So just needed to post this somewhere.
Without realizing it I had been a very closed minded individual my whole life regarding certain things. Specifically I bought into the media and the idea of if it's illegal, it's bad. I was a guy who never went to parties, etc. I believed if it impairs you, it's bad, etc. Allowed it for a long, long time.
Over the course of a year a lot of my perspectives changed, largely after I took a solo trip halfway around the world. After I got back I started going to parties hosted by one of my female friends. As hostess she knew how much things like people getting high etc., made me uncomfortable due to my own expression that she accommodated me by making people smoking going either into another room or off to the balcony. Really great of her thinking about me (though I always felt a bit bad to be accommodated in someone else's home).
This continued on for a few more parties over the last few months, until this week as we all met for pre-drinks for a work thing. A few started to smoke weed from a bong and she was beginning to tell them to go outside or into the other room for my sake, but I told her it was okay. Admittedly at this point I had largely become curious.
It wasn't a sudden thing, it had been in the back of my mind for years, but buried until more recent... By now I realized how much stated about pot was really BS (IE: gateway drug, I now realize the drug doesn't really have anything to do with it, that's just an individual's own desires).
Eventually one of my pushier friends passed me the pipe. and my friend asked if I was sure, but we were just about to go out and see a bunch of our other co-workers/friends, and I wasn't sure how it would affect me, so I just passed it back and laughed.
Later though I confronted and confided my friend who has been accommodating me that I had been wanting to try smoking weed for quite a while now, just to see what the experience was like. I also told another female friend of mine (our mutual friend) whom I talk to often, and they decided to setup a day for me to try in a safe environment (as well as bring another friend of ours, a good guy who is all about the pot scene).
That day was yesterday. Leading up I had been both excited and nervous, because I didn't really know how it would affect me (in spite of my friends' explanations that "you'll probably feel ___"). I had even read up on proper inhalation because I wanted to make sure I felt something.
After debate of what I should do, our friend who has the most experience was certain I should try a joint as a first timer, so that's what we did.
I will say I have no problem with the smell, but the taste... I can't say I was a fan. I was having difficulty pinpointing what it was until one of my friends said dirt, and I was like... "Oh yeah..."
So it was passed around and I sat wondering if I had done it right. I didn't ask my friends how long it would take to feel the affects or anything. I had wondered if perhaps I didn't get it in my lungs (I had read up on first timers doing this)... And then it hit me.... Wow. I certainly never felt anything like it before. When I was sitting up I felt like my body was trying to stretch an inch above where I was sitting, and when I was laying back I felt I was sinking... Also felt all warm and fuzzy like my body was giving itself an internal hug or something.
All I can say was I felt absolutely great. It was such a relaxing feeling. I can see why people partake, though I don't think it's something I would want to do often (I fear that I personally do have a bit of an addictive nature), but it is something I would try again in a social setting like that.
This was at like 6:30 PM... I woke up at 4AM and could still feel the... "wave" hit me (that's how I decribed it) after I thought it had worn off, then went back to sleep. It's now nearly 11:30 AM the next day, and admittedly I can still feel it a bit in my system I guess? Nothing quite like last night, but lingering sensations.