Really people?! Scarlet is famous world wide. An asian actress would never call the atention of people in latin america. This is businness. Famous actors and actress make it easier too call the attention of the public. Get over it.
The movie was pretty good, but the screenplay was mediocre.
Really people?! Scarlet is famous world wide. An asian actress would never call the atention of people in latin america. This is businness. Famous actors and actress make it easier too call the attention of the public. Get over it.
The movie was pretty good, but the screenplay was mediocre.
What's your raceReally people?! Scarlet is famous world wide. An asian actress would never call the atention of people in latin america. This is businness. Famous actors and actress make it easier too call the attention of the public. Get over it.
The movie was pretty good, but the screenplay was mediocre.
I honestly think if they went the route of having a commentary of beauty standards being based on white women, that could've been niceIn early threads about this I was saying they could work this whole thing as that Motoko being in a white artificial body could be a commentary about the preception that white is more desirable or marketable.
We get shady corporation rounds up homeless Asian children and puts them in white artificial bodies with no payoff for it.
They chose to try and use ScarJo for star power (and she looked like a cool Motoko, none of Motokos character tho) over getting an Asian american actress(which may be for the best, the movie was a "meh" at best and could hurt their career)
Really people?! Scarlet is famous world wide. An asian actress would never call the atention of people in latin america. This is businness. Famous actors and actress make it easier too call the attention of the public. Get over it.
The movie was pretty good, but the screenplay was mediocre.
Really people?! Scarlet is famous world wide. An asian actress would never call the atention of people in latin america. This is businness. Famous actors and actress make it easier too call the attention of the public. Get over it.
The fact that ScarJo's paycheck for this movie will likely be more than week 1 box office sales means that the business you're talking about is bad business, a losing gamble, and should be the thing the farthest from the norm.
Did you write this post based on our whitewashing BINGO card from Asian-GAF?I loved it. My fiancee​ loved it. It's very very true to the anime and very well made. I really don't give a shit about the Major being white, they had to get as big a western recognized lead they could to have a chance at convincing the general pop to see it. As big fans of the anime, we thought it was fuckin great despite that reality. She's a minority and thinks the race issue is completely overblown. I would agree and see it as just the typical way people try their hardest to find any reason to hate Hollywood remakes, but I'm white so I must be racist.
not sure about that font
Just because the movie hasnt been well received, it doenst mean that its scarlet faults.
Do you really thinks that a movie with asian actors only would be easy to market in latin america?! In australia, spain, africa or russia?!
Oh, and the american people who lives on small cities who only seen other americans and dont have contact with imigrants? Good luck selling star wars with french people and brazilian actors.
I'm not engaging with anyone who calls Jeff Gerstmann a fanboy and terrible journalist for not loving Zelda.
I was running my Poe's Law recognition program before you replied to that post
Really people?! Scarlet is famous world wide. An asian actress would never call the atention of people in latin america. This is businness. Famous actors and actress make it easier too call the attention of the public. Get over it.
The movie was pretty good, but the screenplay was mediocre.
Yeah, you're a super awesome child with a super awesome opinion on an internet forum for videogames. When you have a proper business and money from other people which you are responsible, give me your super important opinion.
Yeah, you're a super awesome child with a super awesome opinion on an internet forum for videogames. When you have a proper business and money from other people which you are responsible, give me your super important opinion.
Yeah, you're a super awesome child with a super awesome opinion on an internet forum for videogames. When you have a proper business and money from other people which you are responsible, give me your super important opinion.
The film deserved to bomb.
Watch Hollywood repeat the folly with Akira.
Like, come on Hollywood, we have an actual Tokyo Olympic happening, you can't make this shit up. Clearly a sign from Almighty.The film deserved to bomb.
Watch Hollywood repeat the folly with Akira.
If this had been a white character recast with an Asian actress, the studio would've been lauded for minority representation and encouraging diversity. However, when it's the other way around it's seen as problematic?
If this had been a white character recast with an Asian actress, the studio would've been lauded for minority representation and encouraging diversity. However, when it's the other way around it's seen as problematic?
And before people pile on me, I would've preferred an Asian actress but Scarlet was completely fine in my opinion.
If this had been a white character recast with an Asian actress, the studio would've been lauded for minority representation and encouraging diversity. However, when it's the other way around it's seen as problematic?
If this had been a white character recast with an Asian actress, the studio would've been lauded for minority representation and encouraging diversity. However, when it's the other way around it's seen as problematic?
And before people pile on me, I would've preferred an Asian actress but Scarlet was completely fine in my opinion.
Really people?! Scarlet is famous world wide. An asian actress would never call the atention of people in latin america. This is businness. Famous actors and actress make it easier too call the attention of the public. Get over it.
The movie was pretty good, but the screenplay was mediocre.
Oh wow on this last page I honestly can't tell who is being serious and who is being facetious.
Why can't white people say nigga?If this had been a white character recast with an Asian actress, the studio would've been lauded for minority representation and encouraging diversity. However, when it's the other way around it's seen as problematic?
And before people pile on me, I would've preferred an Asian actress but Scarlet was completely fine in my opinion.
Felicity jones is a white american/britsh. Its her movie. And diego is pretty Famous! As the rest of the cast.
If you wanna compare not main role, ok. Ghost in the shell has a super bad ass japanese kind of guy as chief.
Just because the movie hasnt been well received, it doenst mean that its scarlet faults.
Do you really thinks that a movie with asian actors only would be easy to market in latin america?! In australia, spain, africa or russia?!
Oh, and the american people who lives on small cities who only seen other americans and dont have contact with imigrants? Good luck selling star wars with french people and brazilian actors.
We have plenty of instances where a movie has bombed despite white star power yet we've never had a single one bomb with an Asian American lead due to its nonexistence.... yet the latter is always accepted as gospel and not given the chance to prove otherwise while the former gets a pass every single time..
If this had been a white character recast with an Asian actress, the studio would've been lauded for minority representation and encouraging diversity. However, when it's the other way around it's seen as problematic?
And before people pile on me, I would've preferred an Asian actress but Scarlet was completely fine in my opinion.
And so decreed ajjow, king of all minorities. No minorities shall ask for proper representations in media ever again.Im from Brazil. Im from a conuntry where capcom puts a monster as blanka as representative of my country.
And i dont feel offended by that. Thats just a stupid game. Its not the president of usa trying to buid a wall. Completely diferent situations with diferents aproacs.
Well geisha's are like historically iconic in Japan. GitS is a cartoon. I don't think most people would take issue with a Korean actor leading. Of course Japanese is preferred though.
I really liked this movie.
Unfortunately the worst part of it is the "whitewashing excuse" subplot.
It's like they tried to cover up their biggest flaw IRL with the biggest flaw in the plot.
Japanese people seem to not care that much, or at the very least they do not show it, which is a very Japanese thing to do. The controversy is always from outside, which is problematic, or would be, if they actually cared, they really don't, people want to be offended for another group of people pretty much just because.
Japanese people seem to not care that much, or at the very least they do not show it, which is a very Japanese thing to do. The controversy is always from outside, which is problematic, or would be, if they actually cared, they really don't, people want to be offended for another group of people pretty much just because.
I'm not going to shut up about it so...
It is, again, pretty funny because the controversy (besides the original controversy of the book itself) came more from the Chinese side, and how dared Zhang Ziyi and Michelle Yeoh act as Japanese in a WWII setting, Japanese people again didn't care that much, Zhang Ziyi was a huge star at the time, bigger than many Japanese actresses, and also very famous in Japan itself. The movie bombed anyway, even when it was actually recieved well in Japan.
Japanese people seem to not care that much, or at the very least they do not show it, which is a very Japanese thing to do. The controversy is always from outside, which is problematic, or would be, if they actually cared, they really don't, people want to be offended for another group of people pretty much just because.