You're right. It's entirely backwards to suggest that a cover-based shooter should play like a cover-based shooter. Insane. OBVIOUSLY, a cover-based shooter should play like Quake-lite, with people bounding and sprinting around like jack-rabbits on crack, running through gunfire and shotgunning people.
The fundamentals of Gears of War are present in the cooperative modes, where using cover is actually important, and battling back and forth, knowing when to press for a better position and when to retreat to live another day. There is NEVER a moment in the single-player or horde, where it is a fantastic fucking idea to try and run through gunfire just to shotgun 4 dudes. This is the single best strategy in GoW multiplayer.
And that is a problem. The use of a SINGLE fucking weapon and strategy should never, EVER be the core of a gameplay experience. Gears of War laughably piles on new weapons with every game, and yet none of them are used as much as the starting shotgun, simply because the gameplay is so stupidly lop-sided towards it. And now, we even have a shotgun that needs LESS aiming.
The connection was my issue, I forgot that I had some torrents running over night and didn't turn them off.