Reizo Ryuu
A Beautiful Song
Boy wouldn't that be hype. Soundtrack collab lol.A Beautiful Song
Kazuha is similar, maybe even stronger.
The stat for cooldown reduction exists, but so far there aren't many good ways to do it. I think Anemo resonance (2+ Anemo characters in your team at the same time) is the only way we have right now. Expect to eventually see artifact sets or weapons with it.Is there any way to quicken the character's elemental skill?
As far as I know, the energy recharge you can add to your character only affects their Elemental Burst, correct?
I couldn't find anything that says how you can quicken the elemental skill.
This is a thing now
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Elemental Burst also has a cooldown though, but in addition to that, yes it has an energy requirement (that you usually get by using your elemental skill or killing things). A shortly upcoming character will reduce cooldowns on Burst and supply energy, so keep an eye out.Ah, that's right. I forgot about "cool down"
So, energy recharge rate = Elemental Burst and Cool Down = Elemental SKill.
Nah that removed that very close to launch. It still has anti cheat in the launcher, but it closes when the game does.Does the Pc version of this still have bad anti-cheat spyware? Been playing on PS5 but would like to try it on Pc.
Seems that way. I wish they'd just tell us how often rewards can be claimed. It's not explained in the rules.Was that web event a "one and done" thing?
yea I think if you couldn't get all of the best rewards on the first day (the ones with the sparkles around them), then you could keep trying to refresh the options up to 10 times per day until you got it.Was that web event a "one and done" thing?
They removed that after we all bitched at them about it. You should be fine. There was a lot of backlash about it at launch.Does the Pc version of this still have bad anti-cheat spyware? Been playing on PS5 but would like to try it on Pc.
Sadly as someone that was so hyped for her, I agree. I didn't like her personality or her gameplay much. Sucks. I'll try her out a bit more when she gets her trial period during her banner, but eh. Maybe the JP voice is better too to make her more likeable. I wish we could select VAs based on the character instead of at a system level. Xinyan, Bennett, Lisa, Xiao and (presumably) Yoimiya would be JP for sure.The shamisen bgm at Tatarasuna. I am in heaven.
Also, Yoimiya was really boring to play. Maybe I was an idiot and played her wrong or something.
What is Sayu like?IDK if Yoimiya have a 'right' way to play. To me, she act like a melee with elemental add to her basics attacks, so no much from her I guess.
The Ninja girl on the other hand, based on her kit, looks a rather different player style to adjust.
Every 5 star (and most 4 stars) have something interesting going for them in their gameplay. Going from Ayaka to her is like night and day. And I retract my previous statement to you, she talks a fuck ton. Her kansai accent definitely makes it, but jesus do you talk, girl.Sadly as someone that was so hyped for her, I agree. I didn't like her personality or her gameplay much. Sucks. I'll try her out a bit more when she gets her trial period during her banner, but eh. Maybe the JP voice is better too to make her more likeable. I wish we could select VAs based on the character instead of at a system level. Xinyan, Bennett, Lisa, Xiao and (presumably) Yoimiya would be JP for sure.
Anyone else feel like they're taking the piss with the Tatara quest? "Go get me 3 bugs" was the latest gripping task in the quest. I wouldn't mind if each day we had a new interesting quest with good dialogue and interesting lore bits, but the way they did it just feels like HARD time gating in the most annoying way.
Also, daily commissions fucked up for me today. I have Inazuma selected for my region and I had 3/4 commissions on the islands, but then for whatever reason I had a random ass hilichurl slaying quest at the very northern tip of Mondstadt. I thought I was retarded for not being able to find it on the map, only to realize it was on a separate continent.
What is Sayu like?
I didn't feel like Ayaka has anything cool (no pun intended) with her kit either though. They should have kept her finisher move and just put it on like a 15-20 second cooldown. Her ele skill is fine but boring, and so is her burst. The best thing she has going for her is the special dash like Mona and the cryo imbue after dashing. I played the demo stage quite a bit and she still feels weak to me. But yea, Raiden/Sara is the new hotness as far as I'm concerned, and Kokomi has a pretty weird kit, I'm all for checking it out.What is Sayu like?
Every 5 star (and most 4 stars) have something interesting going for them in their gameplay. Going from Ayaka to her is like night and day. And I retract my previous statement to you, she talks a fuck ton. Her kansai accent definitely makes it, but jesus do you talk, girl.
On the bright side, the Raiden Shogun segment was awesome. Really cool to see the actual Vision Hunt Decree in effect in gameplay. They even gave her domain expansion from Jujutsu Kaisen.
Use basic attacks imbued with pyro until your burst is ready. Cast it, and switch to another party member to detonate the mark left on your opponent. That's literally it. She has the potential to be quite powerful because the mark deals a lot of damage. She forces players to use their sub-DPS more, which could be a positive depending on how you like to play. But it leaves Yoimiya with a underwhelming kit. There's nothing to her apart from her basic and charged attacks.Also, Yoimiya was really boring to play. Maybe I was an idiot and played her wrong or something.
The way you describe it is what I was sold on, but in practice, at least with the artifacts/weapon she had in her quest, it took for-goddamn-ever to fill her burst. Her ele skill itself doesn't seem to provide any particles, and her infused hits also don't provide many if any at all. Which means you really need 3 things to make her work: Herself built for CRT/ATK/EM, a cryo/hydro sub DPS for melt/vape, and now seemingly a pyro or electro battery just to make her burst available. for a reasonable amount of uptime. I feel that they should give like 10-15 energy on skill activation if they genuinely want people to use her how her kit is designed. The way her burst works off-field, it's always going to be the one that procs the reaction, so you can't waste EM slots on Energy Recharge if you want big numbers. It's like a Xinyan situation with her kit is at odds with itself, and it's pretty damn frustrating to me.Use basic attacks imbued with pyro until your burst is ready. Cast it, and switch to another party member to detonate the mark left on your opponent. That's literally it. She has the potential to be quite powerful because the mark deals a lot of damage. She forces players to use their sub-DPS more, which could be a positive depending on how you like to play. But it leaves Yoimiya with a underwhelming kit. There's nothing to her apart from her basic and charged attacks.
Sayu seems really fun to me, but she's a 4 star, so who knows how useful she'll be. I really want her, but I might have to skip to preserve my pity. Wouldn't want to trigger an early 5 star when Baal's right around the corner.
That's the idea I assume. Yoimiya probably isn't popular enough to justify that kind of investment though. I don't know if electro Traveler could be a Baal replacement for this scenario.Obviously the easy solution is for them to also sell you Shogun, if you actually want to use the brand new Yoimiya you just rolled. Right after you drained your resources for her and have to spend $$$, that is.
It's my bias towards PC's that include special dash. It's just fun to use with the added cryo effect. You're right that she still doesn't seem that strong.I didn't feel like Ayaka has anything cool (no pun intended) with her kit either though. They should have kept her finisher move and just put it on like a 15-20 second cooldown. Her ele skill is fine but boring, and so is her burst. The best thing she has going for her is the special dash like Mona and the cryo imbue after dashing. I played the demo stage quite a bit and she still feels weak to me. But yea, Raiden/Sara is the new hotness as far as I'm concerned, and Kokomi has a pretty weird kit, I'm all for checking it out.
Also, what kind of weeb are you. Domain Expansion? Pft.
Do you have all teleports unlocked in Inazuma?I have Inazuma selected for my region and I had 3/4 commissions on the islands, but then for whatever reason I had a random ass hilichurl slaying quest at the very northern tip of Mondstadt. I thought I was retarded for not being able to find it on the map, only to realize it was on a separate continent.
Yep. All domains/waverider points etc too.Do you have all teleports unlocked in Inazuma?
Agreed. Bounties without the "find the clues" crap are so much better.I've also had one of my commissions pop up in Mondstadt despite setting it to Inazuma. Happened multiple times now. I've also had repeats already. I have the achievement for unlocking all teleports, so that shouldn't be the problem.
The bounties in Inazuma are much better as well by the way. No looking for tracks anymore. Still have to turn them in though to get the Mora.
Yep, I've said this months ago. Less stupid arenas, more dungeons. Nice to see them going in the right direction, but they're "one and done". Why invest resources in a place used only once per player?That reminds me - regarding domains. I really enjoy those 1 and done domains where you go in and solve puzzles, fight dudes, and get a chest at the end. I think I'm going to start adding that to my feedback. A new weekly domain that's randomized or built by the team would be a lot of fun. Even better if it was a "raid" that we could do in multiplayer, with branching paths so we could solve puzzles etc. For those of you that played destiny, something like their raids. That would be badass and finally get us out of the stupid pattern of timed HP sponge battles with a slew of debuffs for players.
Then it's kinda weird. I've got the three on Inazuma and one in Mondstadt two days ago, but I thought it was because I didn't unlock the third isle pillar yet.Yep. All domains/waverider points etc too.
It's the best part of her kit, imho. Cryo application 100% of the time.special dash. It's just fun to use with the added cryo effect.
I'm pretty sure I got to 20 in less than two weeks. It should be easily doable.So I’m adventure level 10. Think it’s possible to hit 20 before October and the Aloy event?
Yep easy peasey. The first 30 or so levels come just from doing the story + finding *-culus fragments.So I’m adventure level 10. Think it’s possible to hit 20 before October and the Aloy event?
who wants it?
Bleh havnt even started that one yet.ugh, so many sidequests hinged on that damn Tatara Tales quest, and still ANOTHER day of filler tasks for it. I wonder if it's an inside joke at MHY when they were designing the quest. This is the kind of time gating that this game does that drives me insane.
I recommend you do, it's like a week long of boring daily "get me 3 bugs" type quests until you can finish it.Bleh havnt even started that one yet.
ugh, so many sidequests hinged on that damn Tatara Tales quest, and still ANOTHER day of filler tasks for it. I wonder if it's an inside joke at MHY when they were designing the quest. This is the kind of time gating that this game does that drives me insane.
There are quite a few hidden time gated quests this time around in Inazuma. This one can be found by talking to Xavier who stands around here:What is this Tatara tales quest and where do you get it from?
Furnace.What is this Tatara tales quest and where do you get it from?
I love it. I also liked Yashiori island more until we permanently stop the constant thunderstorms via the quest. I thought these two areas had a nice sense of danger, I just wish those magatama shards lasted longer for the furnace part.The Furnace place is a hell of place.