What kind of weed are you all smoking? After smoking weed I usually feel awakened/more tired (depends on the strain), have funny thoughts, time feels slow which is great, everything feels so comfortable, especially beds, wandering around with friends is super fun... What you all are describing sounds like torture...
That's pretty much me. It's hard to describe but it kind of clears out my mind of the crap, so I'm less stressed, usually not as depressed, and less anxious about things. I think more creatively and can really enjoy just going out for a walk around the neighborhood (especially at night). It doesn't necessarily make me more tired, although it puts me in a state of mind that's much more conducive to sleep if I want to. I have sleeping problems and nothing helps me sleep better than weed. I mean, ambien can really knock me out, but I feel that has more of an effect of forcing me into a sleep whereas weed "allows" me to go to sleep. And of course, most funny shit is even funnier.