Agreed, Jean has been a mainstay in my party and my usual go-to for Multiplayer because of her utility (and decent damage). I also just recently found out that her elemental burst swirl actually damages and applies elements to enemies, so if you stand in fire in her burst AoE, you constantly swirl fire to enemies. You can also stand in water, but unlike fire/electro, swirl water doesn't do any damage, just applies wet.
So at C0 Jean can Tank, Party Heal(based on Proc with any weapon), Burst Heal AoE, Burst AoE has a regen effect for the duration, Ele attack is a 6s CD and can either lift multiple enemies as a CC option or push them forward, and her strong attack can launch enemies for easy launches or as another CC option.
All at C0.
That's some great utility for a character out of the gate and should be a standard for 5* characters.
They should be damn amazing and made slightly better per constellation.
Meanwhile you have a plethora of 5* characters that need most if not all Constellations to "come into their own". Which fails them as a 5* rarity.
And some of them in test runs have some of their constellations unlocked like Childe sitting at C3 with false advertising.
I think Hu Tao was by far the worst offender. Despite being C0 they propped her up with a specific Gacha 5* weapon and a enemy type they excel at.
Characters like Jean should be the standard and not the exception. The rest have been one trick ponies.