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NullPointer said:
Keep getting stuck in the campaign - Act III/Chapter 1 or 2 (Solo/Hardcore):

I've just defended the Anvil Gate base against the Locust assault and have to rescue some Gears that are trapped outside of the base. I chose to go with the truck and of course, all hell breaks loose and hectic battle between locust and then lambent ensues. That's all fine until the lambent berzerker arrives and Baird starts up the Hammer. He says to get inside the fort because he can't control the hammer of dawn - OK.

At this point a prompt shows up "RUN!", and every time I run I end up killed a few seconds later by the hammer of dawn and have to restart all the way back at the beginning of the battle. If I run towards the fort there is a hammer shot that seems to pop up out of nowhere and fry me. Many tries later I can't seem to avoid it and get disintegrated every time.

The objective on the restart screen says to get inside the fort before the third hammer strike - which is exactly what I'm trying to do, but I honestly can't seem to avoid getting zorched by the damn thing. Its blast radius is crazy and that second strike moves quick as hell.
What am I missing here? Its a great battle but after 7 or 8 retries I just had to give up. Any help?
After the lambent berserker comes up then run along the side of the wall that you're getting support from. So the wall to your right. Just run along it and a cutscene should happen.
Syph Medwes said:
After the lambent berserker comes up then run along the side of the wall that you're getting support from. So the wall to your right. Just run along it and a cutscene should happen.
Will give it another shot, thanks.
Is there another entrance to the fort underneath the guys giving covering fire? I've been making my way around to the front of the fort and maybe that's whats getting me killed.
LeonSKennedy90 said:
Note to self, "Don't play Previously on Gears video"

Why did you take my name you scoundrel?

Anyways, I've much enjoyed multiplayer- quite a lot, but alas campaign mode has bored me to tears my brothers. Is it worth finishing?
NullPointer said:
Will give it another shot, thanks.
Is there another entrance to the fort underneath the guys giving covering fire? I've been making my way around to the front of the fort and maybe that's whats getting me killed.
Yeah, there's a back entrance. After you run along the wall just around the corner is an opening and that's when the cutscene should start.
Hope that helps.


Aside from the SOS bull, Warzone is pretty damn fun
Just clutched a team. literally took every one of them out while being the last one in



I'm still trying to figure out if Quick play also is on Dedicated servers or is it ranked only? Does anyone know for sure? Also is there a way to know if you are on a dedicated servers? for example the details that would let you know you are host in Gears 2?


dmg04s Guide to "Knowing if you're on a Dedicated Server"
You are on a Dedicated Server IF
1. Your shots register
2. You get kills from distance
3. You tie people with gnasher/SOS shots [Tie, as in you both die]
4. You can jump over cover and kick someone without being reset to your starting position

You ARE NOT on a Dedicated Server IF
1. You can't down anyone
2. You can't get a kill
3. You are always on the losing end of the SOS, no ties
4. You try to jump over cover to kick someone, but halfway through the animation you are reset, and in the process of being kickedintheface/SOSed
5. Your team randomly has 6 people
6. Your boomshot goes through an enemy
7. Your chainsaw doesn't begin the animation after standing at someones back for over 1 second
etc etc etc

that OR you're terrible and should gtfo
Superstar Cole does not approve of going negative.
K2Valor said:
but it's hard because you it takes a long time to reload and then you have to run away after you use it. if you get killed by it you suck at the game amiright?

No it just means you shouldn't always go for up close kills and if you can see someone charging you, chances are they have a DBS and you should get out of there.

Of course the thing can be annoying when you are forced into a tight space.
Syph Medwes said:
Yeah, there's a back entrance. After you run along the wall just around the corner is an opening and that's when the cutscene should start.
Hope that helps.
It worked, but only after
I ran straight through some enemy fire and got to the entrance before the first hammer of dawn ray could touch down. Once I made it in the entryway the cut-scene started. I have no idea how you're supposed to do it once the hammer starts to come down. Thanks again for the tips as it was just enough to get me to give it another try (or two) ;P
But, I made it at last (took two more tries) and got to experience one hell of an Act 3. Well done, Epic.

dmg04 said:
dmg04s Guide to "Knowing if you're on a Dedicated Server"
That right there is probably why I won't end up dipping my feet into the Gears versus multiplayer, especially with its focus on shotguns. That kind of extremely quick one-chance gameplay only works when you've got a good connection. Any disparity in connection quality puts you at a severe disadvantage, and needless frustration ensues.

Games that focus more on the longer ranges and provide players with more health lead to longer engagements that iron out those wrinkles better.


Went 18-14-1 on Overpass tonight, with a few Hammer kills and the rest Retro/Gnasher. This is the first Gears game I've really gotten into competitively, and its becoming really fun now that I've got the Gnasher butterfly dance down. But just to add my voice to the masses, the DBS needs to be retuned. It says 'deadly within melee range' but in reality it's far closer to the effective range of the Gnasher for comfort.

The skill matching for ranked games seems pretty broken. We had a level 5 dude on our team against a full team of 45+s. I'm a 26, so it's not like I was balancing it out. The numerical progression might not be indicative of skill, but there's no reason people should be matched with players who have dumped more than twice the amount of time into the game than they have.

Also, I probably should have known that Horde would be a massive waste of time with randoms.


firehawk12 said:
The last chapter on insane. Fffff.
dont waste your time on the last boss on insane. its just a plain stupid and unbalanced encounter

get a friend, set his game to casual, yours on insane and let him beat the bug.
Lunchbox said:
dont waste your time on the last boss on insane. its just a plain stupid and unbalanced encounter

get a friend, set his game to casual, yours on insane and let him beat the bug.

Thanks for the tip


Subete no aware
Lunchbox said:
dont waste your time on the last boss on insane. its just a plain stupid and unbalanced encounter

get a friend, set his game to casual, yours on insane and let him beat the bug.
Seriously, that last part is just dumb. I don't see how it's possible.


Anyone that's played through the campaign ONCE
look at your stats/kills

What enemy did you kill the most?
Apparently.... i killed more palace guards than any other enemy.

closest to that was the Lambent Drone at 157

1209 kills
13 deaths
57 minutes spent in cover [HOLY SHIT WTF]


VisitableElf said:
Fuck. Just had a full party in horde and play for 5 hours straight. Went went up to lvl 29 on Hardcore.
I never really played that much Horde in Gears 2 but I blew through all 50 waves on casual yesterday - was a lot harder than I expected! I def plan on trying to get a good team together to play on Hardcore at some point - think insane will def be beyond my abilities!

I've had a quick go on Beast Mode and would def be up for playing some of that with some Gaffers (Im in the UK so UK/EU players would be prefered - simply because of connection/lag reasons)
Most killed enemy: Palace Guard, 126
587 kills,
33 deaths,
although I played the entire campaign co-op and on hardcore.

1 hour 40 minutes spent in cover. o_O


Couple questions.

Achievement for beating all 50 waves of horde mode. I beat 1-10 on normal, and then switched to casual. If I get to level 50 on casual, will the cheevo pop, or do I have to go back and do 1-10 on casual to get it?

Very very new to gears of war online, keep getting slaughtered with no kills at the end of the match. I want to get good. Should I roll with gnasher from the get go, or go ahead and take the easy route by mastering the sawed off? Is it good for me to use sawed off at first, then switch to gnasher?
Lunchbox said:
dont waste your time on the last boss on insane. its just a plain stupid and unbalanced encounter

This x1000000000000

What a fucking horrible blemish on an otherwise fantastic campaign. Whoever thought it would be a good idea to have
infinitely respawning ground enemies that deal a shitload of damage, fucking flying fuckers that have obnoxiously high health for what they are, a boss that can hit you from any angle, with a fucking goddamn fucking fuck fuck shit time limit ALL AT THE SAME TIME should be fucking fired. Fucking stupid garbage.

Goddamn. For all the shit RAAM got, he was fucking sugar and rainbows compared to this. Hell, I even liked RAAM. It was a fitting way to end the game - extremely difficult, but not frustrating or overly luck-based.

Edit - most of the other bosses were pretty good though


There's probably no word on this, but I'll ask anyway... Anyone know if Thrashball Cole (and beta skins) will be available via some type of unlock or future DLC if you didn't get him in the beta?


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Damn. Started Horde yesterday, incredibly fun, went well. Then we hit wave 10 and the Berserker shows up. This thing is a real pace-killer. Everyone did their best to stop him, but after a fight that goes on forever, there were only 2 guys left and eventually we bit the bullet. I'd be for retrying instantly, if it wasn't such a draining and overly long fight. Dunno if there are any tips for easing the pain? Don't tell me this guy shows up every 10 waves.


Stantron said:
There's probably no word on this, but I'll ask anyway... Anyone know if Thrashball Cole (and beta skins) will be available via some type of unlock or future DLC if you didn't get him in the beta?
wait a few months

they'll be up for 20 bucks each
Finished the campaign.

The last boss was indeed a huge sack of horseshit with a side of horseshit. I can't even imagine how bullshit that fight will be on Insane, it took us forever on Hardcore to finally grind it out.


Creamium said:
Damn. Started Horde yesterday, incredibly fun, went well. Then we hit wave 10 and the Berserker shows up. This thing is a real pace-killer. Everyone did their best to stop him, but after a fight that goes on forever, there were only 2 guys left and eventually we bit the bullet. I'd be for retrying instantly, if it wasn't such a draining and overly long fight. Dunno if there are any tips for easing the pain? Don't tell me this guy shows up every 10 waves.
We usually take care of the little guys first and then one guy graps a scorcher and burns them while the others unload on the berserkers.

And no, you can also get a Brumak or lambent drudges.
Bah. Cliff said there would never be a demo/beta for a Gears game. We know how that went down.

Cliff says the SOS is here to stay... *fingers crossed*

Stat Flow said:
So there's no way to get a Gold Gnasher other than to get to level 100 in Gears 2? ;_;
Afraid not. Gold guns aren't remarkable anymore though, everyone and their aunt has one...
firehawk12 said:
Seriously, that last part is just dumb. I don't see how it's possible.

Yeah, it's pretty clear not much thought went into it beyond 'let's make it hard, and fill the screen with chaos'.

I mean seriously, this epic war comes down to a battle with a giant insect. Really? REALLY!?

Maybe it's just me, but no GoW boss battle has EVER matched the sense of tension, urgency and co-op strategy as the Berzerker battles from the original game.

And DAMN. Just went to lvl 50 Horde mode on Hardcore on Sandbar. Awesome, AWESOME stuff.

EDIT: LMAO, Everytime I'm starting to warm up to this game, it just takes a stinking, runny dump all over the player.

I was behind cover. Enemy approaches, mantles. I shoot him with the gnasher, MID-MANTLE (he was basically in the air) before he hit me. No kill, despite an AR, and blood splashes to confirm the hit. He shoots me with the sawed-off and kills me.


Jay-B said:
We usually take care of the little guys first and then one guy graps a scorcher and burns them while the others unload on the berserkers.

And no, you can also get a Brumak or lambent drudges.
also corpsers


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Stats from 2 player hardcore..

Most killed enemy - Palace Guard 132
Time spent in cover - 30:15

Kills - 654
Deaths - 28

Massive 25 headshots..

Looking over my co-op partners stats, he spent twice as long in cover as me and died half as many times. Complete coincidence I'm sure.
Arjen said:
Goddamnit The Antitype, did you just spoil the last boss for me? Spoiler tag campaign stuff man

People have been referring to it as a bug this entire thread. Anyway, it's not a big deal or something you haven't seen in previous games.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
The Antitype said:
People have been referring to it as a bug this entire thread. Anyway, it's not a big deal or something you haven't seen in previous games.

I got banned for less in the Resistance 3 thread a few weeks back. Quite surprised as what spoilers are being ignored in this thread. Spose the pages are filling fast and can be easy to miss.
I swear to christ, are people invincible mid-mantle? I've nailed people with the gnasher coming over cover like 5 times, and every time, they waltz through and SOS me.


FStop7 said:
Overpass is one of the worst maps for TDM that I've ever seen in any game.

If your team isn't the one that establishes itself on the overpass then you might as well just disconnect. It's that bad.

It's even worse if you're playing a round with Hammer of Dawn spawn and they get it. Good luck getting out of your base without a retarded amount of wallbouncing and a lot of luck.
Oh God how I wish KOTH had execution rules.

And stupid terribly designed SOS, I hate it more and more each day, it's dumbing down a gameplay that I used to love.

Hopefully when MW3 and BF3 come out all the skill-less cod-lovers corner-camping bitches will leave the game and it'll be used less. I'm not counting on it though. I'm pretty sure it's going to be the two-piece of Gears 3. Epic says there's nothing to fix, adapt, just keep your distance, etc. Awfully broken for like what, a year? And THEN they will silently fix it.

BTW, protip: if some dumb dude is blindly retro charging at you, equip your lancer and rev the chainsaw. At least that's how it works offline :lol
omnomis said:
It's even worse if you're playing a round with Hammer of Dawn spawn and they get it. Good luck getting out of your base without a retarded amount of wallbouncing and a lot of luck.

Same with Sandbar actually. Get all 5 teammates on Digger/Boom area and the game is over. Either these maps weren't playtested enough (doubtful, considering I picked up on these strategies almost immediately) or the people who did the playtesting were just bad at the game.
The Xtortionist said:
Playtesting, what is it

Same with Sandbar actually. Get all 5 teammates on Digger/Boom area and the game is over. Either these maps weren't playtested enough (doubtful, considering I picked up on these strategies almost immediately) or the people who did the playtesting were just bad at the game.

I very much doubt the playtesting done at Epic is done in a really competitive way.


Risk Breaker said:
Oh God how I wish KOTH had execution rules.

And stupid terribly designed SOS, I hate it more and more each day, it's dumbing down a gameplay that I used to love.

Hopefully when MW3 and BF3 come out all the skill-less cod-lovers corner-camping bitches will leave the game and it'll be used less. I'm not counting on it though. I'm pretty sure it's going to be the two-piece of Gears 3. Epic says there's nothing to fix, adapt, just keep your distance, etc. Awfully broken for like what, a year? And THEN they will silently fix it.

BTW, protip: if some dumb dude is blindly retro charging at you, equip your lancer and rev the chainsaw. At least that's how it works offline :lol

Works I'd say 95% of the time. Chainsaw beats bayonet.


Risk Breaker said:
I very much doubt the playtesting done at Epic is done in a really competitive way.

I thought they had mlg people helping tweak it... Or maybe that was just a rumor.

Maybe they can patch in a Trenches/thrashball type fix on overpass. I don't think sandbar is as bad because of the HoD/one shot and the sniper rifles. Plus grenades are great initiators.
Risk Breaker said:
I very much doubt the playtesting done at Epic is done in a really competitive way.

Shame, because it needed to be taken much more seriously by higher-skilled players.

Like, Shadowrun for 360 is supremely balanced and competitive. Supremely. Is it simply a coincidence that FASA Studios (the devs) were really good at their game? I once read how the developers were completely tearing shit up at an early game with devs event, stomping the competition without losing a single round (game is round based like Counter-Strike). And if I recall correctly, one of the testers, eXt, went on to be a top-placing MLG pro at the game.

Just a thought.


_dementia said:
and Gridlock only

oh wait, just play Gears 1

Yes, play a game with no matchmaking or party system and archaic netcode and no dedicated servers, just because someone wants a more "classic" option in the playlists. It's embarrassing that you think variety is a bad thing, just because the SOS shoot-and-book isn't what someone fell in love with at the start of the series.

There is no legitimate reason to not give players a Gears 1 style playlist. They bought the game, they should have some options.

I played a ranked TDM game yesterday with my friends, and NO ONE ON THE OTHER TEAM USED THE SAWN OFF. Neither did any of us! It was the most incredible, back and forth, balanced and thrilling match I've played in any Gears game. Dedicated servers + the broken weapon nowhere to be found = how this game should have always been. I guess Epic felt that because they worked so hard to remove the Gears 1/2 frustration of getting endlessly gibbed by the host because of crap networking, that they had to try and infuse that sensation of rage into the final installment by adding a gun that you get gibbed by out of no where by when the connection is flawless.


Creamium said:
Damn. Started Horde yesterday, incredibly fun, went well. Then we hit wave 10 and the Berserker shows up. This thing is a real pace-killer. Everyone did their best to stop him, but after a fight that goes on forever, there were only 2 guys left and eventually we bit the bullet. I'd be for retrying instantly, if it wasn't such a draining and overly long fight. Dunno if there are any tips for easing the pain? Don't tell me this guy shows up every 10 waves.

If you play on Trenches you get the Lambent instead of Berserkers. Just wait until the Gunkers show up. You'll wish you had the Berserkers back.

So after spending 5-6 hours today in Horde and Beast modes I don't think I'm going back to TDM. I have so much more fun in Horde/Beast, especially Beast. Every game designer needs to look at Beast mode and consider giving the players a chance to play as the creatures. I never expected the most fun I would have in a Gears of War game would be playing as a giant spider or serapede. Everyone goes for the Berserker when they unlock the heavies, but I've been happier using the armored Kantus. That fucker will ruin your day.

Some guy on Live spawned as the serapede and then let his kid play. Normally I would say putting a little kid into a Gears game is not a good idea, but he was going nuts over running around as a "big cennipede". It was pretty funny.
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