JambiBum said:The prices and bundles for the skins will be announced tomorrow during the q&a live stream
400 Allards a skin
you wait and see
JambiBum said:The prices and bundles for the skins will be announced tomorrow during the q&a live stream
I asked before and people said no.delta25 said:can you use the weapon skins in the single player campaign as well?
enzo_gt said:Video going through all the skins in the menu. I only remember seeing a blurry cam version of this, this is direct feed. Some of them look cool, others very trollish. Curious about the pricing.
Money to take from you. If you buy the seasons pass you get the liquid chrome set of them all though, but that's it.Vire said:Will those skins be a part of the season pass or is this more money to take from me?
ha....ha...enzo_gt said:Money to take from you. If you buy the seasons pass you get the liquid chrome set of them all though, but that's it.
They should have it so that if you get the Child's Play one you get one other free or something, just to incentivize it by giving you your choice of another actually good looking skin to complement the one you just bought for charity.
LolVire said:Will those skins be a part of the season pass or is this more money to take from me?
-PXG- said:Calling it now: 120 msp for each set 800 for the bundle. Even that is too high. Any higher than that...LoooooooL
D4Danger said:you can't even get good Avatar stuff for 120 msp
240-400 a skin. 1600 for all of them.
Gears 3 should have a dubstep remix just for shits and giggles since that seems to be all the rage these days.Plasmid said:
Letters said:Only just now noticed amazon restocked the Limited edition! *preorders*
CyReN said:I survived Craiglists!
CyReN said:
snack said:Naughty Dog Congratulates Epic Games On Gears 3′s Critical Success
So much love! Naughty Dog has always been classy. If only everyone else in the industry could do the same.
Alienshogun said:Do you have the VG achievement?
If you do, you may not want to play till Tuesday.
CyReN said:Whats the VG achievement?
CyReN said:I don't, and I don't own Gow2 anymore either. What difference does it make?
Odds are that Gamestop will want to get in on the action and they'll sell you a code sometime soon.snack said:Is the Season Pass only going to be available on the XBL Marketplace? Or will it be sold at retail stores as well?
AFAIK, no. It is just that in Germany Gears of War was never officially sold in stores. Not even a censored version. So there is also no Marketplace content for it up.equil said:Anyone know if the Gears 3 DLC is going to be region restricted? Because i was never able to download any dlc for gears 2 because im currently in Germany...
overcast said:Get it dude. As long as you know what to expect (3rd person shooter). You can go through the campaign and get used to the controls. As a gamer it won't be too difficult to get solid at.
Thanks guys!Vire said:Honestly, this is the most accessible Gears of War game yet. They added a casual playlist this time around for new comers to get their feet wet in addition to some more beginner friendly weapons.
The story isn't overly complex and they have a brief recap of events video in the menu as well.
This is the best co-op franchise you will ever play - so be sure to grab a buddy!
I might, not sure. Probably will at least have a co-op partner.2San said:Well in the end of the day it's a team game and Gears is at it best when played with friends. Do you have a solid crew to run with? If yes, just buy it. If no, it still worth it to think it through.
No place around here to rent them, I'm sure I'll have fun with 3 nonetheless.XxCGSxX said:Rent Gears 1/2 and beat them, you can go through them pretty fast. Then go ahead and buy 3, I'm sure single player is going to be awesome. After you beat the single player go ahead and dive into multiplayer you'll get the hang of it.
snack said:Is the Season Pass only going to be available on the XBL Marketplace? Or will it be sold at retail stores as well?
D4Danger said:you can't even get good Avatar stuff for 120 msp
240-400 a skin. 1600 for all of them.
Alienshogun said:If you play before the release day, you won't get the TU, and you will lose out on all those unlocks (so says Joe Graf).
CyReN said:So every reviewers and friends of the company are screwed? uh
Naughty Dog are in the same elite, exclusive, and snickering club of developers that also includes Epic, Valve, Blizzard, Bungie. They sit in a different section with posh chairs at developer conferences. They're classy enough to be in a different class of the developer society.snack said:Naughty Dog Congratulates iEpic Games On Gears 3′s Critical Success y
So much love! Naughty Dog has always been classy. If only everyone else in the industry could do the same.
The article mentions Blezinski raving about Uncharted? Is there a moment they're referencing?snack said:Naughty Dog Congratulates Epic Games On Gears 3′s Critical Success
So much love! Naughty Dog has always been classy. If only everyone else in the industry could do the same.
Alienshogun said:Friends of the company? No, they will get "fixed" as I'm sure anyone who got an early copy directly from Epic will. Also, how many (including Epic employees) actually played the game enough to get 100? I'm betting none of them.
So either way it's a nil issue.
CyReN said:So what unlocks am I missing out of?
-PXG- said:
Alienshogun said:All the gold starting weapons (which you can get other ways) except for the Gold gnasher, which I think you might actually get anyway, since it's still set to gold gnasher for first week play.
That guy makes the creases in my brain bleed.
Naughty Dog ranks among all those other devs now just cause of UC1 and 2? Well, shit.Proelite said:Naughty Dog are in the same elite, exclusive, and snickering club of developers that also includes Epic, Valve, Blizzard, Bungie. They sit in a different section with posh chairs at developer conferences. They're classy enough to be in a different class of the developer society.
duffyside said:The article mentions Blezinski raving about Uncharted? Is there a moment they're referencing?
enzo_gt said:Naughty Dog ranks among all those other devs now just cause of UC1 and 2? Well, shit.
CyReN said:Sorry to keep asking questions, do I lose anything in the title update that improves the game itself?