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GeDoSaTo - Downsampling from Infinity and Beyond!

Fantastic tool, works perfectly for me. Apart from some framerate drops around fog gates, I can maintain 60fps even when downsampling from 1440p.

Just one thing, I tried it with Saints Row 3, but it doesn't seem to work. Mainly tried it because vsync doesn't work with that game when in windowed mode (and when in fullscreen mode, alt-tabbing out results in a laggy keyboard).


I love gay-dough-saw-toe.




People have gotten custom resolutions out of hex editing, but I'm guessing the same problems might pop up

I tried this and it seemingly works great on my nvidia cp based downsampling resolutions, but 3200x1800 is as high as those work for me.
Shot 1
Shot 2

But no luck with gdst, just a white screen after the company logos and titlecard of the game. I don't even have to try to run a custom resolution with it, as long as gdst is active, that's the result for me.


Junior Member

Panasonic 65VT50
I want to get the best Image Quality as possible in Dark Souls 2 at 60fps.
I quickly tried downsampling from 2560x1440 using NVIDIA Control Panel and it works ok at 60fps.

So, should I instead download Durante's GeDoSaTo tool and only use that or should the Nvidia Inspector profile be setup in tandem to use SGSSAA.

Sorry for my dimness and thanks in advance.
There's a program called Widescreen Fixer that supports Darksiders that allows you to set custom resolutions

Between using a gdst resolution and my normal downsampling resolutions though the game doesn't render properly

People have gotten custom resolutions out of hex editing, but I'm guessing the same problems might pop up

The widescreenfixer puts the minimap in the middle of the screen lol, but the Hex Edit works, thanks!



I'm trying to modify the controller buttons of Assassins Creed 2 and decided to give GeDoSaTo a shot for this since I can use downsampling as well.

I set enableTextureDumping to true but the textures just won't get dumped. Downsampling works tho as far as I can tell (except for the bugged main menu background). Weird. I read that sb else hat this problem with dumping in the thread but couldn't find a solution.

Any help?


Updated DSII PostFX suite to 1.45. Some improvements to the bloom, colour correction, & tone mapping logic. Also improved various user options.

What exaclty does:
extern float aoClamp = 0.08;

It clamps the AO to a specified minimum (where 0.0 is pure black, and 1.0 is pure white). Use it to balance the black levels of the occlusion. It keeps it looking like shadow, rather than just pure black. I generally go with ~0.2ish myself.
[Asmodean];112248208 said:
Updated my PostFX suite to 1.45. Some improvements to the bloom, colour correction, & tone mapping logic. Also improved various user options.

It clamps the AO to a specified minimum (where 0.0 is pure black, and 1.0 is pure white). Use it to balance the black levels of the occlusion. It keeps it looking like shadow, rather than just pure black. I generally go with ~0.2ish myself.

Sweet! Any chance I could get a link to your config?


[Asmodean];112248208 said:
Updated the DSII PostFX suite to 1.45. Some improvements to the bloom, colour correction, & tone mapping logic. Also improved various user options.

I reuploaded that again. Just some improvements to the settings, toned the defaults down a small bit as well. It was a bit on the harsh side.

If anyone using this has any screenshots of it on/off. I'd be interested to see if it looks as intended, for people.
Just wanted to reiterate my thanks for this tool. 60 Hours into Dark Souls 2 and really enjoy the visual quality of the game.

Thanks to you, Durante, I have had a beautiful Dark Souls 2 experience with lag-less controls, great extra graphical features (i love tuning up the bokeh and applying the highest exagerated strength of AO), and a bragging rights among friends for how fantastic the PC is as a platform for gaming.



I just released 0.5.

It took a bit longer than expected, in part because I'm sufficiently happy with the result now that I spent too much time playing DS2 instead of tweaking it ;) - almost 100 hours now!

It includes as its main feature the new bloom effect I've shown off before, and also some further improvements to SSAO, and adds an option to use Asmodean's postprocessing instead of my own, for people who prefer a more cinematic and less "gamey" look.
I just released 0.5.

It took a bit longer than expected, in part because I'm sufficiently happy with the result now that I spent too much time playing DS2 instead of tweaking it ;) - almost 100 hours now!

It includes as its main feature the new bloom effect I've shown off before, and also some further improvements to SSAO, and adds an option to use Asmodean's postprocessing instead of my own, for people who prefer a more cinematic and less "gamey" look.

Thanks :)
I just released 0.5.

It took a bit longer than expected, in part because I'm sufficiently happy with the result now that I spent too much time playing DS2 instead of tweaking it ;) - almost 100 hours now!

It includes as its main feature the new bloom effect I've shown off before, and also some further improvements to SSAO, and adds an option to use Asmodean's postprocessing instead of my own, for people who prefer a more cinematic and less "gamey" look.
Disregard this post!

Also, loving the HDR! Thanks for the new version!

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
At the risk of having missed something incredibly obvious Durante, are you planning on adding a generic SMAA/FXAA option for non-DS games to make it easier to capture the raw 4K+ rendered image with some form of AA when games lack internal options (and without having to mess with the injectors)?
At the risk of having missed something incredibly obvious Durante, are you planning on adding a generic SMAA/FXAA option for non-DS games to make it easier to capture the raw 4K+ rendered image with some form of AA when games lack internal options (and without having to mess with the injectors)?

For the next version, I’ll focus on polish, adding some small requested features, and getting ready for a source release. In particular, I want to

Create a plug-in system for game-specific code.
Move all DS2 stuff to a DS2 plugin.
Add a “generic” plugin which allows postprocessing and SMAA/FXAA on all games supported by GeDoSaTo.

On his blog :p
I downloaded the new version and gave it a try running from Things Betwixt to Majula -- Wow! I'm usually not a huge fan of bloom effects but this one looks really snazzy. Nice work, Durante! Also glad to hear that you're actually finding time to play the game as well :p
I love the HDR and post-processing in the new version, but enabling it increases aliasing again for me, making it look like 1080p with no AA (I'm downsampling from 1620p).

I've disabled lumasharpen, but it didn't seem to make any difference. I haven't been using SMAA or FXAA because my R9 270X is only just about able to cope with downsampling.

Is there any way I can keep that smooth downsampled look and have HDR?


Low Poly Gynecologist
I love the HDR and post-processing in the new version, but enabling it increases aliasing again for me, making it look like 1080p with no AA (I'm downsampling from 1620p).

I've disabled lumasharpen, but it didn't seem to make any difference. I haven't been using SMAA or FXAA because my R9 270X is only just about able to cope with downsampling.

Is there any way I can keep that smooth downsampled look and have HDR?

Try a slightly lower resolution with FXAA.
Try a slightly lower resolution with FXAA.

It does help, but I lose some of the--I don't know what word to use here--image stability of downsampling with no FXAA? The solidity of distant objects and stuff like grass is why I stuck with GeDoSaTo rather than switch to ENB.

If there's no other way round it aside from FXAA then I'll go with it, but I don't mind losing basically every other effect to get HDR and increased contrast with the stable downsampled look.


This tool actually makes Syndicate playable. Its stock FXAA is hot garbage, and I can keep 50-60fps while running at 4k. When downsampling the normal way, I get unplayable input lag added to the game, but GeDoSaTo seemingly adds no input lag at all, which is amazing. Thanks for it, Durante.


Unconfirmed Member
I just released 0.5.

It took a bit longer than expected, in part because I'm sufficiently happy with the result now that I spent too much time playing DS2 instead of tweaking it ;) - almost 100 hours now!

The new implementation is very evident* (and awesome), but needs a bit of tweaking when utilized with Asmodean's postprocessing post FX file.

I hope Asmodean can help tweak it..


How come DoF is disabled by default, when i get ingame? (it is on in the .ini) not a big deal at all, since i just need to press a button to activate it, just curious.
Disregard everything I said about SLI. realised I was testing GeDoSaTo whilst also having saved custom resolutions for Driver downsampling.

The confusion allwoed me to get a false positive with the downscaling.

GeDoSaTo downsampling still not working with SLI, woops.


Has anyone else had any problems with Steam crashing in Big Picture Mode with GeDoSaTo? When I start BPM with GeDoSaTo running and enabled the Steam Bootstrapper will become unresponsive a couple seconds later and I need to force quit Steam. If I have GeDoSaTo running but disabled and launch BPM, it's fine. I can then enable it with Windows + G and launch Dark Souls II without issue. I confirmed this behavior happening with the newest 0.5 release as well.

I was also having problems when I attempted to use the BPM overlay while playing DS2. The overlay would come up but Steam and DS2 would then become unresponsive and crash.


Does the BPM problem also occur with borderless windowed mode? I was hoping that would fix it.

How come DoF is disabled by default, when i get ingame? (it is on in the .ini) not a big deal at all, since i just need to press a button to activate it, just curious.
Basically, I changed the default since people never look in the ini and then complain about the performance of the Bokeh DoF :p
I really appreciate your work, Durante. I've been using GeDoSaTo with Dark Souls 2 since you made it available.

Now, it might just be me, but I get blotchy and pixelated SSAO in Alpha5 compared to Alpha4 with identical SSAO settings in both .ini files: SSAO strength 2, SSAO scaling 1. No downsampling used in either version.

SSAO in alpha4: http://abload.de/img/alpha4_ssaoktynz.png
SSAO in alpha5: http://abload.de/img/alpha5_ssaowsist.png

It's especially noticeable on her arm and chest.

Apologies if this is an issue you're already aware of.
It does help, but I lose some of the--I don't know what word to use here--image stability of downsampling with no FXAA? The solidity of distant objects and stuff like grass is why I stuck with GeDoSaTo rather than switch to ENB.

If there's no other way round it aside from FXAA then I'll go with it, but I don't mind losing basically every other effect to get HDR and increased contrast with the stable downsampled look.

Aha! I am clever and forgot that you could switch between bilinear and bicubic scaling. Bicubic retains almost all the smooth and sharp look and allows me to use postprocessing. I only had to drop the downsampling resolution a little bit (from 2880x1620 to 2784x1566) to accommodate the increased cost of bicubic scaling.

Perfect. I withdraw my silly question.


Low Poly Gynecologist
It does help, but I lose some of the--I don't know what word to use here--image stability of downsampling with no FXAA? The solidity of distant objects and stuff like grass is why I stuck with GeDoSaTo rather than switch to ENB.

If there's no other way round it aside from FXAA then I'll go with it, but I don't mind losing basically every other effect to get HDR and increased contrast with the stable downsampled look.

Give SMAA a shot but it is more demanding.

Switch off SSAO for a big fps boost.

You could try to overclock your GPU as well.


Thanks for a new release. Since you didn't specifically mention it, I'm wondering is there a point in testing previously broken games and see if anything's changed, or are all the changes Dark Souls 2 stuff?


Thank you very much for Alpha 5, Durante. It's fantastic work as usual. Now, I just have to tweak it so that my character won't be blindly bright when playing as a white phantom. ;-)

By the way, I quite like Asmodean's tone mapping/color correction, but the softer look puts me off a bit. So, I'm thinking about fusing both versions with the (in my opinion) best they each have to offer. Of course, only if that's okay with you guys.


This tool actually makes Syndicate playable. Its stock FXAA is hot garbage, and I can keep 50-60fps while running at 4k. When downsampling the normal way, I get unplayable input lag added to the game, but GeDoSaTo seemingly adds no input lag at all, which is amazing. Thanks for it, Durante.

I highly disagree. The in game FXAA + Downsampling = extremely smooth edges.
PLUS< you *can* use MSAA and TrSSAA in Syndicate. That + Downsampling+built in FXAA results in some amazing IQ

Also: The game is designed around having that input lag in the first place due to DART implant kind. It doesn't really get to normal levels unless you have like 90+FPS.


Thanks for the update. The HDR bloom looks great, performs well too. Nice one for noticing the AO depth sampler was on aniso/linear instead of point. Point looks much nicer on distant stuff :)

For anyone asking about my post effects etc. It would be nice if people used the options provided(there's like a page of options with descriptions for each one). If they're not satisfied with the default setup lol.

I just took a few minutes to change a few of the settings as a simple example of customizing the shader. In the screenshot example I changed around 4 settings to make it look more like the default sweetfx stuff that was there already.

There are enough options provided, to be able to change any aspect of each effect's output for customization.

asmodean: default settings

durante: default settings

asmodean: example modified options to look similar to above

example options used for above
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