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GeDoSaTo - Downsampling from Infinity and Beyond!


Slightly Mad Studios (SMS)
hey guys,

newbie here: just want to say that I found out about this tool last night and got it working with darksouls 2 (8k) and sonic all stars racing (4k) and it looks fab. Great stuff.

Was wondering if someone could help me troubleshoot how to get it working for Project CARS. I've seen several shots with it used so I know it works.

I added the exe names from steamfolder to the whitelist doc but no luck. In game it wont let me select a resolution option higher than 2560x1440. my display is a 2460x1440 60hz. I've been able to get 3840x2160 as a custom resolution working at 30 hz but that is not ideal, would love to get 4k working or even 8k for some cool shots. Any advice?



Neo Member
For those who wish to minimize the game w/o crashing while using GeDoSaTo for downsampling:

Hit Alt + Enter to quickly set the game to a 1280x720 window. Minimize from there. Set the game back to fullscreen (w/ downsampling) when you return simply by hitting Alt + Enter again.
Have you tried these ones?


Wickfut ENB

If so, how does yours compare to those two? I've been using the Wickfut ENB so far, but feel I can do even better. I haven't tried the Gem one or yours yet.

GEM worked perfectly fine, (but not my taste) wickefut crashes like pure unfortunately.

Pure looks interesting to me because it seems like the same visual style, but with an extra lighting pass. Unfortunately i could only run around early castle place for a few seconds before it started endlessly crashing. But yeah, the drake pit was giving off a cool glow rather than looking like a PS2 game.

Either way i'm probably asking for way too much for this downsampling tool to replicate ENB in any way shape or form.


Low Poly Gynecologist
GEM worked perfectly fine, (but not my taste) wickefut crashes like pure unfortunately.

Pure looks interesting to me because it seems like the same visual style, but with an extra lighting pass. Unfortunately i could only run around early castle place for a few seconds before it started endlessly crashing. But yeah, the drake pit was giving off a cool glow rather than looking like a PS2 game.

Either way i'm probably asking for way too much for this downsampling tool to replicate ENB in any way shape or form.

Are you using the tools in conjunction? Because that will cause a crash.

If not, then clear ALL of the ENB files out of your folder and replace them with the Wickfut ones, as well as the d3d9.dll file from ENB's page.
Are you using the tools in conjunction? Because that will cause a crash.

If not, then clear ALL of the ENB files out of your folder and replace them with the Wickfut ones, as well as the d3d9.dll file from ENB's page.

Nah, i disable pretty much everything i can in the background (afterburner as well etc) and i've done a couple of fresh installs.

I'm wondering if there's an Windows 8.1 conflict somewhere.
Any idea how we could adapt this to add a lot more scaling algorithms to post.fx, he's got Catmull-Rom Spline, Hermite, Robidoux... in a shader file (I guess it's .cg which is 99% the same as HLSL).
I heard Catmull-Rom was the best algo to downsample so that could be useful yes

Btw, any progress on GTAIV ? Wish I could downsample that to death, even if that means dropping ENB...


Any idea how we could adapt this to add a lot more scaling algorithms to post.fx, he's got Catmull-Rom Spline, Hermite, Robidoux... in a shader file (I guess it's .cg which is 99% the same as HLSL).
I heard Catmull-Rom was the best algo to downsample so that could be useful yes
You wouldn't implement it in post.fx, but in scaling.fx. Just look at the file and try to replace bicubic, if anyone adds a new technique in there and integrates it I'll be happy to add an option for it.
(I'm currently working on something different)


Any idea how we could adapt this to add a lot more scaling algorithms to post.fx, he's got Catmull-Rom Spline, Hermite, Robidoux... in a shader file (I guess it's .cg which is 99% the same as HLSL).
I heard Catmull-Rom was the best algo to downsample so that could be useful yes

Btw, any progress on GTAIV ? Wish I could downsample that to death, even if that means dropping ENB...

Before you go wasting your time trying to add that to scaling.fx - that's not scaler code. That particular shader is a CRT shader with phosphor filtering, saturation, sharpening, and gamma. By the looks of it.

Seeing as it's Hyllian. I'm sure he has some good scalers, somewhere. Just not that particular one ;p
Quick question: I'm playing NFS HP @ 2880p and in the ini-file the reported Hz is set at 60. Would it help for smoother gameplay if i set 40 or 50 instead of 60FPS?
You wouldn't implement it in post.fx, but in scaling.fx. Just look at the file and try to replace bicubic, if anyone adds a new technique in there and integrates it I'll be happy to add an option for it.
(I'm currently working on something different)
Okay it seems to work :

float4 bicubicInterpolation(in float2 uv, in sampler2D tex, in float2 texSize) {

	//    B = 0.0, C = 0.0  =>  Hermite cubic filter.
	//    B = 1.0, C = 0.0  =>  Cubic B-Spline filter.
	//    B = 0.0, C = 0.5  =>  Catmull-Rom Spline filter. This is the default used in this shader.
	//    B = C = 1.0/3.0   =>  Mitchell-Netravali cubic filter.
	//    B = 0.3782, C = 0.3109  =>  Robidoux filter.
	//    B = 0.2620, C = 0.3690  =>  Robidoux Sharp filter.
	//    B = 0.36, C = 0.28  =>  My best config for ringing elimination in pixel art (Hyllian).

	float2 rec_nrCP = 1.0/texSize;
	float2 coord_hg = uv * texSize-0.5;
	float2 index = floor(coord_hg);

	float2 f = coord_hg - index;
	// Change these params to configure the horizontal filter.
	const static float  B =  0.0; 
	const static float  C =  0.5;  

	const static float4x4 M = float4x4(
			   (-B - 6.0*C)/6.0,         (3.0*B + 12.0*C)/6.0,     (-3.0*B - 6.0*C)/6.0,             B/6.0,
	  (12.0 - 9.0*B - 6.0*C)/6.0, (-18.0 + 12.0*B + 6.0*C)/6.0,                      0.0, (6.0 - 2.0*B)/6.0,
	-(12.0 - 9.0*B - 6.0*C)/6.0, (18.0 - 15.0*B - 12.0*C)/6.0,      (3.0*B + 6.0*C)/6.0,             B/6.0,
				(B + 6.0*C)/6.0,                           -C,                      0.0,               0.0);

	float4 wx = mul(float4(f.x*f.x*f.x, f.x*f.x, f.x, 1), M);
	float4 wy = mul(float4(f.y*f.y*f.y, f.y*f.y, f.y, 1), M);
	float2 w0 = float2(wx.x, wy.x);
	float2 w1 = float2(wx.y, wy.y);
	float2 w2 = float2(wx.z, wy.z);
	float2 w3 = float2(wx.w, wy.w);

	float2 g0 = w0 + w1;
	float2 g1 = w2 + w3;
	float2 h0 = w1 / g0 - 1;
	float2 h1 = w3 / g1 + 1;

	float2 coord00 = index + h0;
	float2 coord10 = index + float2(h1.x,h0.y);
	float2 coord01 = index + float2(h0.x,h1.y);
	float2 coord11 = index + h1;

	coord00 = (coord00 + 0.5) * rec_nrCP;
	coord10 = (coord10 + 0.5) * rec_nrCP;
	coord01 = (coord01 + 0.5) * rec_nrCP;
	coord11 = (coord11 + 0.5) * rec_nrCP;

	float4 tex00 = tex2Dlod(tex, float4(coord00, 0, 0));
	float4 tex10 = tex2Dlod(tex, float4(coord10, 0, 0));
	float4 tex01 = tex2Dlod(tex, float4(coord01, 0, 0));
	float4 tex11 = tex2Dlod(tex, float4(coord11, 0, 0));

	tex00 = lerp(tex01, tex00, float4(g0.y,g0.y,g0.y,g0.y));
	tex10 = lerp(tex11, tex10, float4(g0.y,g0.y,g0.y,g0.y));
	float4 res = lerp(tex10, tex00, float4(g0.x,g0.x,g0.x,g0.x));
	return res;

But I can't tell the difference between the different algos. Bilinear does seem sharper though, everytime. The other algos are not so obvious. It's probably not worth pushing this further up, unless I missed something obvious


By only changing M, it's only going to get more, or less blurrier. It won't change the scaling output. The higher you interpolate it, the more you're going to need to downsample to counter the filtering. Ideally, you'd want to sample it with the input size, and balance the interpolation with the output size.


Anyone have any idea why every 2 minutes my whole screen goes white/blurry? The menus are fine but it's unplayable when that happens. It seems to go away when I alt-tab, but it always comes back. It doesn't do this without the mod enabled, so I'm trying to figure out what happened. This never happened before, and I've been using the same version (v1). I tried the newest one and the same thing happened.
Anyone have any idea why every 2 minutes my whole screen goes white/blurry? The menus are fine but it's unplayable when that happens. It seems to go away when I alt-tab, but it always comes back. It doesn't do this without the mod enabled, so I'm trying to figure out what happened. This never happened before, and I've been using the same version (v1). I tried the newest one and the same thing happened.
The first version has an issue where any Steam overlay pop-ups would turn everything white; this was fixed in later versions. Are you certain you've updated?


Anyone have any idea why every 2 minutes my whole screen goes white/blurry? The menus are fine but it's unplayable when that happens. It seems to go away when I alt-tab, but it always comes back. It doesn't do this without the mod enabled, so I'm trying to figure out what happened. This never happened before, and I've been using the same version (v1). I tried the newest one and the same thing happened.

What game? It sounds like the broken rendering that was fixed in 0.2, but it actually still happens in some games. Well, at least in one game I've tested (Blades of Time).

Try turning off steam overlay, or any other overlay, and see if that helps.


Only question I have is what res should I be downsampling from if my native res is 2560x1440? I have it coming down from 3840x2160, but it causes my frame rate to go below 60 in some areas and I don't want that. What are other resolutions that I can downsample from that will work? I tried a random res (3500x2000) but it didn't show up in options menu like 3840x2160 did.

Edit: This is in Dark Souls 2


Low Poly Gynecologist
Only question I have is what res should I be downsampling from if my native res is 2560x1440? I have it coming down from 3840x2160, but it causes my frame rate to go below 60 in some areas and I don't want that. What are other resolutions that I can downsample from that will work? I tried a random res (3500x2000) but it didn't show up in options menu like 3840x2160 did.

Edit: This is in Dark Souls 2




I attempt to use this with COD4, but I get a black screen when I attempt to finalize the resolutsion change, and then after about 10 seconds, I get this:

Messing around with this stuff, I got Dead Space 2 being downsampled from 4k to 1080p without v-sync on my good old trusty Radeon 6950 2GB card.

I won't derail this thread anymore after this(thanks again to Durante for GeDoSaTo because it's amazing), but stop using "objectively" to describe this subjective matter. Choosing black levels and their corollary contrast levels as your grading criteria does not make the statement about "objective image quality" true.

Professional grading standards are pretty good things to go by as they are actually measurable. He was being pretty conservative considering there is also color reproduction, motion resolution, shadow detail, and viewing angles can be categorized. I guess LCD got brightness levels going for it.


But I can't tell the difference between the different algos. Bilinear does seem sharper though, everytime. The other algos are not so obvious. It's probably not worth pushing this further up, unless I missed something obvious
Well, one thing to consider is that GeDoSaTo always downsamples in multiple steps if you are rendering at more than 4x the resolution. E.g. if you are doing 5120x2880 -> 1920x1080 it actually does 5120x2880 -> 3840x2160 -> 1920x1080. This probably also minimizes the impact of different scaling algorithms (since the quality will be good even with bilinear -- since it isn't really bilinear if you look at the whole operation).


How is the HDR/bloom code coming along? Last shots you put out looked pretty great.
No time (literally none) the past 2 days to work on it, but I should be able to do a bit tomorrow. I was in the middle of adding some eye adaption code, I just really want to go from Things Betwixt to Majula and be totally dazzled for a few seconds when looking into the sun :p

Also, it would be nice to be blinded for a moment after a Sunlight spear in a dark cave. (Of course, the eye adjustment speed will be configurable)
Just popping in to say I love this tool. Thanks so much, Durante! Now I need to figure out a way to cool my cards better. 4k makes my pc sound like a jet prepping for takeoff. Lol (Holds 60fps, tho!)


Only question I have is what res should I be downsampling from if my native res is 2560x1440? I have it coming down from 3840x2160, but it causes my frame rate to go below 60 in some areas and I don't want that. What are other resolutions that I can downsample from that will work? I tried a random res (3500x2000) but it didn't show up in options menu like 3840x2160 did.

Edit: This is in Dark Souls 2

Generally with downsampling you want to find resolutions that are at least somewhat evenly proportional to your display resolution.

3200x1800 for example is 1.25x1.25 of 2560x1440

Anyone tried this with FFXIV: ARR?

There wouldn't be a point, because the game's UI is still going to be scaling proportional to the resolution. Making it unplayable.


There wouldn't be a point, because the game's UI is still going to be scaling proportional to the resolution. Making it unplayable.

Nah, you can increase or decrease the size of the UI in game. I currently down-sample through my Nvidia Drivers, I'm curious about this method though since it seems to down-sample with minimal performance loss versus other methods.


Trying this on a 750ti but the only game so far that's worked is dark souls 2

child of light and bound by flame don't have any options to change the res.
No time (literally none) the past 2 days to work on it, but I should be able to do a bit tomorrow. I was in the middle of adding some eye adaption code, I just really want to go from Things Betwixt to Majula and be totally dazzled for a few seconds when looking into the sun :p

Also, it would be nice to be blinded for a moment after a Sunlight spear in a dark cave
. (Of course, the eye adjustment speed will be configurable)

Sounds like a fantastic idea.
I've got a 120hz monitor, I'm guessing both reportedHz and presentHz should be the same? also everything seems incredibly dark, it's definitely atmospheric but I've got brightness at max and it still feels a bit of a hinderance, any ideas what could be causing that?


Low Poly Gynecologist
I've got a 120hz monitor, I'm guessing both reportedHz and presentHz should be the same? also everything seems incredibly dark, it's definitely atmospheric but I've got brightness at max and it still feels a bit of a hinderance, any ideas what could be causing that?

Present at report at 60, present at 120.

It sounds like you should calibrate your monitor if things seem too opressively dark at max brightness.


Has anyone been able to get this to work on Warframe? I put the game in DX9 and 32bit mode on the launcher but when I go in game and change the resolution it crashes the game.


I've got a 120hz monitor, I'm guessing both reportedHz and presentHz should be the same? also everything seems incredibly dark, it's definitely atmospheric but I've got brightness at max and it still feels a bit of a hinderance, any ideas what could be causing that?

Hit 4 on the numpad to toggle off Durante's SweetFX preset. It is definitely darker, while the base color scheme is more washed out to me. I don't see the darkness as an inherit complaint though, I just spark a torch.


Nah, you can increase or decrease the size of the UI in game. I currently down-sample through my Nvidia Drivers, I'm curious about this method though since it seems to down-sample with minimal performance loss versus other methods.
Can you? Would you mind posting screenshots?

I haven't played the game since the Beta and launch and back then UI scale was fixed. Making it unplayable at high resolutions for me.

If I can make the UI scale the same size as 720p at 1800p I'd be super excited right now!
Shows up in Dungeon Siege 3 but then shows a black screen and crashes on alt-tab

That's disappointing considering the MSAA in the game does literally *Nothing* and forcing AA is impossible. We need as much downsampling as we can get in this game.

Parts of the UI scale with resolution though IIRC


Can you? Would you mind posting screenshots?

I haven't played the game since the Beta and launch and back then UI scale was fixed. Making it unplayable at high resolutions for me.

If I can make the UI scale the same size as 720p at 1800p I'd be super excited right now!

You can resize and move individual elements via the Hud Editor:

Of use the nuclear option and resize everything in one fell swoop:

It's quite nice, but can easily allow you to spend hours customizing your UI setup, haha.



I have a hard time recommending using GeDoSaTo for it though since it's an MMO, i'd be afraid of anti cheat detection. But then again, do people use SweetFX with FFXIV without issue?
Present at report at 60, present at 120.

It sounds like you should calibrate your monitor if things seem too opressively dark at max brightness.

I've I set Reported to 60 and Present to 120 then it completely murders my frame rate which I didn't expect. I'll leave both at 120 for now as that seems to be ok, no idea what frame rate it's actually at but it seems smooth!

Hit 4 on the numpad to toggle off Durante's SweetFX preset. It is definitely darker, while the base color scheme is more washed out to me. I don't see the darkness as an inherit complaint though, I just spark a torch.

Aha! thank you, toggling off SweetFX does increase the brightness! I'll leave it on most of the time, it just so happened starting to use this coincided with being in some horrible dark pit with spiders.

Thanks to both!


I keep seeing this error message:


Is that something I need to worry about? Or how do I fix that? I'm tried deleting the program, and readding it, and it doesn't seem to work.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I keep seeing this error message:


Is that something I need to worry about? Or how do I fix that? I'm tried deleting the program, and readding it, and it doesn't seem to work.

You changed the folder name I presume? Go to that destination in the registry and delete the entry. Re-run the program then.


You changed the folder name I presume? Go to that destination in the registry and delete the entry. Re-run the program then.

No. I just have a GeDoSaTo folder I've kept it in. I even deleted that registry entry and then re-installed. Still getting the error :/

Edit: I think I figured it out. I wasn't running as "Administrator".
No. I just have a GeDoSaTo folder I've kept it in. I even deleted that registry entry and then re-installed. Still getting the error :/

Edit: I think I figured it out. I wasn't running as "Administrator".

So strange that people get this error, I never have. Do you use User Account Control in Windows?

I just leave that off because it is painfully annoying.


Kentucky Fried Zero downsampling works but the mouse won't correctly click text. Menus are also feeling like they are offset - with the mouse overs working over some empty space below the menu.
Also there was pretty heavy aliasing..maybe I should turn it on in the game itself and then try downsampling. The game loads much slower and can crash too.
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