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Wadafuck that poppy seed thing is the first i've heard of it. Sounds crazy.
Also, lol funny pics thread got me
fucking LOL
Wadafuck that poppy seed thing is the first i've heard of it. Sounds crazy.
Also, lol funny pics thread got me
mushrooms and nitrous are god tier... so i've heard....I don't understand weed. When I see people giggling or content I feel like I'm missing out. It just makes things really feel slow and my memory all just sort of blurs together. It does make nitrous more fun though.
I don't understand weed. When I see people giggling or content I feel like I'm missing out. It just makes things really feel slow and my memory all just sort of blurs together. It does make nitrous more fun though.
I don't understand weed. When I see people giggling or content I feel like I'm missing out. It just makes things really feel slow and my memory all just sort of blurs together. It does make nitrous more fun though.
mushrooms and nitrous are god tier... so i've heard....
Depends on the type of weed you get. Try different strains, if possible.
Yeah I won't be able to pick up for another week. I was thinking of trying the poppy seed thing, but I'm worried I'll be disappointed and it seems kind of costly.
Poppy seeds? Costly?
I've done them maybe 5 or 6 times. $11 will get you high. As far as opiates go I would rank poppy seed tea a little below morphine which is obviously below H. They are still a really good, safe high though.
You get two packs of poppy seeds. At the market place I've gotten them from they go for $4 a piece. You need 2 packs. How many grams? What is a pack quantified as? I dunno, man, I just get high off the stuff. And you're buying things legally too so yay. If the cashier asks tell her that your mom makes poppy seed cupcakes. Those are a thing. This is the brand I buy
So next you need a 2 liter coke. Drain the coke. Fill the plastic coke bottle with the seeds. Then fill it with BOILING water. Close the cap and shake it for 10 minutes. The next part you need to do with a little finesse. The idea is to get the water in the bottle into a glass without getting the seeds in the glass too. To do that, unscrew the 2 liter cap off a little bit but still keep it on. Turn the coke over and just try to get the liquid out. Should take you a minute or so. Then drink the contents of the glass with a chaser. The chaser is almost mandatory because it tastes extremely bad. Extremely.
The tea itself is ambiguous with regards to it's legality, so no I am not telling you poppy seed tea is not illegal. But you can totally buy poppy seeds and a convenient 2 liter coke bottle. I have no idea why more people don't know about this.
While I do enjoy them, can't say I do them much. I've had good times whilst high, but for the most part I'm not big on drugs. Except perhaps caffeine, but even with that I never get those crazy espresso shots.
Poppy seeds? Costly?
I've done them maybe 5 or 6 times. $11 will get you high. As far as opiates go I would rank poppy seed tea a little below morphine which is obviously below H. They are still a really good, safe high though.
You get two packs of poppy seeds. At the market place I've gotten them from they go for $4 a piece. You need 2 packs. How many grams? What is a pack quantified as? I dunno, man, I just get high off the stuff. And you're buying things legally too so yay. If the cashier asks tell her that your mom makes poppy seed cupcakes. Those are a thing. This is the brand I buy
So next you need a 2 liter coke. Drain the coke. Fill the plastic coke bottle with the seeds. Then fill it with BOILING water. Close the cap and shake it for 10 minutes. The next part you need to do with a little finesse. The idea is to get the water in the bottle into a glass without getting the seeds in the glass too. To do that, unscrew the 2 liter cap off a little bit but still keep it on. Turn the coke over and just try to get the liquid out. Should take you a minute or so. Then drink the contents of the glass with a chaser. The chaser is almost mandatory because it tastes extremely bad. Extremely.
The tea itself is ambiguous with regards to it's legality, so no I am not telling you poppy seed tea is not illegal. But you can totally buy poppy seeds and a convenient 2 liter coke bottle. I have no idea why more people don't know about this.
While I do enjoy them, can't say I do them much. I've had good times whilst high, but for the most part I'm not big on drugs. Except perhaps caffeine, but even with that I never get those crazy espresso shots.
Holy shit, I may try this tomorrow.
I'm stealing this for the pizza thread.
Do it. The only real con of opiates other than the obvious is that they make you constipated. The poppy seed tea is no exception. So take a stool softener if you haven't gone by the next day.
It will take 30 minutes or so for it to kick in, and don't mix it with anything else. It will last a good 6 hours MINIMUM, probably a couple hours longer if it's your first time so don't drink it after 7pm unless you plan on pulling an all-nighter . Stay hydrated, stay safe. You can eat fine, but you probably won't have an appetite. You can still function well too. I've been on the stuff while my mom's at home just to give you like an ultimate example. It actually makes your pupils a little smaller instead of bigger. Just think of it like a painkiller doctors give you that's not in pill form. It's like liquid Hydrocodone, but stronger.
theres a pizza thread?
because i have more...
The Monkees are tossed about in a psychedelic, surrealist, plotless, circular bit of fun fluff.
Holy shit, 6 hours? I'm so down. So you really did 2 of those bags? Everything I've read only says like 200 grams of the seeds. What you did is like a pound lol. And what's the high like? I've never done opiates, but last week I took shrooms and it was amazing.
It's definitely not the best way to smoke. Lovingly cared for crystalline buds, dense but fluffy will always win out against occasionally pressure chard, solid chunks, uniformly smokey tasting brick bud.I don't like the sound of dat 'brick' weed... ganja has to be treated with love and respect right up until the time it is incinerated in a glorious fiery death for the greater cause.
You can tell the OP is a young stoner. I heard this type of argument many times back when I was a young stoner too. Then a little bit of perspective comes and you realize that being stoned all day long is not normal and is a clear sign that you have some problems you need to deal with.
Bang on
Please be careful. I was on opiates for back pain (legal prescriptions) and became addicted. It didn't take long before I became addicted to Heroin. Been through 3 treatment centers, multiple out patient programs, and pretty much fucked up my entire life. How did it happen? Because it feels great. That's what you should expect. Euphoria, warm sense of well being, and nodding out, which is fun too for some reason.
Yeah, it never got to the point where I had cravings ever because I spaced out my tea parties at least a month apart, usually two. But I had a friend who had/has a very real addiction to opiates and he has gone through some tough withdrawals. He told me yesterday actually that he quit, though, so that's good.
So please when you start doing poppy seed tea do so responsibly. It's cheap, it's a good high, and there isn't really a comedown (you just start to gradually notice it slowly go away after an hour and a half or so). But because it's cheap and you can buy the stuff legally, it's very accessible, so moderation need to come from yourself.
Dudes be careful with the tea, the amount of morphine varies from pack to pack. It is possible to die from drinking it.
Tried the poppy seed tea last night. I think I got 20 minutes or so of a light body high, but that was it. Very disappointing. I might try again if I find another source of poppy seeds that looks more promising.
Hm, perhaps you guys didn't put enough seeds in there. You'll know you did it right when the tea tastes godawful and it lasts for hours upon hours. Your nose becomes itchy too. I'd say give it a week to lose some of the small bit of tolerance you may have built up and try again. I'll try and get the exact amount of seeds you need from a friend.
High free since... November 23.
OMG, my nose is itchy as FUCK!!! I literally can't stop itching it lol