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LeonSKennedy90 said:
I feel like I'm part of the problem, since I'm a SOS user. I don't camp around corners and shit, but I do like to blindside people and just get people out of my face. It's a quick, one-shot chance to say "GTFO my face, son". I don't rush into people and hope they don't shoot me with the half a dozen counters to the weapon, and hope for a trade with the shotgun kills. I'm level 42, already unlocked Superstar Cole, and I'm sitting pretty on 2.9 KDR in TDM, you don't get that shit playing like an idiot with the SOS. You still gotta call out spots, rush/support power weapons, know how to move, when to get out of a bad situation, control the map, have situational awareness at all times so no one sneaks up on you, etc. The SOS won't magically make you a good Gears of War player, you may get a few cheesy kills playing like a scrub, but a scrub will still be a scrub at the end of the day.

Agreed. I had a really good K/D too from playing quick matches. Then I played ranked and kept getting shat on by premade teams.


DjangoReinhardt said:
Campaign was a massive improvement over Gears 2, which I thought was tremendously disappointing. This game was much less focused on cheap set piece gimmicks and more on the core shooting like Gears 1. The non-squad combat portions were lame as always, but they were much less lame than the first two games. My biggest complaint is that the game was too long. I think it would be a better experience if Act IV was completely deleted. It was the classic case of the developer prioritizing their garbage story over the pacing.

The problem I had is that things like the zip line looked like it could have been a lot of fun if it had lasted longer than 20 seconds. They developed a really neat idea, and only included it briefly.
Volimar said:
Agreed. I had a really good K/D too from playing quick matches. Then I played ranked and kept getting shat on by premade teams.

I prefer quickmatch just so we can keep the games going, and I don't have to wait for matchmaking all the time. Friends can drop in too, if there's a spot open. Played a lot of games today, and the only ones me and a friend got skunked on was when these dudes with matching names showed up, all level 55+ and spanked out ass. Didn't help we had two Locust bots :(


cjelly said:
Need more maps, plz, Epic...

Agreed. And also, is it just me or does Checkout come up in quick matches like every third match?

Another nitpicking thing. Randoms who don't even try for the bonus wave objectives in horde. Maybe you don't care about the ammo/weapon drop, but Y U no want free cash?


Never really played a Gears game but curious about something. If one can find copies cheap enough (new or used) are they worth playing for their single player only? Gameplay, Story, and length? What would be a good price range to stay in? Talking about Gears 1 and 2 as it should be some time before Gears 3 ever drops low enough.

I also don't pay for Xbox Live Gold which is why I'm just curious about the single player only.



Effect said:
Never really played a Gears game but curious about something. If one can find copies cheap enough (new or used) are they worth playing for their single player only? Gameplay, Story, and length? What would be a good price range to stay in? Talking about Gears 1 and 2 as it should be some time before Gears 3 ever drops low enough.

I also don't pay for Xbox Live Gold which is why I'm just curious about the single player only.


Yeah, it's definitely worth it. But you might get motion sickness.


Effect said:
Never really played a Gears game but curious about something. If one can find copies cheap enough (new or used) are they worth playing for their single player only? Gameplay, Story, and length? What would be a good price range to stay in? Talking about Gears 1 and 2 as it should be some time before Gears 3 ever drops low enough.

I also don't pay for Xbox Live Gold which is why I'm just curious about the single player only.


The gears 1 campaign is tinged with a survival horror feel, but the story has a few holes in it. That said, it's fun, but short. You can find used copies at gamestop for like $5.

Gears 2 has more story, but some people feel that certain parts are kind of hokey. I won't spoil them since you're considering playing them for the first time. I'm not sure how much that is used, but it's probably affordable.

I enjoyed both games a lot, and I do recommend them.
The Antitype said:
But the magnum pistol is?

It's the worst balanced game ever made, we got it now.
So help me out Gears Vets,
Lets say someone is camping at the Boomshot spawn. And if you don't make a move to control that area then he is going to get the rocketlauncher and kill you anyways. What exactly is the correct move in that situation besides charging him, because he is behind cover, and he isn't going to come out because he is in a great situation.

What do you suggest I do? Honest question. It doesn't have anything to do with the SOS really.
First of all, having an enemy with a boomshot does not mean you get insta-killed. Second, toss grenades at him and he'll be done. Smoke, incendiary, explosive, ink, every type works in this particular situation.


Y2Kev said:
Finished the campaign. 3 > 1 > 2 for sure, and they did a great job with a lengthy, varied, beautiful campaign that only drags in a few spots. Given that there's a certain level of cheese and incongruence in what it is, the story and dialog is all fairly well done. The game delivers on the promise of the destroyed beauty tagline Epic has been teasing since game 1.

Great weaponry, huge cast of baddies, and surprisingly decent friendly AI. This was really very good.

Also, it wrapped up the trilogy in a really satisfying way. I'm so tired of "trilogies" that were suddenly never meant to be trilogies or don't wrap up or sufficiently answer things. So happy not to see that bullshit here.

I was pretty disappointed with the first act, so you're giving me hope for the rest of the game.
Anyone else get this weird glitch where the Stats & Awards menu constantly shows that you have a new ribbon? I went through every single ribbon, paused briefly for a second on each, and it still says I have new ones, when I don't...
Ajemsuhgao said:
Anyone else get this weird glitch where the Stats & Awards menu constantly shows that you have a new ribbon? I went through every single ribbon, paused briefly for a second on each, and it still says I have new ones, when I don't...

Yep, same here.
I finished Act III. That was damn good. Somewhat predictable story-wise, but it doesn't matter, because it was all done well and all chapters were exciting and totally different. CliffyB, this is the ideal act of the series.
Volimar said:
If it ain't broke...

inb4 another shitstorm
Weapon balance is perfect, in my opinion, as long as servers are up. I have no issue with this game until PvP starts rearing its ugly head, such as what appears to be the past two days for me (mainly playing ranked TDM).

That goes for SOS, gnasher...many weapons really. Any weapon can become amazingly cheap in the hands of host.

The only unfortunate consequence of the SOS is that it seems to encourage people to go lone wolf and ditch their team. HOWEVER, power weapons have similarly encouraged this behavior in previous iterations of this game. Gears 2 had its share of pussies and assholes. It's just that now many are running with the SOS instead of trying to get in your line of sight just because you picked up snipe first.

Note: I'm not saying that all SOS users are pussies or assholes. Lots of different people use that weapon and it is their choice to do so.


shichishito said:
The only unfortunate consequence of the SOS is that it seems to encourage people to go lone wolf and ditch their team.
And the gnasher never did this to gears 1 or 2?

Ajemsuhgao said:
Anyone else get this weird glitch where the Stats & Awards menu constantly shows that you have a new ribbon? I went through every single ribbon, paused briefly for a second on each, and it still says I have new ones, when I don't...

I think someone said it has something to do with the event going on right now and it screws something up. Or at least it just doesn't update all of the newer ribbons you get at times. If you reset the game it goes back to normal.
dmg04 said:
And the gnasher never did this to gears 1 or 2?

I don't disagree with what you are saying. Surely having a weapon that is easier to use encourages this behavior for more players, though? People who can't use the gnasher effectively will ultimately become discouraged from rushing groups and "lone wolfing". Who can't use the SOS effectively, though?

I'm not saying "get rid of the SOS", just posting my impressions based on the crew I roll with.
Ajemsuhgao said:
Anyone else get this weird glitch where the Stats & Awards menu constantly shows that you have a new ribbon? I went through every single ribbon, paused briefly for a second on each, and it still says I have new ones, when I don't...

Same here. Seems they will randomly disappear after a few days.
I'm having so much fun with Beast right now, one of my top favorite new things in the game. It feels like it goes by very quickly, but it also feels like it's the perfect length for it. I so want to try doing an Insane run on it.
shichishito said:
I don't disagree with what you are saying. Surely having a weapon that is easier to use encourages this behavior for more players, though?

Maybe for one kill, but I know that I only got one shot, that I have to be very close by to get, and kill or not I got to get my ass out of there for the next 4-5 seconds trying to reload. I'll sneak up on one guy, but if I see he has teammates paying attention, I know its risky to roll in there, so I'll wait for my team to cover my flank/escape or whatever.
shichishito said:
Weapon balance is perfect, in my opinion, as long as servers are up. I have no issue with this game until PvP starts rearing its ugly head, such as what appears to be the past two days for me (mainly playing ranked TDM).
Happened to me during the last 24 hours as well. So please Epic, give us more and/or bigger servers which can handle the busy weekends.
Holy shit. I just beat Horde Mode Level 50 with an entire group of randoms. It took about 3 hours-we had some major setbacks-lost nearly everything, no cash, and had to do the last round about 8 times-but my god-that's one of the best gaming experiences of my life. What a challenge!


I think one of the most challenging experiences was fighting 2 Berserkers with only 2 people. A lot of running and screaming was involved and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Horde mode, obviously.
LeonSKennedy90 said:
Maybe for one kill, but I know that I only got one shot, that I have to be very close by to get, and kill or not I got to get my ass out of there for the next 4-5 seconds trying to reload. I'll sneak up on one guy, but if I see he has teammates paying attention, I know its risky to roll in there, so I'll wait for my team to cover my flank/escape or whatever.
Like I said, this is based on the experiences I have with the crew I roll with so far.

It's great that you're a team player, but many are not. The guy on my team used to be a team player since he couldn't wallbounce and overtake guys with the gnasher. Now that he only uses the SOS, he rushes anything and everything and doesn't care because he knows that, worst case scenario, he'll pull out even by trading kills.

I'm not saying that all people are like this, its just a downside I've experienced personally. I'll say it again, the SOS is fine on servers.
Random nitpicky bs:

Why is Anya's hair down during the game, but up in the "Previously in Gears..." video? Her perfect hair in the game looks really weird.


People that join KOTH but never, ever go for captures drive me nuts.

I'd rather play with bots than some human players.

The Xtortionist said:

I'd jump on to help ya but I'm still on Act 1. :(

MP is too addicting.


Ajemsuhgao said:
Random nitpicky bs:

Why is Anya's hair down during the game, but up in the "Previously in Gears..." video? Her perfect hair in the game looks really weird.

She stole Baird's hair care products.
X-Frame said:
People that join KOTH but never, ever go for captures drive me nuts.

I'd rather play with bots than some human players.

*teammate kills two guys near the hill*

Aw yeah, good shit teammate, now get in that hill!

*teammate proceeds to grab sniper and miss headshots for the next 20 seconds before dying and losing the game for us*


leng jai

I wish there were health bars in horde. Kinda sucks shooting a bosss 9 billion times and having no idea how much damage you've done.


vodka-bull said:
Happened to me during the last 24 hours as well. So please Epic, give us more and/or bigger servers which can handle the busy weekends.

Or at least give us the ability to see if they're actually working. Other than waiting until shotgun lag bullshit rears it's head. It would be nice to avoid headaches to just see an indicator that they were down so I could do something else.


SpacLock said:
Yeah, it's definitely worth it. But you might get motion sickness.

Was somewhat worried about this when I've seen video of the game's movement. I don't get motion sickness but something I'll watch out for if pick up one of the games.

Volimar said:
The gears 1 campaign is tinged with a survival horror feel, but the story has a few holes in it. That said, it's fun, but short. You can find used copies at gamestop for like $5.

Gears 2 has more story, but some people feel that certain parts are kind of hokey. I won't spoil them since you're considering playing them for the first time. I'm not sure how much that is used, but it's probably affordable.

I enjoyed both games a lot, and I do recommend them.

Thanks. If I come across them I won't worry about picking them up now. Might be a while as I still have a bit of a backlog but it's on my to buy list now.


LeonSKennedy90 said:
*teammate kills two guys near the hill*

Aw yeah, good shit teammate, now get in that hill!

*teammate proceeds to grab sniper and miss headshots for the next 20 seconds before dying and losing the game for us*


Yeah, this happened to me too tonight. The best is when guys clear an enemy controlled hill and therefore neutralize it but never stick around to capture it.
I just took a look at a list of the requirements for all the Onyx medals.

Seriously 3.0 will take a while. And with a while I mean 2-3 years for me.

Is anybody of you guys going for it?
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