It's normal for such games. FOMO is real lolImagine being a player that started at the beginning of January. You'd be pretty far in terms of AR at this point, but you would have missed the Meteor event and the Festering Desire sword event on Dragonspine, along with their story content.
Nice cover. Still, Genshin can't touch Final Fantasy OSTs. I wonder what Inazuma will sound like. Second nation's ost didn't impressed me at all. First one was top tier.Ah,'s what I've been waiting for.
Bit dissapoint about the last quest. Was expecting a better end.
Yeah, we all did...
Traveler's sibling is far smarter/successful than our protagonist. They don't care about meaningless festival with non existent symbol dedicated to a false God. Even false God didn't cared about it and just wanted to get drunk for free. Finally, we got some proper writing loltraveler sister appears to tease everyone and the traveler fight the new boss.
It was all a part of new Dan's quest that will be added later in current patch. It was always a separate thing. Festival is just a festival.traveler sister appears to tease everyone and the traveler fight the new boss
Traveler's sibling is far smarter/successful than our protagonist. They don't care about meaningless festival with non existent symbol dedicated to a false God. Even false God didn't cared about it and just wanted to get drunk for free. Finally, we got some proper writing lol
Well, she appears on the trailer.
No Klee either, so I wouldn't look too much into it. Probably was too expensive to get so many actors on board.except Mona and Fischl for some reason
I hope for continuation just so we wouldn't get another round of tower defense. Tower Defense was ok, but it required way too much replays and became stale very fast.Also I'm glad they at least acknowledged Dvalin a bit. I'm curious if next year's Windblue/Lantern festival will continue the stories or if it will just rehash the same stuff.
Couldn't care less about next banner, but I want my next batch of blue wishes from the store. Can't wait to get another 3☆ sword.Man, still over a week until the banner changes
Disappointing really. Because the world is pretty and the exploration is pretty nice.
This is their own damn fault for ignoring the feedback and focus on most of cash grab stuff. They could simply respawn all the treasure boxes in the world every time a new place appears or after every major update. But no, they take ages to even implement the most simplistic healthy changes and completelly ignores real bugs, like Xynian which appears that won't be fixed at all. What about that dungeons that you beat once and then the place is empty forever? What about quest dungeons? Those places could be reutilized for challenges, but even those are easly forgotten.
They should all start losing money so they start to rush their pants into taking the feedback more seriously.
I want an 5* Exile so bad for my supports. I hate not having easy access to energy recharge at 5* artifacts.There are amazing abilities locked behind 4 star artifacts like instructor and brave heart.
Both should get a 5 star version. Full wardering trope combo is a shit in comparison with full set instructor.
I want an 5* Exile so bad for my supports. I hate not having easy access to energy recharge at 5* artifacts.
Anyways, it's up!
Cannot wait! I have all of her materials and xp books to get her to 80 immediately, and about 6000 primos for the banner + April's store wishes. Let's hope she's fun to actually play. I'm hoping for some good luck here that I get her to C2 before the banner ends. C'mon RNG.
1 Rosaria per day until her banner.
50 is perfectly fine, small downtime lets you to spend your resin exactly how you want without worrying on missing out on BP rewards. As for prototype weapons - they could include them into current 50 levels, like they're previously did with extra resin. Looks like MiHoYo will finally address bad RNG from world bosses and will let you to convert useless to you word boss talent materials into something you actually want.I would like them to extend the BP past 50 levels and provide weekly boss “tokens”.
LOL, such dedication to a 4☆Cannot wait! I have all of her materials and xp books to get her to 80
There are amazing abilities locked behind 4 star artifacts like instructor and brave heart.
Both should get a 5 star version. Full wardering trope combo is a shit in comparison with full set instructor.
You... want more artifacts to farm?
18 days is to much of a downtime imo. With the Monthly BP exp you can farm completing the BP takes less than half of the month.50 is perfectly fine, small downtime lets you to spend your resin exactly how you want without worrying on missing out on BP rewards. As for prototype weapons - they could include them into current 50 levels, like they're previously did with extra resin. Looks like MiHoYo will finally address bad RNG from world bosses and will let you to convert useless to you word boss talent materials into something you actually want.
LOL, such dedication to a 4☆
No, I want they to replace wandering to instructor.
You leave wandering alone. It is awesome on Ganyu with her charge shots.
Instructor is far better. Besides, charged attacks vary between chars.
Many bow/catalyst heavy hitters like Ganyu, Klee, Ning etc. greatly benefit from wandering 4 piece. Their charged attack is already buffed based on their kit and wandering just makes it more awesome by increasing it by 35%. I have no issues instructor getting 5 stared but wandering should remain as-is. Different characters benefit differently based on the artifact set and hence the several choices. Just because wandering is not suitable for few characters does not mean its useless for everyone.
I'm pretty fucking busy every day because I need so much mats to level up all my 5☆. Boss gems, xp books, gold, weapons materials... So nah, to me, downtime is a blessing. If you need initiative to play, maybe MiHo should create more events that doesn't require resin so you can do some side stuff besides usual daily grind.Once you hit AR 56 there really isn't much in the world to discover and running through the spiral abyss with D and E tier character teams wears thin pretty quickly.
This friggin' works. Gonna abuse it before they patch it out.
I don't think I will abuse it anyway, took it about a dozen of logouts to max it from this:I don't think they have any interest in patching it out. It's been like that since launch. You can also just warp around to 3 different points in Mondstadt and it will cycle through those events. The log out thing is technically faster/easier since it's less loading screens though.
Yep, but we got leaks about his 2nd quest and New Boss and considering that we just got Venti... I would say keep up the good work and farm.1. It was just a rumor, we don't really have confirmation yet on a Zhongli banner rerun.
2. My upcoming character banner pity is 50/50.
Geo Lord C1 or go home. Plus, don't neglect Ning and level her up too. She's a monster together with him, especially if you have a couple of constellations. There's a reason a picked her as a Free New Year character despite already having her...I've started to gather resources and artifacts for Zhongli,
Trash spot imo. There's a better one right next to Cecilia garden with just slimes that die in 1 hit.But hey, 20 primos
Yeah, I added Ninggaung pretty late and I recently got her to Lvl70 C1, but I'm finding her a little tricky to use with my current team comps. Adding Zhongli's geo resonance would make a lot of sense.Geo Lord C1 or go home. Plus, don't neglect Ning and level her up too. She's a monster together with him, especially if you have a couple of constellations. There's a reason a picked her as a Free New Year character despite already having her...
Crescent Pike that you can build and refine for free. It's better than paid 5☆ options if you wanna build him as your main physical DPS with his normal attacks. If you like his shields, columns and wanna do some real DMG with his ultimate then it's something from 5☆ Gacha pool or 4☆ from battle pass. Maybe Favonius lance, but it will not improve your overall DPS, just will let you use your ultimate more often. Also, despite what it's said in the description, ATK stat is still preferable to him over HP if we talk DMG bonuses. Still, having HP scaling is a massive win in my book because vast majority of artifacts come with otherwise useless HP stats.. I wonder what the best FTP spear would be for Zhongli?
LOL, Xiao. Try Klee. Unlike Xiao, Klee shares her talent mats with Cocogoat and Electric cat. Still, despite that I'm yet to fully upgrade just her skills because Wolf just refuses to drop mats. My poor Cocogoat...Thankfully we will get a transformation tool in the future update.Oh by the way, fuck the RNG.
If they're going to do this, I wish they'd just implement a currency system for weekly bosses so we get currency drops and can buy what we want from a shop. That way maybe there would be a steady source of prototypes, plus it would solve the issue with talent mats.LOL, Xiao. Try Klee. Unlike Xiao, Klee shares her talent mats with Cocogoat and Electric cat. Still, despite that I'm yet to fully upgrade just her skills because Wolf just refuses to drop mats. My poor Cocogoat...Thankfully we will get a transformation tool in the future update.
Yeah, I would've said classic "tits and asses", but they butchered our gurl so now I have nothing in her defense.Plus, unless she's at least a better DPS than Razor, I don't see much of a point.
Yeah, you wish. IIRC it works only like a direct switch between fixed pool of items from the same boss. You can't transform Dragon's talents into Wolf's ones let alone choose your reward hahIf they're going to do this, I wish they'd just implement a currency system for weekly bosses so we get currency drops and can buy what we want from a shop. That way maybe there would be a steady source of prototypes, plus it would solve the issue with talent mats.
I never do.iron ore to build stuff, so don't run pass through it like you're usually do!
Wonder what kind of time gating bullshittery they have planned for eventual level 100 uncap. 6000 xp writs per level, 20 of each boss drop, etc etc.Yeah, you wish. IIRC it works only like a direct switch between fixed pool of items from the same boss. You can't transform Dragon's talents into Wolf's ones let alone choose your reward hah
This friggin' works. Gonna abuse it before they patch it out.
I'm torn between passing entirely on ice nun, or maybe trying for a single copy of her. I'm hoping sales will be low, and developers will be wondering if their changing the appearance of a character that has already been put into the game maybe played a factor. Plus, unless she's at least a better DPS than Razor, I don't see much of a point.
Unfortunatelly, this is not new. It's been that way for ages.
Count. 4 3 4 3 etc. Usually pattern is very straightforward and you need to have a golden fish brains to mix you turns, so just count the number of tiles in each turn.Might just take a pic of it with my cell phone,
Probably Inazuma was supposed to come much, MUCH earlier. Plus, if they want to make people pull for her, they need to upgrade her DMG numbers substantially because by the time of her release her kit and DMG numbers will be kinda obsolete compared to already released characters. Hell, for some reason MiHo decided to release EULA before Ayaka lolbut...godamn, how can a character from alpha and beta take so long to be even playable is beyond me
Co-op. Wait for the other people to go through.Also, finally down to just a single achievement for the Peculiar Wonderland thing. I need to do the light up floor puzzle without stepping on a bad tile. Might just take a pic of it with my cell phone, if I ever manage to fucking get that minigame instead of the falling flower one every single time.
Probably Inazuma was supposed to come much, MUCH earlier. Plus, if they want to make people pull for her, they need to upgrade her DMG numbers substantially because by the time of her release her kit and DMG numbers will be kinda obsolete compared to already released characters. Hell, for some reason MiHo decided to release EULA before Ayaka lol