Speaking of harp... Yeah, that's what I spent my last primos on...
Homa never came home, but at least now I have a great stat stick and 2nd best weapon for my spear dps heroes. (Which I have none lol And I'm not pulling on Xiao)
Still, I guess it is better than a useless support bow. I'd say I was almost lucky. BTW it was a hard pity AGAIN.
Game keeps eating my primos like there's no tomorrow.
150 wishes went down the drain I.e. missed the target weapons. I'm not complaining because I got 2 great 5☆ weapons and not the terrible ER one's, but anyone who is considering to pull for weapons should always be ready to get nothing from it lol
At least future heroes are of no interest to me. So there's more time to save up. Again. Fffffffff...
And that fucking bird lady is another support... Yay! ;(
Why we have so many spears users but only 1 hyper carry(Xiao) among them? Fucking MiHo, I swear.
Going out of their way to release wacky heroes with random stats/weapons/skills/arts just to make people pull more for different weapons. How hard it can be to release Cryo Xiao/ Pyro Xiao etc. Same goes for Cocogoat. 1 GOAT and... and that's it for bows. Bah.

Homa never came home, but at least now I have a great stat stick and 2nd best weapon for my spear dps heroes. (Which I have none lol And I'm not pulling on Xiao)
Still, I guess it is better than a useless support bow. I'd say I was almost lucky. BTW it was a hard pity AGAIN.
Game keeps eating my primos like there's no tomorrow.
150 wishes went down the drain I.e. missed the target weapons. I'm not complaining because I got 2 great 5☆ weapons and not the terrible ER one's, but anyone who is considering to pull for weapons should always be ready to get nothing from it lol
At least future heroes are of no interest to me. So there's more time to save up. Again. Fffffffff...
And that fucking bird lady is another support... Yay! ;(
Why we have so many spears users but only 1 hyper carry(Xiao) among them? Fucking MiHo, I swear.
Going out of their way to release wacky heroes with random stats/weapons/skills/arts just to make people pull more for different weapons. How hard it can be to release Cryo Xiao/ Pyro Xiao etc. Same goes for Cocogoat. 1 GOAT and... and that's it for bows. Bah.