-I recognize those eyes...
-Bitch no you dont!
How nice of them to be hardcore edgelords
Please explain.
-I recognize those eyes...
-Bitch no you dont!
How nice of them to be hardcore edgelords
- there is currently no Asian lead actress that could justify this kind of production value for a worldwide audience (in fact, there are hardly any female lead actresses that can carry an action movie, but I guess representation of women is already not worth acknowledging anymore). Movie stars currency is popularity, nothing more.
- the movie depicts a highly multicultural society (and thus actors of varies races), the (US) minorities didn't get a lot of face time but no one did outside of Scarjo, then a big drop and then it's like 2-4 other characters.
- There are zero racial tensions in that society. This is also in line with how the racial background of the GitS characters has not been important for any aspect. Race is simply not part of the plot at all and you could make all the characters black if you wanted to without disrespecting the source material.
- From my point of view, they even topped that by demonstrating how race IS irrelevant. i.e. the "twist" that shows that Major had an Asian body - which didn't freak her out at all. There's no outburst of "oh shit I'm Asian?!" and at the end she embraces her Asian mother - because the point was that she finally found her connection in life like other humans. Not what race she is.
- The name drop (and origin) of Motoko was obviously to be able to reference the source material. They didn't have any obligations to mention her or making her Asian but they did and I appreciate that as fan service.
How is this even whitewashing if your Aryan protagonist turns out to be Asian (they even showed her past self)?! That's literally the nightmare of any supremacist.
If money wouldn't be an issue I definitely would have preferred an Asian actress (while remaining the chunky/muscular look of Scarjo-Major), but if your only argument for why some movie studio is obligated to make a bad business decision is that you want your waifu in a Hollywood lead role...
Your post is wrong and strange on so many levels that I don't even know what to reply.How is this even whitewashing if your Aryan protagonist turns out to be Asian (they even showed her past self)?! That's literally the nightmare of any supremacist.
Your post is wrong and strange on so many levels that I don't even know what to reply.
Yes.I realize this whole thing is a touchy subject and was discussed so much more here than the actual movie, but I'm just baffled how the ending is considered "worse whitewashing" and not the opposite.
So if she had been a white girl named Barbara that would have been less offensive?
- there is currently no Asian lead actress that could justify this kind of production value for a worldwide audience (in fact, there are hardly any female lead actresses that can carry an action movie, but I guess representation of women is already not worth acknowledging anymore). Movie stars currency is popularity, nothing more.
edit: We can move the discussion to there being systemic racism for Asian actresses from both casting people and the audience (all races), but that still just fuels the status quo that leads to these casting choices that are not made due to racism. Do you honestly think the GitS casting people would NOT pick an even more famous but Asian actress if available?
- the movie depicts a highly multicultural society (and thus actors of varies races), the (US) minorities didn't get a lot of face time but no one did outside of Scarjo, then a big drop and then it's like 2-4 other characters.
- There are zero racial tensions in that society. This is also in line with how the racial background of the GitS characters has not been important for any aspect. Race is simply not part of the plot at all and you could make all the characters black if you wanted to without disrespecting the source material.
- From my point of view, they even topped that by demonstrating how race IS irrelevant. i.e. the "twist" that shows that Major had an Asian body - which didn't freak her out at all. There's no outburst of "oh shit I'm Asian?!" and at the end she embraces her Asian mother - because the point was that she finally found her connection in life like other humans. Not what race she is.
- The name drop (and origin) of Motoko was obviously to be able to reference the source material. They didn't have any obligations to mention her or making her Asian but they did and I appreciate that as fan service.
How is this even whitewashing if your Aryan protagonist turns out to be Asian (they even showed her past self)?! That's literally the nightmare of any supremacist.
If money wouldn't be an issue I definitely would have preferred an Asian actress (while remaining the chunky/muscular look of Scarjo-Major), but if your only argument for why some movie studio is obligated to make a bad business decision is that you want your waifu in a Hollywood lead role...
Alright, alright. All your compelling arguments have convinced me. This movie is the epitome of racism.
I don't know how difficult this concept is. People want to argue that "race" doesn't matter for GITS and/or the Major. And that there's nothing in the source text or the new marketing material that specifically makes an Asian actress a more appropriate casting. That's the crux of your defense, yes?I realize this whole thing is a touchy subject and was discussed so much more here than the actual movie, but I'm just baffled how the ending is considered "worse whitewashing" and not the opposite.
So if she had been a white girl named Barbara that would have been less offensive?
I'm a fan of GITS and here's what I would have done. If they were dead set on using ScarJo, I would have cast an Asian actress to play the beginning intro of the movie. Had her shell destroyed in the intro action sequence. Then cue the shelling sequence for a new body, the major's new body is ScarJo.
Please don't dismiss whitewashing as a made up issue in America with that weak humanwashing analogy. When robots gain sentience and call for robot rights and robot American representation, I'll buy it as a real thing. It's not about sticking to the source material 100%. You can cast Scarjo, but don't present her as Motoko Kusanagi, regardless of any sci-fi reasoning for it. Which I thought the movie avoided up until the end.The real controversy here is that this movie is not played by a robot. Humanwashing. Also, do you think a Japanese created story should be directed by a Japanese person? They have a way of thinking no one else has. If the director had been Japanese, would it make it easier for a Japanese / Asian lead to be chosen?
I understand Hollywood needs a big name actress for their big budget films, and if they don't make one they won't have one. I understand people's frustration with the "defaults". Watch some Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Indian made movies if you are critical of seeing white people in lead roles, movie industry is not just Hollywood.
I understand Hollywood needs a big name actress for their big budget films, and if they don't make one they won't have one. I understand people's frustration with the "defaults". Watch some Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Indian made movies if you are critical of seeing white people in lead roles, movie industry is not just Hollywood.
A Japanese director wouldn't fight for an Asian lead. An Asian American director would. An Asian American director would fight for an Asian in any significant role.
Not necessarily. Maybe, the right Asian American director might've; but that's a big might. I think a part of the reason you don't have Asian American film stars is because you don't have successful Asian American director's and producer's taking any risks on themselves by casting Asian Americans in leads on their films or focusing onn Asian American narratives to potntially break new stars.
For one Rinko Kikuchi is an Academy Award nominated actress. That's incredibly difficult for an Asian actor or actress already.
But look, no one here is deluded into thinking that any Asian actress around is as anywhere close to the box office draw as a ScarJo. That's the result of a long history of conduct by Hollywood that is unfair to put the burden on GITS alone to solve.
Like I've said just do your adaptation for the US but don't insult people by having not just one white person but multiple white people play Asian roles. Or else make a movie with a budget where it would make sense to cast a lessor known Asian.
I don't know which Asian actress they could have chose for the role. I just know that while Scar Jo was the safe bet at the best box office turn out she was not the right choice for the story/character.this would have been my pick.
my second choice
I don't know which Asian actress they could have chose for the role. I just know that while Scar Jo was the safe bet at the best box office turn out she was not the right choice for the story/character.
Is there a problem in recognizing that the in-text explanation for whitewashing or whatever term you can agree on for what they did, is no absolution for the actual real world casting white washing they did? These works of fiction exist within the context of the real world and are not some stand alone... complex. That script didn't drop from the heavens having motoko's brain transplanted into scarjo's body, someone in our universe, made that choice.
Haly's post could not have made it any clearer.Is there a problem in recognizing that the in-text explanation for whitewashing or whatever term you can agree on for what they did, is no absolution for the actual real world casting white washing they did? These works of fiction exist within the context of the real world and are not some stand alone... complex. That script didn't drop from the heavens having motoko's brain transplanted into scarjo's body, someone in our universe, made that choice.
The hypocrisy of the moral cliche "it's what's inside that counts" juxtaposed with "we have to cast a white actor to make money" is just staggering.
I just know that while Scar Jo was the safe bet at the best box office turn out she was not the right choice for the story/character.
Not necessarily. Maybe, the right Asian American director might've; but that's a big might. I think a part of the reason you don't have Asian American film stars is because you don't have successful Asian American director's and producer's taking any risks on themselves by casting Asian Americans in leads on their films or focusing on Asian American narratives to potntially break new stars.
This is a contradiction, you know that right? Like, you can't insist on ScarJo being "the safe bet" when her "safeness" translated to lackluster domestic sales. At some point you have to admit ScarJo isn't a safe bet anymore?
It's like constantly putting your chips on black because occasionally black pays out, but when it doesn't, you wave it aside with "well it wasn't the right choice that time, but black is still safe".
The entire fucking industry as well as a good portion of movie going audiences have all the "betting" expertise of degenerate gamblers. We don't say "well the gambler doesn't really have a problem, he just made the wrong choice at the time". We say "stop, get some help".
That's true. It's not a priority for all Asian directors willing to take risks. And telling Asian American stories is a great way to cultivate talent and give people a spotlight. Not just movies, but TV as well. Things are getting there slowly. We have Fresh Off the Boat and Into the Badlands, both of which have a prominently Asian cast and main character.
"I thought, OK, forget it. I got a career going on in Asia. I'm not going to worry about the States. The United States is my home, but if they're not offering me a career there because of my race, then what am I going to do about it?"
Wu continued to act mostly in Asia, taking on a number of different roles to avoid being stereotyped as a martial artist. He played romantic leads, cops, and violent criminals.
I think she was the safe bet Coming off Lucy as a stand alone film I think she was.
Well that's the biggest problem is the people defending it are arguing it within a vacuum, and in a vacuum the in film explanation works. Too bad we don't live in a vacuum and there's a real world context that this film exists in.
how is that being an edgelord?
Please explain.
I don't mean this to be a very harsh indictment but this is the exact same logic gambling addicts use to justify irrational decisions. Like, "these dice are hot", because they did well during the last roll, so they will do well on the next roll as well.
Instead of looking for nuanced reasons as to why Lucy did well, investors just homed in on ScarJo and said 'well if she can sell Lucy then she can sell GITS". Trying to find simple explanations for complicated phenomena is textbook self-destructive betting behavior.
Double Toasted review was pretty great when they touched on this subject:
(skip to 22:19 if on mobile)
I think you're looking at it too deep. It's pretty easy to understand why a studio exec would think a Scarlett led GITS would be a slam dunk after the success of Lucy.
Has a live anime movie ever been successful ?
After Akira failure, studios will go back to "Superman, how can I tell the story one more time ?" and "Marvel vs the world 2.0" and people will just be happy.
and here i thought hollywood has been serenading chinese (asian) money
... that chick in Independence Day 2 comes to mind
you can't say it makes business sense in one hand and then say it doesnt make business sense in the other hand
cuz ????????
I could be wrong, but my understanding is that people in china would see a japanese actress as being just as foreign as a white actress.
Does that mean all the Jackie Chan films flopped in Japan?
Does that mean all the Jackie Chan films flopped in Japan?
Japan adores Jackie. Even their Jackie Chan blu-rays are better than HK releases![]()