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GeDoSaTo - Downsampling from Infinity and Beyond!


[Asmodean];110739385 said:
For people that are using my recent VSSAO versions. I've noticed an error in the output, which was causing some ambient/diffuse reflections to be dim looking compared to how they should look. (weirdly enough). Some examples would be: Heide's Tower of Flame glowing windows, armor/weapon reflections.

I was using saturate() on the final output (clamping it), and it was the cause. I'd suggest updating to the latest version here.

I've also updated my other post fx shader suite to 1.40. Some comparison screenshots here.
Ah yeah, I should have told you about the saturate issue when I saw it. Since the AO is now being applied to the HDR rendertarget, values above 1 are actually meaningful.


theoretically - would it be possible to have an overlay for gedasato fx editing? or does that depend on sweetfx supporting this first?
follow up - is it possible to use a shortcut to turn fx on and off while editing the .fx file?


theoretically - would it be possible to have an overlay for gedasato fx editing?
Do you mean a UI? Someone just has to write it :p
follow up - is it possible to use a shortcut to turn fx on and off while editing the .fx file?
You can already turn it on and off. If you mean reloading changed code, you can currently do this by playing in fullscreen mode without downsampling and alt-tabbing in and out of the game.


I am using it, and I like it so much. Thanks for your work :)

EDIT: I was using your VSSAO v0.4 and I noticed the date on the file hasn't changed yet. Is that the corrected version you were referring to?

When you update on the OneDrive, the folder date doesn't change, but you'll notice the file date of the actual fx file is from last night. It's the latest version ^^

Ah yeah, I should have told you about the saturate issue when I saw it. Since the AO is now being applied to the HDR rendertarget, values above 1 are actually meaningful.

No worries. I thought it must be because of that. You learn a little when finding stuff out for yourself at any rate lol. I'm glad I noticed it though. Makes a pretty big difference in some spots.

theoretically - would it be possible to have an overlay for gedasato fx editing? or does that depend on sweetfx supporting this first?
follow up - is it possible to use a shortcut to turn fx on and off while editing the .fx file?

Yeah, what Durante said above. The shader is compiled/recompiled when tabbing back into the game - if you're playing in fullscreen + no downsampling to prevent tabbing problems. Best way to do it is to tab in and out while making changes to easily see the differences etc. If you're doing screenshot comparisons - a tip would be to open the in-game menu when tabbing in and out. So the mouse doesn't send the camera flying about all over the place.


You absolutely should use it. CA is bad ass.


Please, please don't.

CA is like the unborn Anti-Christ trying to melt your eyeball holes! Srsly kids dun do et!

Not unless you can make it accurate to real life lenses and not some fugly ass photoshop effect.

But i'm all for options. As long as I have the option to *not* use it. Go right ahead.

It's too bad you guys can't turn HBAO+ into an injectable shader. Would allow us to potentially fix the issues it has with DS2. I'm hoping Nvidia get's off their ass and makes an official solution for it or something.

Which tends to look better, SGSSAA or downsampling? Downsampling from 3840x2160 to 1080p kills my framerate, while I get 60 FPS at 4x SGSSAA (using the Nvidia Inspector tweaks).

I'm sticking to the in-game DOF, as well, as the performance hit from GeDoSaTo's DOF is too much for me (while running 4x SGSSAA), and it seems to blur my character and trees in a strange way that makes me dizzy. While I am no longer at 60 FPS with the AO, it's better than the in-game option.

I'm happy with how things look. I'm still debating whether the SSAO is worth the loss of a few frames.

Downsampling by it self < SGSSAA.
Downsampling + PPAA(like SMAA/FXAA) > Better edge quality than SGSSAA but worse temporally than SGSSAA. (Generally)
SGSSAA alone is more temporally stable overall depending on the game. And it generally tackles specular aliasing better than downsampling+PPAA

I'd say if you are getting 60FPS with 4xSGSSAA at 1080p then you are doing great IMHO.

I'd say ditch AO all together if 60FPS is important. The in game AO is complete crap. VSSAO is a big improvement. HBAO+ has issues with DS2. DS1 didn't have it by default and it looked fine IMO
XRay Engine, STALKER brand, works beautifully with gedosato. 1600p downsampling without any problem.

Do you mean an SLI bit?

What do you mean by stalker and xray engine games?

Also, DUrante, do you think you could perhaps put in an auto focus for the DOF based upon screen depth at its center? So in areas with long vistas it focuses further than in say a cave?

And if not, could it be possible to have short cut keys which on the fly in game allow you to change the kernel size for the Bokeh?


Low Poly Gynecologist
I'm fairly certain Alo81 was kidding.


It totally has it's own cases where I think it looks cool and is worth funning around with.

I think the hate CA gets is usually pretty ridiculously overblown and unwarranted (those Super Mario Galaxy shots I posted were supposed to be satirical though, everything in moderation!)


Imo, from my own testing, I think CA only looks good when it's incorporating the depth buffer. Using it in conjunction with distant DoF looks nice - when it's done well. I'd imagine it could probably be added easily enough to the dof pass of the bokeh shader. For people that like that kind of DoF. I generally think that externally applied DoF looks iffy. So I usually don't bother with them. My personal favourite DoF, is the regular one from the Witcher 2(not the cinematic one, that looked like crap lol).


So, since it looked like people love insane HDR bloom from the screenshots that are posted online I made my own insane multi-level Gaussian HDR bloom thing. I just got it working and it's still incredibly wonky, but hey, whatever.


It even has configurable, cinematic, chromatically aberrated lens grit.

Also, DUrante, do you think you could perhaps put in an auto focus for the DOF based upon screen depth at its center? So in areas with long vistas it focuses further than in say a cave?
The problem is taht in the screen center there's the character. I could put it anywhere on screen really, but it leads to strange effects e.g. when there's a small obstacle protruding really close at that point.

And if not, could it be possible to have short cut keys which on the fly in game allow you to change the kernel size for the Bokeh?
Sure, that would be easy. I could also allow you to move the focal plane if you want to get all artsy with screenshots.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Just looks blurry bud.

Also, I'm not (and I assume most others as well) using ENB off and on because it's perfect, simply because it looks pretty good, though flawed. The config I use (wickfut?) is too blurry/the DoF doesn't work perfectly with the depth and the brightness balance can be a bit booty at times but in general it looks pretty great.

Also, your picture just gave me a great idea for a build.


Just looks blurry bud.
That was sort of the point. If it's not obvious, this feature is not (just) for serious business, but also because I like to make fun of the taste of some :p

To drive the point home, have a blown out Nuclear Dawn with the camera dust thing turned up to 11!


Low Poly Gynecologist
That was sort of the point. If it's not obvious, this feature is not (just) for serious business, but also because I like to make fun of the taste of some :p

To drive the point home, have a blown out Nuclear Dawn with the camera dust thing turned up to 11!

I'll take this as confirmation that CA will also be ironically added, and put my fingers in my ears for the barrage of "oh god no"'s i'll be getting.


Just for the record, it's not primarily a joke. I wouldn't spend this much time on just a joke -- in terms of control flow, this is actually the most complicated effect I've implemented so far. And I do think that once I finish the implementation it can be a real graphical improvement.

For example, the highlights on the staff here and the way the sun glow is a bit stronger on the right and grows further into the structures in the front actually looks really nice IMHO. The former particularly so in motion.

And the effect isn't even especially expensive in terms of performance.


That was sort of the point. If it's not obvious, this feature is not (just) for serious business, but also because I like to make fun of the taste of some :p

To drive the point home, have a blown out Nuclear Dawn with the camera dust thing turned up to 11!

Put that in the screenshots thread, and people will ask for your ENB config. Although, they'll probably say it needs to be brighter, and blurrier. With DoF on your wings ;p


I ported one of the chromatic aberration shaders to the post.fx and am now using GeDo for evil.

I'm not actually going to use it, was just curious if I could make it work with my very rudimentary understanding of this shader stuff.

Chromatic Aberration, when kept to a minor effect, looks great IMO.


Low Poly Gynecologist
So in the case of Dark Souls is this JUST for downsampling? Where does the enhanced DOF come into play?

It's not just for downsampling.

In DSII, it does downsampling, SSAO, AA, DoF and post-processing. Along with that, there are smaller tweaks, like borderless windowed mode, and hiding your mouse cursor.


Unconfirmed Member
I am in a bit of a fix with Dark Souls 2 visuals and GeDoSaTo;
(apologize before hand, not good are portraying instances)

.have a 1920x1080 display
.AMD display card (6950)
.utilizing the REG hack to do a sort of harsh/imperfect downsampling (method: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=88706045&postcount=425 )
.opened 2560x1440 resolution

.Dark Souls 2
..without GeDoSaTo
...resolution set to 2560x1440
...everything set to max/high
...In-Game AA set to enabled

....Visuals in the game look good, with less shimmering (and even a bit of texture sharpness from downsampling?, also a bit of distant aliasing at some locations on geometry across the width of the display)

.Dark Souls 2
..with GeDoSaTo
...GeDoSaTo ini file set to following values, ever other parameter from the from the 'GeDoSaTo_DS2Edition_Alpha4.zip' package unchanged, except the following
scalingType bicubic
(also tried bilinear)
....game resolution set to 3840x2160
.....also tried with resolution set to 2560x1440
(if I change the resolution during gameplay from 3840x2160 to 2560x1440, the game crashes..100% of the time)
....everything set to max/high
....In-Game AA set to enabled

.....Visuals in the game look a bit less appealing than the above method without GeDoSaTo, there is a performance drop (which is expected)..but there is also sort of more? shimmering (like shimmering from aliasing during motion) on the screen

Currently I am a bit confused, if I take any screen shot of the game for comparison It would be in 2560x1440 resolution image capture and wouldn't represent how the game actually looks on my display.


Well, the in-game postprocessing AA is a rather blurry form of FXAA, while the default for GeDoSaTo is SMAA. Because FXAA blurs everything more, it also shimmers less. To do a 1:1 IQ comparison, set (for GeDoSaTo) AA to FXAA, turn off all other effects (postprocessing, AO, DoF). Rendering at the same resolution you should see similar performance and better downsampled IQ using GeDoSaTo compared to driver-level downsampling.
So, since it looked like people love insane HDR bloom from the screenshots that are posted online I made my own insane multi-level Gaussian HDR bloom thing. I just got it working and it's still incredibly wonky, but hey, whatever..


This is the best looking one from what i could see before the endless crashing started.

If you could replicate that in any way, without me giving another click to that homophobic little shit vorontsov. I'll die a happy man.


Unconfirmed Member
Well, the in-game postprocessing AA is a rather blurry form of FXAA, while the default for GeDoSaTo is SMAA. Because FXAA blurs everything more, it also shimmers less. To do a 1:1 IQ comparison, set (for GeDoSaTo) AA to FXAA, turn off all other effects (postprocessing, AO, DoF). Rendering at the same resolution you should see similar performance and better downsampled IQ using GeDoSaTo compared to driver-level downsampling.

.Dark Souls 2
..Tried the following with GeDoSaTo
renderWidth 2560
renderHeight 1440
presentWidth 1920
presentHeight 1080
aaType fxaa
ssaoStrength 0
enableDoF false
enablePostprocessing false
...game resolution set to 2560x1440
....I am indeed getting sort of different result; better on some cases and visuals a tad bit different on extremely minor details of the textures(which look good)

If I would want to toggle between adding AA(SMAA or FXAA) either before downsampling or after (on GeDoSaTo), would there be a way to toggle it?
(especially before/after post.fx).
Hey Durante, Tagentially related to your tool but I was thinking about the SLI problems in Dark Souls 2 and it got me thinking.

The few SLI rendering bits that do work properly (performance wise that is) seem to desaturate the image and make it blow out to white. As if HDR rendering was turned off and it is just spitting out an LDR image. Either that, or the image is not properly color corrected.

Does DS2 use an HDR bit depth? If so... is it possible the SLI is rendering the image for some reason without HDR, breaking HDR, or perhaps showing the image pre color correct?

I only ask because you have seen the inside of DS2s rendering code, hence.

Thanks for any response. Once again this is tangential, so no need to reply if you are busy!


DS2 uses a main HDR render target (it's what I use both for my SSAO and the new bloom code), but I'm sure that is still being used in SLI.

If I had to guess, I'd say the color correction / tonemapping information is not correctly propagated across frames in SLI.
DS2 uses a main HDR render target (it's what I use both for my SSAO and the new bloom code), but I'm sure that is still being used in SLI.

If I had to guess, I'd say the color correction / tonemapping information is not correctly propagated across frames in SLI.

hrmm... btw! using SLI bits which do not break the HDR/colour correction has lead to an interesting break through.

The performance problems people have been reporting seem to be some bug with GeDoSaTos resolution scaling and SLI.

Using the proper SLI bits which scale without downscaling (read here that GeDoSaTo is on and just displaying my native 1080p res, using your VSSAO and DOF) I get perfect SLI scaling with no frame drops and no incorrectly colored image. It is quite wonderful. GeDoSaTo effects on and flawless performance, just poor edge quality from no downsampling.

As soon as I downsample from any non-native resolution (read 1440p) SLI scaling breaks around certain on map locations like the Majula sink hole. Dropping to like 10 fps.

So something about res scaling, certain areas of the map, in combination with working SLI bits breaks performance.


I find that with both 2.0 and 4.0 (never downloaded 3.0) I get a crash after about the first 10/15 minutes but then it's fine after that. For what it's worth.

Further to this, have noticed that during the initial pre-crash phase my GPU (780) audibly whirs - something it doesn't usually do. Once the crash has happened and I'm up and running again there's no whirring.

Any ideas Durante?



This is the best looking one from what i could see before the endless crashing started.

If you could replicate that in any way, without me giving another click to that homophobic little shit vorontsov. I'll die a happy man.

Have you tried these ones?


Wickfut ENB

If so, how does yours compare to those two? I've been using the Wickfut ENB so far, but feel I can do even better. I haven't tried the Gem one or yours yet.


Have you tried these ones?


Wickfut ENB

If so, how does yours compare to those two? I've been using the Wickfut ENB so far, but feel I can do even better. I haven't tried the Gem one or yours yet.
It's all about ones taste.
Personally I don't use any of them, but looking at the screenshots, Pure looks the best and doesn't completely destroy how the vanilla game looks. Though Pure makes Majula look a bit too bright, but can't win 'em all I guess. Overall Pure is my favorite.


Not sure if this been asked before or not, but is it possible to somehow change the scale and opacity of the HUD like DSfix could? My plasma tv would be grateful.


Further to this, have noticed that during the initial pre-crash phase my GPU (780) audibly whirs - something it doesn't usually do. Once the crash has happened and I'm up and running again there's no whirring.

Any ideas Durante?
Well, just from the sound of it it seems like your GPUs aren't actually up to being fully used. Factory OC?

Not sure if this been asked before or not, but is it possible to somehow change the scale and opacity of the HUD like DSfix could? My plasma tv would be grateful.
I haven't implemented anything like that so far -- personally I use the auto-hiding HUD so it isn't on-screen all that much. Wouldn't that be sufficient for plasmas?


Well, just from the sound of it it seems like your GPUs aren't actually up to being fully used. Factory OC?

I haven't implemented anything like that so far -- personally I use the auto-hiding HUD so it isn't on-screen all that much. Wouldn't that be sufficient for plasmas?

I have it on auto-hiding, and I feel like it's helping a bit but still get some Estus flask image retention.

Still, thanks for the amazing work!


Well, just from the sound of it it seems like your GPUs aren't actually up to being fully used. Factory OC?

No, manual OC. Got an OC'd i7, too. All tested and tweaked and normally fine.

Like I say, once the five minute wobble is over it'll play happily for hours. And not had any problems with other titles either.


No, manual OC. Got an OC'd i7, too. All tested and tweaked and normally fine.

Like I say, once the five minute wobble is over it'll play happily for hours. And not had any problems with other titles either.
Well, it does absolutely sound like your GPU crashes due to instability, the driver restarts restarts it at default frequencies and it then works fine. Load profiles differ greatly, so a clock frequency which is fine in many games might still be unstable with a different load.

An easy way to make sure of this is to run at a low frequency and see if the issue still occurs.
I haven't implemented anything like that so far -- personally I use the auto-hiding HUD so it isn't on-screen all that much. Wouldn't that be sufficient for plasmas?

Ehhh, not really. That feature is extremely welcome and does help, but images that come and go in the same place repeatedly can be just as bad as a static HUD. In Dark Souls 1 I manually turned the HUD on and off a lot throughout my initial play and probably spent >50% of the time with the HUD off, but still managed to burn the Estus Flask into my plasma.

It doesn't help that the auto-hide HUD functionality isn't that great in that it comes back if you do absolutely anything but walk/run. I don't know about everyone else, but after I finished the game once or twice I just sprint everywhere, so the HUD is almost always up. Because of this I've been playing on my monitor, but the game looks so much better on my Pioneer Kuro.


Well, it does absolutely sound like your GPU crashes due to instability, the driver restarts restarts it at default frequencies and it then works fine. Load profiles differ greatly, so a clock frequency which is fine in many games might still be unstable with a different load.

An easy way to make sure of this is to run at a low frequency and see if the issue still occurs.

The OC continues to run after the crash. Nonetheless, will try starting with no OC and see what happens.

Thanks for taking the time to respond mate, and for your awesome work.


Ehhh, not really. That feature is extremely welcome and does help, but images that come and go in the same place repeatedly can be just as bad as a static HUD. In Dark Souls 1 I manually turned the HUD on and off a lot throughout my initial play and probably spent >50% of the time with the HUD off, but still managed to burn the Estus Flask into my plasma.

It doesn't help that the auto-hide HUD functionality isn't that great in that it comes back if you do absolutely anything but walk/run. I don't know about everyone else, but after I finished the game once or twice I just sprint everywhere, so the HUD is almost always up. Because of this I've been playing on my monitor, but the game looks so much better on my Pioneer Kuro.

I actually end up not sprinting to keep the HUD from appearing. Super annoying. I wouldn't be bothered with it as much if it weren't for Demon's Souls HUD being permanently burned into my previous plasma.
I actually end up not sprinting to keep the HUD from appearing. Super annoying. I wouldn't be bothered with it as much if it weren't for Demon's Souls HUD being permanently burned into my previous plasma.

Hah, I too have the soul counter from Demon's Souls burned into my previous plasma. Both that and the Estus are extremely faint and can't be seen unless the screen is 100% black and you know where to look, but it's still annoying. That's the price you pay for the best image quality I suppose.


Low Poly Gynecologist
I actually end up not sprinting to keep the HUD from appearing. Super annoying. I wouldn't be bothered with it as much if it weren't for Demon's Souls HUD being permanently burned into my previous plasma.

Hah, I too have the soul counter from Demon's Souls burned into my previous plasma. Both that and the Estus are extremely faint and can't be seen unless the screen is 100% black and you know where to look, but it's still annoying. That's the price you pay for the best image quality I suppose.

You could use GeDoSaTo to extract the HUD textures, then lower their opacity in photoshop and use GeDoSaTo to replace them with your new partially transparent ones.


You could use GeDoSaTo to extract the HUD textures, then lower their opacity in photoshop and use GeDoSaTo to replace them with your new partially transparent ones.
Yeah, that would work. Though, if you lower the transparency of e.g. the Estus Flask texture, it will also be transparent in the full inventory.
Hah, I too have the soul counter from Demon's Souls burned into my previous plasma. Both that and the Estus are extremely faint and can't be seen unless the screen is 100% black and you know where to look, but it's still annoying. That's the price you pay for the best image quality I suppose.

Best image quality.
Previous image burned into display.

Makes total sense.
Best image quality.
Previous image burned into display.

Makes total sense.

OLED aside, plasmas are objectively the best image quality due to having the best black levels and contrast, which are the two most important factors in perceivable image quality according to the Image Science Foundation. There's a reason why plasmas always win the HDTV shootout and "display of the year" awards on any site that matters. Yes, burn-in is always a risk if you're not careful, but it's very hard to do. If all you do is play video games on your TV then it is obviously not the best option, but there's no denying that plasma is the best tech for pure image quality.

Yeah, that would work. Though, if you lower the transparency of e.g. the Estus Flask texture, it will also be transparent in the full inventory.

Anyway, on topic regarding the texture transparency, wouldn't that require you to edit every single item icon that is possible to be placed in the four slots?


Anyway, on topic regarding the texture transparency, wouldn't that require you to edit every single item icon that is possible to be placed in the four slots?
But I imagine it's either Estus or lifegems that are on there for extended periods, thus being the most likely to cause burn-in.
OLED aside, plasmas are objectively the best image quality due to having the best black levels and contrast, which are the two most important factors in perceivable image quality according to the Image Science Foundation. There's a reason why plasmas always win the HDTV shootout and "display of the year" awards on any site that matters. Yes, burn-in is always a risk if you're not careful, but it's very hard to do. If all you do is play video games on your TV then it is obviously not the best option, but there's no denying that plasma is the best tech for pure image quality.

Anyway, on topic regarding the texture transparency, wouldn't that require you to edit every single item icon that is possible to be placed in the four slots?

I won't derail this thread anymore after this(thanks again to Durante for GeDoSaTo because it's amazing), but stop using "objectively" to describe this subjective matter. Choosing black levels and their corollary contrast levels as your grading criteria does not make the statement about "objective image quality" true.
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