Just hit some daaaaank shit, groovin' out to Daft Punk's new album.
How is it? The album I mean.
Just hit some daaaaank shit, groovin' out to Daft Punk's new album.
It would work, but you'd have to have a heating pad to get it to the proper body temperature or you'll fail the test.
They should sell synthetic urine (and the heat packs) at your local head shop.
How is it? The album I mean.
How is it? The album I mean.
goddamnit you just made me sad that i can't get high and listen to RAM
i reeeeeeeeeeeeally hope i get a job sooner than later because i miss weed. i never crave for weed, but i'd give anything to get high, listen to RAM, and inhale everything in my fridge.
Get synthetic urine? I'm going to smoke up this weekend since I wont be passing my test anyway lol. Unless you get hair tested. that sucks.
You can get cleansers, but you have to follow the instructions, timing and all.
Cleansers for hair? I assume you mean urine right? i feel like synthetic is much safer and dependable.
I meant urine, and I disagree entirely. Too much can go wrong with synthetic.
Irritability when you become dry. Thoughts? It's something I've noticed in myself, and I frankly don't like the trait. Wondering what I can do to be more conscious of it.
Irritability when you become dry. Thoughts? It's something I've noticed in myself, and I frankly don't like the trait. Wondering what I can do to be more conscious of it.
You guys ever have a panic attack after smoking?
So...last Monday I had a huge job interview, rocked it like usual, and was offered the job on the spot. Better job than my current one and more $$. So of course I took it. The company had me come in last Friday (1 week ago) to fill out all the paperwork (tax forms, background check, etc.) and get my drug test papers to take my test on Saturday. I hadn't smoked for a while, and I work out often (minimum of 4x a week).
No problem, right? I was confident i was clean. Well I didn't know exactly how long it had been since my last toke, but I was still all too eager to smoke again after taking the piss test. So after smoking a nice bowl of high-grade hydro, I started looking through some texts between a friend & I and figured out that it only had been 3wks, maybe a few days more, since my last session.
OH SHIT! A panic attack ensued because I had already given my current employer the 2wk notice and they weren't happy. If I failed the drug test, then I'd be out of 2 jobs.....And seeing how I had just smoked, there's no way I'd be able to pass another piss test. FUCK!! Total panic attack...my first ever. LOL.
it was all for naught as my test came back clean, and I start my new job on Monday.![]()
Irritability when you become dry. Thoughts? It's something I've noticed in myself, and I frankly don't like the trait. Wondering what I can do to be more conscious of it.
I wonder, are we able to inquire about where to obtain some cheeba?
Its probably not a very good idea to do on gaf.
I figured....I just hate having to go get the stuff...no one delivers anymore![]()
I figured....I just hate having to go get the stuff...no one delivers anymore![]()
look into silkroad
http://www.gwern.net/Silk%20RoadI figured....I just hate having to go get the stuff...no one delivers anymore![]()
This is good advice.look into silkroad
While the conversion to bitcoins requires some effort and foresight (I always try to reorder when I have a week's supply left, due to the transfer time from bank account to bitcoins), I've been ordering from there for about a year and a half, with about a dozen orders, and I've never been scammed. Worst issue was that one vendor took 14 days to deliver product, but the solution to that is to leave honest feedback and not use that vendor again. Point is it's a decent option for those without other means, it just requires some initial research and effort.So many extra steps in turning cash into bitcoins and then hoping you don't get screwed. I've thought about it for sure though.
A beginner's guide to using The Silk Road.
This is good advice.
While the conversion to bitcoins requires some effort and foresight (I always try to reorder when I have a week's supply left, due to the transfer time from bank account to bitcoins), I've been ordering from there for about a year and a half, with about a dozen orders, and I've never been scammed. Worst issue was that one vendor took 14 days to deliver product, but the solution to that is to leave honest feedback and not use that vendor again. Point is it's a decent option for those without other means, it just requires some initial research and effort.
Not sure if this discussion is prohibited here, if it is I'll remove it (or get banned I guess).
I figured....I just hate having to go get the stuff...no one delivers anymore![]()
Give me your address, CC information, and social security number and I will personally deliver "cheeba" to your household.
The best part is all the money you save, I bought every game I've been interested in since last year and managed to renovate my room. Do I still get the occasional urge to toke up sometimes? Yes, but I figure at this point it's better to continue down the path I'm on instead of looking back.
Thank you for reading, and happy toking!
Alright, so I'm having trouble, or what I perceive as trouble, with my VaporBrothers hands-free vaporizer.
I pack it with a standard bowl pack, which typically gets me super baked. For the first two, MAYBE three pulls, there is visible "vapor" that I breathe out. After that, I can taste it, but I honestly don't feel like I'm getting high.
What's worse is that I don't even know how to tell its working, other than getting high. Is the herb supposed to get brown-black, like burnt? Some of it still looks pretty green when it's "done" (aka, I take 5 or so pulls and can't tell if I'm getting high).
Any ideas? I have to think I'm doing something wrong--inhaling too fast? Too slow? Not packing it right (followed directions to a T)? Too hot or cold (according to instructions, I should be at 350 with my selection).
I am totally incapable of helping you with your problem, but I'm glad you made it over here from FilmmakingGAF lol. Why don't you post in the movie thread at all?
I dont have knowledge of that specific model, but with my vape, I take a hit, then shake it up a bit so other parts of the weed can get hit next. When all of the weed is a nice brown or even black, that's when its done. You should be able to see the vapor when you breathe in and also at the end when you breathe out. Obviously the less you breathe out the better. Usually only takes me 2 big hits with my MFLB though, so not sure why it's not working after 5 for you.
Hmmm, okay, so you mix it up/shake it after every hit? I'll try.
I definitely lose the visible vapor after 2 pulls. What temperature do you use?
I was also under the impression that this helps a little herb go a LONG way, but with my issues, I feel like its about the same, if not worse.
EDIT: Maybe temperature is the key. Bumped it up a bit and got a good pull. I am paranoid about burning the weed by accident, so I kept it at the recommended.
Haha, well, we've been in preproduction for a while on a feature we want to shoot this summer. Been trying to get investors, but will probably have to crowdfund.
Other than that, I've been spending a ton of time researching my next camera purchase, which I'd like to stick with for the next few years (along with quality accessories). It was the BMCC for a while, but this RAW 5D hack has my interest, right now. Not purchasing for another few months, so hopefully it can mature.
I really should post more. You're talking about the filmmaking thread?