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Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions |OT| After 6 years of Pacifism, the King returns.


Whoa! Wait, you can shoot blackholes, and destroy them?

I just let them suck up the enemies, though that seems to negate points. But then they send those super fast enemies at me. Are they worth more points?
How I use black holes:

Activate them and let them suck up some enemies and build up massive points. However, the black holes do have a limit. If they suck up too many enemies, they will blow up and spawn the worthless enemies.

What you can do to prevent them from blowing up is to shoot the black hole. However, managing the black hole while dodging the other enemies while killing enemies so the vortex doesn't blow up can get a bit difficult. If you think that you can't take care of it anymore, destroy it for big points.
How I use black holes:

Activate them and let them suck up some enemies and build up massive points. However, the black holes do have a limit. If they suck up too many enemies, they will blow up and spawn the worthless enemies.

What you can do to prevent them from blowing up is to shoot the black hole. However, managing the black hole while dodging the other enemies while killing enemies so the vortex doesn't blow up can get a bit difficult. If you think that you can't take care of it anymore, destroy it for big points.

What's more important, though, is the enemies that the black holes kill with their explosions. 5x points.
How I use black holes:

Activate them and let them suck up some enemies and build up massive points. However, the black holes do have a limit. If they suck up too many enemies, they will blow up and spawn the worthless enemies.

What you can do to prevent them from blowing up is to shoot the black hole. However, managing the black hole while dodging the other enemies while killing enemies so the vortex doesn't blow up can get a bit difficult. If you think that you can't take care of it anymore, destroy it for big points.

What's more important, though, is the enemies that the black holes kill with their explosions. 5x points.

Ahh interesting info, guys.

So: Blackholes suck up enemies, destroying any potential for points.

The enemies they shoot out aren't worth ANY points at all?

But if I destroy the blackhole, it acts like a bomb, and every enemy killed is worth 5x more?

So, for example:

[(1200 enemy points) x (121 multiplier bonus)] x (5 blackhole bonus)?

Do all blackholes take a specific number of hits or what?


It's been forever since I played GW2, but I believe the black hole absorbs the points (and geoms) of every enemy it sucks in. And the only way to get said points and geoms is if you blow it up before it self destructs. Not sure what the math is, but I'm pretty sure you actually get more points than the value of an enemy if it's sucked in by the black hole. (I hope this makes sense grammatically) That's why, the longer you can keep the black hole alive, the better.

If it self destructs, it will spawn enemies that do give out points but nowhere near the amount you could have obtained if you destroyed the black hole.

Maybe someone can confirm for me, but the spawned enemies aren't worth more if the black hole had absorbed a bunch of enemies.

Also, what you want to do once you want to destroy it (if you see a large wave incoming where you won't be able to control the black hole) is wait until enemies are close to it and blow up the black hole.

And yeah, your math is correct. (Enemy value x Multiplier) x 5

My rule of thumb to keep them alive, if an enemy is absorbed, I shoot it a couple of times. It was really easy for me to gauge the level of the black hole in GW2 but it seems a bit more difficult in GW3. I'm sure with time, I can do the same in this game even though the black holes are so damn busy.
Another hidden scoring rule is in the gates.

Gates have a multiples for anything it takes out to begin with (much like black holes), but each subsequent gate you run through (the timing is TINY, like half of a second maybe) gets bigger. So say you have three gates close to each other, go through them one by one, anything the third kills is worth a MASSIVE multiplier.
Another hidden scoring rule is in the gates.

Gates have a multiples for anything it takes out to begin with (much like black holes), but each subsequent gate you run through (the timing is TINY, like half of a second maybe) gets bigger. So say you have three gates close to each other, go through them one by one, anything the third kills is worth a MASSIVE multiplier.

This same snowball effect works with multiple black holes causing a chain explosion as well. GW2's Sequence had a few stages where this was key.
Not ONE Adventure Mode stage is Waves. BOOOOOOO.

This same snowball effect works with multiple black holes causing a chain explosion as well. GW2's Sequence had a few stages where this was key.
Nice. I didn't remember this, but it would likely be exceptionally rare in anything other than Sequence.


Not ONE Adventure Mode stage is Waves. BOOOOOOO.

Nice. I didn't remember this, but it would likely be exceptionally rare in anything other than Sequence.

In Evolved, I would activate three black holes, keep them all alive, and once I was ready to destroy them, I would get them all pretty weak, pop one and the other two went with it. I never knew the points increased so drastically since I was doing it as a challenge to keep all three alive, haha. You learn something new every day.


Ok, so can somebody clarify this please?

• Black hole absorbs X enemies and Y geoms

Destroying the black hole:
1. Kills any surrounding enemies, multiplying their score by 5;
2. Multiplies the score you would have received for X enemies by 5;

+ black holes destroyed by nearby black holes (combos) increase the multiplier by ???
...and this applies to all enemies destroyed and absorbed by the original black hole?
I can't believe people aren't making more of a fuss over this. This game is absolutely not the king of couch multi like GW2. It's bare bones.

I've always played Geometry Wars as a solo experience, so I didn't even notice it was missing. That really sucks for people who played it local coop, though.
I've always played Geometry Wars as a solo experience, so I didn't even notice it was missing. That really sucks for people who played it local coop, though.
The multi-player in GW2 is a divine experience.

My wife and I played all of the co-op levels here in a matter of minutes, sadly.

We're also pretty close to the BFF achievement (all stars in co-op), I we're think a few away.
The multi-player in GW2 is a divine experience.

My wife and I played all of the co-op levels here in a matter of minutes, sadly.

We're also pretty close to the BFF achievement (all stars in co-op), I we're think a few away.

Exactly. My wife and I cleared out the stars in co-op in just a few nights. I can't believe they don't let you play co op on the classic levels.
I've just got to say... I really hate collecting geoms. Much prefer the shoot-and-stay-alive style of Retro Evolved.

I prefer the Geoms as it ramps multiplier better and forces the player to make hard decisions about where to fly.

Are the leaderboards broken for anyone else right now?
Ok I've been playing this game for 5-6 hours now and this is my GOTY. My first impression of adventure was meh... Then I played a few more levels and now I'm hooked and totally in love with Adventure mode and the variety of it. It's awesome! Simply fucking awesome! I'm gonna play this thing untill I 3-star everything. I managed to be 8th on 3rd boss and 4th on the 4th boss. But I wasnt even focusing on score chasing on the 3th boss :p
well that's an interesting discrepancy. thanks for the number.

can't wait to play more of this and go through adventure mode. though i probably won't be as obsessed as i was with retro evolved ha.

Xbox one players more skilled than PS4 players confirmed :p

Got deadline score to 39m last night just outside the top 10

Finally! Level 29 was a bitch but I got it. Now I can concentrate on Classic mode.

I'm curious to know about that "Cleaning Up" trophy....
Just booted it up and seems pretty good.

Devastated to note that none of my friends have it :(

Add me on PSN for leaderboard shenanigans

PSN: bobelacX

PS4 by the way......


Neo Member
Just picked this up on PS4.

Loving it!

Something that REALLY annoys me though, when you lose a stage, it defaults to CONTINUE or something, and it takes you back to the menu.

If I've just lost, 9 times out of 10 I'm gonna want to retry, nghhhh!

I've gone back through the menus so many times because of this!

Reminds me of Mario Kart 8 before they patched it, when it defaulted to watching the replay instead of moving to the next race :|

Still... awesome game!


I know you can press square when you die, but I'm so used to pressing X to respawn when i still have lives left that I never see it until it's too late.
16 Million in Pacifism.

I sort of raged a couple of times, one specifically when I had only one way to move, where the edge of a gate spawned in as I moved, killing me -_-

stay gold

The game is better than I was expecting, although not as good as Retro Evolved or GW2. Still good enough for me to sink a million hours into.

The lack of sound effects (or maybe they're just really quiet) when carving through a shit load of enemies is disappointing though, it feels much less satisfying.
Black homes depends on how busy things are, but I generally use them to simply blow up enemies like a gate would.

I love this method in dead line, I just charge at them and blow up everything around me for big points, I try not to activate them until I have plenty of shit following me, then wait until I come around and attack it... Boom!

They are to hard to manage when activated, keeping them alive and enemies become unpredictable as they are flung around in odd ways
Someone (ConcludedFever9) found out what needs to be done to get that "Cleaning Up" achievement (I can confirm it worked):


I'll put it in spoilers in case:

You get this by fully destroying a certain name in the bonus level... I'm not sure which name but ConcludedFever9, the first person to get all the cheevos, told me how he got it:

1st name -- DESTROY
2nd name -- SKIP
3rd name -- SKIP
4th name -- DESTROY
5th name -- SKIP
6th name -- SKIP
7th name -- DESTROY
8th anme -- SKIP
9th name -- SKIP
10th name -- DESTROY

The bonus level he's talking about is called "The List" and it's unlocked when you beat adventure mode. This level is basically the end credits of the game. A list of names will start to scroll up. Starting with the first name, you would follow the pattern stated above. Destroy the first name you see (completely destroy it), then skip the next 2, then destroy the 4th..skip the next so..etc.

It's possible there's just one name you need to fully destroy (instead of doing the pattern above) in order to get the achievement but I guess no one is certain.

My theory: When I was doing this, I did notice that one of the names was MaClean so maybe that's the only name you need to destroy? It kinda makes sense, lol.

The last sentence is my theory and I hope someone can try that out to confirm/deny that.


Anyone having issues with the leaderboards on Steam? I have two friends with the game, but high scores are only showing up for one of them. If I go to the global leaderboards they show up just fine if I look for it (I'm aware of the score due to screenshots on my activity feed) but they don't show up on my friends leaderboard at all.


Just picked this up on PS4 and would like some friends to compete with on the scoreboard. If anyone is playing on PS4 feel free to add me at LordHoag.


Super Sleuth
The three major things wrong with this game, that were made even clearer when I just replayed GW2 are:

1. The hit boxes are far less forgiving and as a result far less fun. In GW2, particularly Pacifism, you feel like a ninja, or like a fighter pilot in a cheesy action movie, swooping into tiny gaps and barely getting out of live, often wondering how you even made it out. It is exhilarating, and for me at least, a large part of what makes it so much fun. This is missing in GW3. You get hit way more often, way closer. It feels like your ship is slower compared to the blue diamonds, and as a result pacifism is harder, and in my opinion, less fun. This extends to the other modes but is less of a big deal in them than it is in Pacifism.

2. Enemy spawns take too long and are much more likely to happen on top of you as a result. The game decides where the enemies will spawn, and it won't be on top of you, if you are staying still. But you seldom are, so it seems much much much more of a gameplay element in this game to avoid getting spawned on, and I don't like that as much at all. It isn't a mechanic I find fun.

3. Again, mostly in Pacifism, there is a massive issue with the graphics obscuring information you need, namely whether or not the gates you pass through have killed all the enemies. The animations and graphics are so busy that you can't tell if you can double back through a cloud of enemies that you just blew up. You don't know whether or not there are some left alive waiting to kill you. This, again, makes you feel less like an awesome ninja fighter pilot.

These three things are not objectively bad necessarily, they make the game harder, and some may like them. But for me, they make the game much less fun and exhilarating.

I like the Adventure mode for the most part, and the obstruction that the various 3d shapes provide. I like the moving walls, and the different designed scenarios.

But Pacifism in particular has seen a massive downgrade for reasons 1 and 3, and the rest of the game is worse off because of 2, at least in my view.


Are there any levels after the last boss in adventure mode? It looks like the path continues but I can't select it.


soo, browsing the game folder in steam and found a file in this path
E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Geometry Wars 3 - Dimensions\Windows


its 224 mb , almost the size of this game

.wad file ? isn't that for wii games ?

edit : never mind , it was also for doom games


I like the game and it's great to have the series on current gen - but I find adventure mode to be so hard it's not fun. The 20 star requirement before i can fight the second boss has me stuck and I don't know if I'll keep trying to get past it. The 3D shapes are cool but make it hard to see what's coming and change the games feel - which would be ok if it wasn't so hard. At 13 stars in adventure mode it's not looking good.

Still leaves me with classic modes.

Might just be me and my old man reflexes but I wish they had balanced adventure mode progress a different way.
Any chance we'll see patches/DLC/communication from the devs?

I too would like Pacifism to handle better/more like the older games

Sadly, it looks like it sold very low on PSN so far, just judging by the number of likes (around 500)

Most other games, the small digital titles, have at least 1K, though I can't recall if I'm remembering that number in the same timeframe as GW3's lifespan so far
I like the game and it's great to have the series on current gen - but I find adventure mode to be so hard it's not fun. The 20 star requirement before i can fight the second boss has me stuck and I don't know if I'll keep trying to get past it. The 3D shapes are cool but make it hard to see what's coming and change the games feel - which would be ok if it wasn't so hard. At 13 stars in adventure mode it's not looking good.

I agree. I don't even know how to beat the third boss. I liked the previous games because all modes were easily accessible. It was simple and fun.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
What you can do to prevent them from blowing up is to shoot the black hole. However, managing the black hole while dodging the other enemies while killing enemies so the vortex doesn't blow up can get a bit difficult. If you think that you can't take care of it anymore, destroy it for big points.

You get even more points if your bullets rebound Off one of those barriers, about 5x the multiplier. Say your multiplier is at 200x and you shoot an enemy worth 6.5k you would get about 28k if the bullet had come Off a barrier first.
I agree. I don't even know how to beat the third boss. I liked the previous games because all modes were easily accessible. It was simple and fun.
If it's the one I'm thinking of, to drop the shields, you'll need to shoot the enemies on the opposite side of stage from the boss. Then again, I might be misremembering.
You get even more points if your bullets rebound Off one of those barriers, about 5x the multiplier. Say your multiplier is at 200x and you shoot an enemy worth 6.5k you would get about 28k if the bullet had come Off a barrier first.
As I've said a few times now, you get a 5x point bonus for enemies killed by bullets rebounded off of gates, by gate explosions, and by black hole explosions. These 5x bonuses compound one another if you either go through a few gates in quick succession or chain explode multiple black holes.
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