If you like him, why not. C1 is a pretty nice QoL buff by the looks of it. I can't finish a damn combo with him without getting staggered though, so I wouldn't know.Still have 50 wishes left.
I'm now considering Alhaitham C1.
New worm boss is annoying, but surprisingly not as annoying as the Chasm one. No gadget required to stun him, and he feels like he's underground less in general. Not saying I LIKE it, but there's been worse. My Childe team wrecks him in a minute or two. The arena with the shifting sands and camera zooming in and out is pretty cool. Gives it more of an epic feel instead of "normal enemy but bigger".
Also, I'm a huge fan of the elemental infused animals. Snakes/Scorps/etc. They are quite a bit more difficult than the overworld fodder, have mechanics you can abuse to speed up the fight or you can just brute force them and have it take longer. I'd like to see more of that type of encounter in future overworlds. Common enough, but not overly common, actually makes you think a bit.
New caves area is fantastic. They put those stamina flowers everywhere, and quite a few fun traps that actually caught me unaware. One in particular while I was following a Seelie. I haven't explored too much, but I did spend some time down there to find some of Alhaitham's bug eggs for his ascension. I'm really excited to do Jeht's quest, but I'm gonna wait until I have more time to play. Overall impressions are good for the new area from me though. It's like a mix of Chasm with the existing desert, but that's not a bad thing.
Dehya's range, with comparisons to other characters:
For range reference:
- E area 10, same as Ganyu Q
- E coordinate attack 4.5, same as Ayaka E
- Q area 6.5, a bit bigger than Bennett Q at 6
- Q punch length 7.8x5, a bit longer than Itto charge attack during burst at 7x5
E = elemental skill, Q = elemental burst.
So the range sounds "alright". I was hoping for more like Albedo's elemental skill for her elemental skill default range, but at least you can reposition it.
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