this trilogy.
Almost done with my Insane campaign. Really loving it. Aside from a few frustrating moments due to the difficulty. Overall I really like Gears 2's campaign though. And damn is it beautiful.
I'm not particulary bothered by the power weapons since most of 'em are pretty easy to counter or avoid (including the mortar) if you're aware of your surroundings, so I wouldn't mind if they get turned back on during the Private Matches. I do hope you get to decide the spawn times for each weapon after Epic releases a patch though.

One more thing: tired of mortar / grenade tag spamming? Turn on Friendly Fire and you'll see it a lot less. I wish it belonged to the default settings for matchmaking.


GhaleonEB said:
Now that I've played the second section for a bit (shooting down the mortars): what the fuck were they thinking? This is seriously archaic game design. Can I at least get a targeting reticle?

This section is unmitigated shit.

It's just a weirdly unbalanced, small part(atleast on hardcore difficulty). There's only a couple of these /facepalm moments in the game. Actually I think it's just that and driving through the lake aka memorizing a path through the lake.


DiddyBop said:
cant wait for the 3rd game to wrap up this trilogy.

Did anyone leave the credits rolling?
Allan Phoenix or whatever the dad's name says 2 lines, implying that he's still alive I guess. Over all, as soon as the story switched back to Marcus things got a lot more interesting.

I'm hoping they can take their time and sustain the level of awesomeness that was "Aftermath" through the whole GOW 3 campaign. :D
Fuck Dom and fuck his Long Island whore of a wife, fuckin Fran Dresher wannbe.

That aside I'm enjoying the game, it's a definite step up from the first game.


TTG said:
It's just a weirdly unbalanced, small part(atleast on hardcore difficulty). There's only a couple of these /facepalm moments in the game. Actually I think it's just that and driving through the lake aka memorizing a path through the lake.

Huh? The lake section is probably the easiest part of the game.
Just take it slow.
No need to memorize anything.
Anyone encounter a glitch where a person gets downed by the games standards but in reality they are still walking/standing upright, albeit very, very slowly.

Its happened quite a few times.....

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
GhaleonEB said:
Now that I've played the second section for a bit (shooting down the mortars): what the fuck were they thinking? This is seriously archaic game design. Can I at least get a targeting reticle?

This section is unmitigated shit.


left trigger makes that rather a lot easier (I had the same issue and nearly beat that section with no reticle)

I'm up to the
razor rain
section. how far is that through the game? I missed the 'Act x' notifiers, presuming there are any.
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