Yes, I did look at the original data and the right-wing cases are just much higher because of propaganda and hate speech. The really dangerous stuff where people are assaulted or their property gets damaged has about the same amount of cases on both sides (as shown in the table above).
Not really if you look on the table above the right-extremes has commited Tötungsdelikte, Versuchte Tötungsdelikte, Körperverletzungen, Erpressung, Sexualdelikte, Nötigung/Bedrohung, Störung der Totenruhe, Propagandadelikte and Volksverhetzung in a concerning higher amount than the left.
While the left is significant higher in Sachbeschädigung, Widerstandsdelikte, Gefährliche Eingriff in den Bahn-, Luft-, Schiffs- und Straßenverkehr.
Yes, the left is also very concerning when it comes to personal assault. That number is also quite high. I won't deny that and I think it was right to go against that website and fighting the violent extreme-left.
But looking at the statistic I find right-wing extremism still more concerning and more violent than the left.