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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!


Wow for once, I was hosting a public game tonight, and guess who won? Me.

All my shots counted, and killed every single person on the opposing team easily.

Man, I'm so disappointed. This game still has lag issues that still exist from Gears 1.

Now, I don't know if I should buy this game (renting it from Gamefly). : /

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I'm loving the game and aside from 2 or 3 horde matches haven't gone online yet with it due to wanting to complete the campaign. Which is excellent! couple of things that are annoying though, the tank drives like a piece of shit and the section where
you fall down a small cliff and the tank stops working and 3 giant spiders show up in the dark
was so frustrating. didn't know what to do and the little cut scene followed by the loading if you get it wrong was too frustrating to repeat more than 2 times to figure out if there was a pattern.

Minor gripes in an otherwise excellent game so far. Don't want it to end tbh.

EDIT: Also, the online gripes from everyone makes me think we will see more halo 3 style betas for games with this big of an online component in the future.


The worst part of that tank bit was every time it tells you to press "Y" it makes your view so you fall right off a cliff. I was doing it co-op.


claviertekky said:
Wow for once, I was hosting a public game tonight, and guess who won? Me.

All my shots counted, and killed every single person on the opposing team easily.

Man, I'm so disappointed. This game still has lag issues that still exist from Gears 1.

Now, I don't know if I should buy this game (renting it from Gamefly). : /

my advice is not to buy it at least untile a patch is out. The MP mode is totally broken, bullet lag and host power are still there as well as glitches and lots of bugs.
If you play GUARDIAN in the RIVER map you'll see moron leaders doing the granade trick to glitch and disappear in the scenario within the big house near the bridge.
And this is just the beginnig. I hate Epic now! No public beta testing and this is the result. Trust me, by now, GOW2 is a waste of money if you buy it for MP fun. And I have the limited edition too! AAARGH!


Well I bought it for co-op campaign (which took me 2 weeks to start because my cheapass friends didn't buy it 'til last week) and Horde =) So I'm happy enough.
RSTEIN said:
I played Gaurdian last night and the opposing team were all kneeling like they were using shields... but there weren't any shields. I would go right up to one of them and start blasting with my shotgun but no damage registered. Then of course they blasted me with their shotgun...
Is that not the problem of if you are not near the host the shotgun aims at the feet when you shoot? if you do no damage it must be that.


dk_ said:
Can you be revived by a coop partner on insane? It sucks the cpu can't do that anymore...

You need to get past the first couple levels in the game to be able to be revived on any difficulty (Found this out playing w/ a friend on Insane, first part of the game one of us would die and it would go to Dead Red Screen)

Just get past the hospital and I think you can be picked up (also by an AI Partner if I'm not mistaken)


So... I think Gears 2 just deserves a 7/10 despite the epic campaign experience.

The multiplayer is something that Cliff B. stated he was focusing on, and based on my shitty experiences, it's just not worth getting the attention it's getting aside from horde mode.


I can keep it on Gamefly for $35 + tax, and even this is a hard decision to make at this point. I'm hoping the Gears 2 limited editions go down in price like the Halo 3 helmets last year.


shooting blanks
Scarecrow said:
did they manage to fix matchmaking? Because I've had no problems tonight in getting a match.

Only time it ever works is when I already have 5 people in my party, then we go searching for a match

We're going on 3 weeks here, this is pretty bad


lots of youtube glitch videos with tutorials. Pretty disgusting that these things are possible on closed system.


Up to this week, it was easy to fill up matches for private matches, but for now, my friends list has dispersed into a few different games, and most of the people still playing Gears of War 2 are playing Horde and avoid competitive multiplayer like the plague. The best I can usually do is three people for a public game. It doesn't take as long as some people here to find a game, but its not quick, and the past few days, the lag and glitchers running around seems to have ramped up a lot. Part of that is probably just bad luck in the matches I get, but its enough to test my already strained relationship with the game.


Cliff, I know you're bad ass, but everyone can use a little advice here and there, so here is some recommended reading

The Instruments of Torture

After you've read and it's clear in your head, and you feel comfortable with some of those bad ass techniques go to work on your co-workers.

Tell them 2 weeks, then get back to us.

Thank you,



Don't you guys understand why these MP problems are occurring?

Something had to go wrong. I mean, hell, the game was almost too good.
I'm not TOO bothered by the glitches because they happen, and they'll be ironed out in a patch or two. What I'm mostly bothered by is stuff like smoke wall tagging, and the mortars. In certain games, they can really ruin my enjoyment.
Dark FaZe said:
I haven't had to much of an issue with mortars. Pretty easy to kill on most maps. Smoke nades are annoying though.

It's specifically in games like Annex and Submission. And mostly on River. Like you drag the Meatflag all the way across the map, and then your whole team gets blown up by some guy on the bridge with the mortars shooting them through the roof of that barn. And then the other team gets the Meatflag over to their side...And we do the same thing to them. It's cheap, and it can really drag out something like Submission.

But yes, Smokes are much higher on my shit-list. As far as I'm concerned, no one should even spawn with them.
ToyMachine228 said:
It's specifically in games like Annex and Submission. And mostly on River. Like you drag the Meatflag all the way across the map, and then your whole team gets blown up by some guy on the bridge with the mortars shooting them through the roof of that barn. And then the other team gets the Meatflag over to their side...And we do the same thing to them. It's cheap, and it can really drag out something like Submission.

But yes, Smokes are much higher on my shit-list. As far as I'm concerned, no one should even spawn with them.

And the most annoying thing is being blown away by grenades or being knocked down by smoke grenades that have been placed by someone that is dead. COD 4 got it right to make the claymores disappear when the person who planted them dies.


carterd1981 said:
COD 4 got it right to make the claymores disappear when the person who planted them dies.
That is exactly what I was saying to someone yesterday. Those things need to disappear COD4 style when the person dies.


Neo Member
It's really sad what has happened to the multiplayer in Gears 2. If you want to play online in Gears 2 you have to:

a) get a laptop near you so you can surf the net while you find a match

b) meditate before each match so you don't yell or break anything because what was supposed to happen didn't happen (like the shotgun shooting at the ground instead of the person you are trying to hit)

c) get ready to get sucked into the evil abyss that is the realm of the chainsaws evil fury of hell, because you can run, or act like its not there, but once you hear that thing reving near you, most likely you are going to get sucked in it..

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
WindBelow said:
It's really sad what has happened to the multiplayer in Gears 2. If you want to play online in Gears 2 you have to:

a) get a laptop near you so you can surf the net while you find a match

b) meditate before each match so you don't yell or break anything because what was supposed to happen didn't happen (like the shotgun shooting at the ground)

c) get ready to get sucked into the evil abyss that is the realm of the chainsaws evil fury of hell, because you can run, or act like its not there, but once you hear that thing reving near you, most likely you are going to get sucked in it..

haha yeah I use my laptop the whole time while waiting to get in a game.
I have a question thats more about Live than Gears. I just got a 12 month card for Live. If I use it now, will I use 1 month at the end of Nov?
Jamesfrom818 said:
I have a question thats more about Live than Gears. I just got a 12 month card for Live. If I use it now, will I use 1 month at the end of Nov?
Your time starts from the moment you activate the code, so you will get the entire 12 months to this date next year.


WindBelow said:
It's really sad what has happened to the multiplayer in Gears 2. If you want to play online in Gears 2 you have to:

a) get a laptop near you so you can surf the net while you find a match

b) meditate before each match so you don't yell or break anything because what was supposed to happen didn't happen (like the shotgun shooting at the ground instead of the person you are trying to hit)

c) get ready to get sucked into the evil abyss that is the realm of the chainsaws evil fury of hell, because you can run, or act like its not there, but once you hear that thing reving near you, most likely you are going to get sucked in it..
d) have one, two or four friends and make a group

Matchmaking is pretty fast with groups of 2,3 or 5 guys.


Neo Member
Zezboob said:
d) have one, two or four friends and make a group

Matchmaking is pretty fast with groups of 2,3 or 5 guys.

I do agree with you, it is much faster with groups. Unfortunately unless I have friends on all the time and they are available to play at the moment, searching alone happens for me the majority of the time.


claviertekky said:
The multiplayer is something that Cliff B. stated he was focusing on, and based on my shitty experiences, it's just not worth getting the attention it's getting aside from horde mode.


Seriously the MP is a fuckin' mess, maybe even worse than the first game's already flawed MP...you have the shotgun "shoots down" glitch, the unbalanced and really slow at times matchmaking, the stupid grenade/smoke wall tagging and you also have the horrible bullet lag/host advantage - talk about Gears of War 1 level bullet lag even on public Horde..WTF?

I love Gears gameplay and I honestly believe that if only the bullet lag was reduced to COD4 levels we could talk about the best console MP of this gen even if all the other problems were still present but to have all those glitches AND that bullet lag is too much IMO.

Really disappointed...hopefully Epic will fix this. :(


This thread has gone in a bad direction, but hopefully a patch is on the way. I was just looking at some of the glitches posted on youtube and I'm assuming it's alright to call this games online versus multi broken? I still like many of the core concepts and a patch could get things back on track but people are definitely going to other games because of frustration with Gears 2. Did they test this before they released it?

Obviously the single player and horde are great and I think most people enjoyed them quite a bit but you can only play those modes for so long before it becomes stale. My personal list would be.

Boomshot- take it back down to 2 shots and it's also easier to use now, decrease the splash damage a bit.

Shotgun- fix the hipfire into the ground problem and increase the power. Melee someone 2 times they hit the floor, shoot them with the shotty twice and they don't. Doesn't make sense.

Lancer/chainsaw- Just make it stun them when you shoot them so it drops down for a second the vacuum effect isn't bad, it was much worse in the original before they patched that one.

Sniper- make it a little easier to get headshots, the torque bow is much easier to use than the snipe and a shot anywhere on the body with the torque is an automatic kill.

Mortar- I don't see that big of a problem with it, maybe lower the ammo to 3-4 shots instead of 5.

Smoke nades- The fact that they knock you down is stupid, smoke should be used in the most logical way for cover. Maybe a slight stun, but to knock someone down?

Wall tagging nades- Not a bad idea but detonation times are nil and grenades are way overpowered in this game. There are plenty of blindspots where you can plant a nade and get easy kills each round I also don't think they should spawn so frequently and that it should take a bit longer to detonate when you throw one as well.

Power weapons- In general I think some maps should have little to no power weapons at all, it takes very little skill to use most of them.

Connection times- big problem if you aren't in a party it takes forever to find a game.

Uneven numbers- Starting games out 5 versus 3? It's happened a few times while I've played and I just don't get that.

Quitters- If someone quits or drops they should be replaced by someone else looking for a game like in COD 4. Gears 2 isn't a game where it's easy to win if you're down a man or two.

Lag- It's not that I want to select my own room to play in, but for the love of God connect people to other people that will have a strong connection. In the old Gears you could at least see what you were getting into, I think it should show everyones connection rating, red, yellow, and green to give people an idea of what the game is going to be like. My connection is decent, 7mbps but it seems like I never get host yet end up in a decent number of laggy games.

Game modes- I played strictly warzone in the first Gears, and while it's nice to mix it up once in a while with different modes like king of the hill I'd like to decide what I really want to play. I hate execution, absolutely hate it and I'm forced to play it time after time because many people don't want to play warzone. I don't mind map type being determined by the people in the room, but when I don't get the gametype I want that sucks! I play the game to play what I like to play, not what other people like to play.

I give Epic credit for trying some new things, I like the overall mechanics and many of the new maps but the game could use a little tweaking. I'll be back for serious online multi when they put out a patch.

Kydd BlaZe

Feindflug said:
Seriously the MP is a fuckin' mess, maybe even worse than the first game's already flawed MP...you have the shotgun "shoots down" glitch, the unbalanced and really slow at times matchmaking, the stupid grenade/smoke wall tagging and you also have the horrible bullet lag/host advantage - talk about Gears of War 1 level bullet lag even on public Horde..WTF?

I love Gears gameplay and I honestly believe that if only the bullet lag was reduced to COD4 levels we could talk about the best console MP of this gen even if all the other problems were still present but to have all those glitches AND that bullet lag is too much IMO.

Really disappointed...hopefully Epic will fix this. :(

My. Thoughts. Exactly.

Couldn't have said it any better, myself.
Evonus said:
Up to this week, it was easy to fill up matches for private matches, but for now, my friends list has dispersed into a few different games, and most of the people still playing Gears of War 2 are playing Horde and avoid competitive multiplayer like the plague. The best I can usually do is three people for a public game. It doesn't take as long as some people here to find a game, but its not quick, and the past few days, the lag and glitchers running around seems to have ramped up a lot. Part of that is probably just bad luck in the matches I get, but its enough to test my already strained relationship with the game.
You're more than welcome to play with us.


WindBelow said:
It's really sad what has happened to the multiplayer in Gears 2. If you want to play online in Gears 2 you have to:

a) get a laptop near you so you can surf the net while you find a match

b) meditate before each match so you don't yell or break anything because what was supposed to happen didn't happen (like the shotgun shooting at the ground instead of the person you are trying to hit)

c) get ready to get sucked into the evil abyss that is the realm of the chainsaws evil fury of hell, because you can run, or act like its not there, but once you hear that thing reving near you, most likely you are going to get sucked in it..

LOOOOL! you stole my thoughts out of my mind! ;)
My roommate and I need a couple of people to help us finish Horde on Normal. We've two-manned it all the way to Wave 39, but we need two or three people to help us finish. Anyone down?


claviertekky said:
So... I think Gears 2 just deserves a 7/10 despite the epic campaign experience.

The multiplayer is something that Cliff B. stated he was focusing on, and based on my shitty experiences, it's just not worth getting the attention it's getting aside from horde mode.


I can keep it on Gamefly for $35 + tax, and even this is a hard decision to make at this point. I'm hoping the Gears 2 limited editions go down in price like the Halo 3 helmets last year.
Already $55 + tax on Amazon.ca! $45 after coupon.


Skilotonn said:
It's only possible with a lag switch, and you have to be host.

Regardless, it still amazes me how far people go to win in a game - by now I'd figure Epic found out how to patch it and does it ASAP before it starts to spread...
I can't believe 'lag switches' actually exist..


unomas said:
This thread has gone in a bad direction, but hopefully a patch is on the way. I was just looking at some of the glitches posted on youtube and I'm assuming it's alright to call this games online versus multi broken? I still like many of the core concepts and a patch could get things back on track but people are definitely going to other games because of frustration with Gears 2. Did they test this before they released it?

Obviously the single player and horde are great and I think most people enjoyed them quite a bit but you can only play those modes for so long before it becomes stale. My personal list would be.


Mortar- I don't see that big of a problem with it, maybe lower the ammo to 3-4 shots instead of 5.


I give Epic credit for trying some new things, I like the overall mechanics and many of the new maps but the game could use a little tweaking. I'll be back for serious online multi when they put out a patch.

Good ideas but one I disagree with a little bit is the Mortar, they should kick the Mortar down to 1-2 shots tops. I realize that it makes you go slower but the thing does far more damage than a Boomshot, has 2 more shots than the Boomshot, and the splash zone is huge. So I think if the ammo is dropped to 1 or 2 then you won't see people just spamming the shit out of it just praying that they get someone. A heavy power weapon like that should be a risk to take, it should involve the person slowly moving around after they get it to see where exactly where it needs to be shot instead of what people do now and pick it up and just waste off all 5 rounds at its spawn just praying that the thing will get any poor bastard that just happens to be in the way of the guys random shot.
Aladuf said:
Good ideas but one I disagree with a little bit is the Mortar, they should kick the Mortar down to 1-2 shots tops. I realize that it makes you go slower but the thing does far more damage than a Boomshot, has 2 more shots than the Boomshot, and the splash zone is huge. So I think if the ammo is dropped to 1 or 2 then you won't see people just spamming the shit out of it just praying that they get someone. A heavy power weapon like that should be a risk to take, it should involve the person slowly moving around after they get it to see where exactly where it needs to be shot instead of what people do now and pick it up and just waste off all 5 rounds at its spawn just praying that the thing will get any poor bastard that just happens to be in the way of the guys random shot.
Eh, I don't think the mortar needs to have his ammo cut that bad. I find it pretty easy to avoid incoming mortars most of the time (the majority of the maps have a fair share of spots where they can't hit you) unless the game's real laggy and I always look up to the sky to see the general direction of a mortar. Besides: if you know someone's going to make a run for it each and every round, you can always try and defend it or flank the guy because most mortars don't pay that much attention to what's happening near them, other than their front.

Like I said before though: mindless walltag spamming and mortar whoring would be significantly reduced if Epic made Friendly Fire a default setting for Public Matches.


Dax01 said:
'Duf, are you going to play some games today?
Yessir, me and Third might get in a couple Wingman matches at first but he'll host a private match soon after at around 8:45 or 9 probably.

MicVlaD said:
Like I said before though: mindless walltag spamming and mortar whoring would be significantly reduced if Epic made Friendly Fire a default setting for Public Matches.
Another thing I was thinking after I saw you said that the other day is (since I doubt FF would ever be an option for all matchmaking) make it so the heavy power weapons only have friendly fire. So maybe people wouldn't just spam it into groups of people on both teams who are fighting it out, they'd have to be careful with it.
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