I'm getting so fed up with smoking weed now, I have smoked every day for the past twelve years, I used to smoke all day, wake up and smoke a bong then vegetated all day. Now I only smoke two joints and a few bongs a day and only at night, after work. Really considering quiting though, it's not just that it's becoming ridiculously expensive (in the uk) it's becoming hard to buy, the only guy I know at the minute who is guaranteed to have stock over charges and the quality is never guaranteed. He also sells heroin and most of the time I go round to his place there are countless junky chavs lying around his house, it's depressing.
The thought of not dulling my brain with weed every night is worrying though, I think I will need help to come off it to be honest, I don't drink alcohol so I have nothing to take the edge off when I get home from work.
The thing is I'm not sure I'm in the right mind set to give up yet, I want to give it up bad but part of me feels incredibly bitter about having to. I know people who don't work and smoke all day, yet I'm working and can barely afford to smoke the amount I do now.
It's going to have to happen one day though, I'm sure it's going to be tough, when I quit my wife will quit with me so the two of us going cold turkey together will probably end in divorce.
my friend let me borrow his vape for the whole summer:
I'm pumped. Does anyone know the optimal temperature to set one of these at?
I love how smooth vapes are, its such a different high.
This is probably a bad time to ask since its down, but has anyone used Silk Road to get weed?
I had to find a new guy and his stuff is OK but I've never really had more than 'decent' stuff and I was looking to try some of these famous strains that people always talk about
lol you really wanna buy weed in the deep web?
Whats the name of that vape?
This is probably a bad time to ask since its down, but has anyone used Silk Road to get weed?
I had to find a new guy and his stuff is OK but I've never really had more than 'decent' stuff and I was looking to try some of these famous strains that people always talk about
2 weeks cold turkey and all you'll have is a psychological nibble when you want to smoke, and eventually not even that.
But the first 2 weeks, you'll be a little grumpy if you can't toke. It's easy to give that up, in comparison to other things.
I think I might be done for while.
I only hit a bowl once last night, but I took adderall and drank a shitload and felt like I was DYING today. I need to take a little break from everything ha.
Anybody know a good easy way to get high without papers, a bowl or an apple? I'm living with my parents too, so nothing loud to wake them
No idea. But I have a little stash of hydrocodone right now and I can say that this shit could definitely turn out to be addicting. Good thing it was a one time supply kind of thing.How bad/addictive is oxycodone?
Like most prescription painkillers, pretty damn addicting.How bad/addictive is oxycodone?
How bad/addictive is oxycodone?
Anybody know a good easy way to get high without papers, a bowl or an apple? I'm living with my parents too, so nothing loud to wake them
Like most prescription painkillers, pretty damn addicting.
extremely addictive and the withdrawals are fucking terrible. be very careful.
Broseybrose pic got me salivating. I'm gonna hit up Silk Road and choose the most prime bud I can find.
Yeah those pics i posted have absolutely nothing to do with Silk Road. Ive never even been to the site.That's what I had thought, wasn't sure though.
Um, some just discussed about how Silk Road might not be safe on the last page.
Yeah those pics i posted have absolutely nothing to do with Silk Road. Ive never even been to the site.
Can I get some recommendations on some healthy-ish foods to snack on when getting munchies? I've focused too much attention on candy, 'cause it's so good. But I'd like to start transitioning into foods that are better for me. Strawberries and other fruits have been pretty good at combating dry mouth. Any other ideas?
/brofistI love how you can just keep smoking a shitload of sativa and stay in a realm of clarity ,Were as if i smoked that much indica i would end slipping into an extremely comfortable state and falling asleep.
sativa dominant strains > indica dominant strains
How bad/addictive is oxycodone?
Extremely. People will actually injure themselves just so they can get oxycontin. Its not even fun, just makes you itch all over. Don't do it.
It's also the one that gives you the best high, unfortunately. Funny how that works.
Extremely. People will actually injure themselves just so they can get oxycontin. Its not even fun, just makes you itch all over. Don't do it.
Anyone here have any experience with growing bud? I'm going to be getting my own Apt. soon and I really want to grow a plant or two for recreational purposes and scientific purposes. I know growing weed takes a lot of work and attention but I've wanted to try growing and I think the stars are aligning for me, so any tips or book recommendations would be appreciated.
I wish i could enjoy weed, but every single time i smoke i get paranoid as fuck, as if everyone is against me, i cant even talk properly anymore. I dont have this with other drugs but weed oh boy.
Maybe i should try making a cake? No idea how that will affect me though.
oxy is the kind of thing that is easy to just say fuck it and keep going.
But about 100% of the time looking back you'll say to yourself I should have stopped then.