Ghost of Tsushima - dull and repetitive

The game started off very brightly (I thoroughly enjoyed Act 1) but I have developed severe burnout and fatigue from this game. I am currently nearing the end of Act 2 in GoT and but it is difficult to finish the game

As I've spent so much time in the game already, I will force myself to to completion but if there is one thing I know, I will safely skip Ghost of Yotei. Whether Act 3 or the finale wins me over remains to be seen.

- Combat is satisfying and fun. You have different stances which are effective against different types of enemies. It's also nice the game is not a carbon copy of Souls like combat (which has been done to death in the genre).
- Duels/1v1 fights are fantastic.
- Good visuals and superb art direction. Despite having weak textures, GoT looks like a painting come to life.
- Excellent sound design and soundtrack; this is one of the few games which makes use of a good surround system and has an excellent implementation of LFE effects.
- For an open world game, environments and locales are extremely varied, and the dynamic time of day and weather system is very impressive.

- Repetitive missions. Lots of fetch quests, walking segments, and 'tracking' enemies. Once you've done 2-3, you've done them all. As a result, side missions are mostly awful. Individual character quests should have been condensed. Who needs 9 missions of running around like a headless chicken before you get to the meat of the issue?
- Bland characters and story. It is difficult to care about many of the characters.
- Ubisoft style open world. Playing GoT reminds me why I hate open world games so much. Far too bloated for it's own good.

I heard Iki island is a considerable improvement over the base game, but my only objective at present is to speedrun the main story and be done with the game.


Iki Island is great.

Act 3 is much better than Act 2 (borefest except the final mission in Act 2).

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It was definitely worth beating the game.
The final mission and story finished on a high.

A solid experience marred by awful mission structure/design. Act 2 was honestly 90% garbage.
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It does peak at the beginning and at the end, while the mid part drags on especially if you plan to do everything on the map. It's a decent game but nowhere near the 9's and 10's some claim it is and Ubisoft has done better open worlds than GoT before it, mechanically speaking. The visuals are only fantastic due to its insane use of particle effects and vegetation, but yeah, character models, textures are all weak. Combat was great tho and its the only thing that managed to entertain me from start to finish. I didnt like Iki island and if you already feel burnt out, it will get worse with it.


yes, your criticisms are valid and many people, myself included agree about the mission repetition . Although, I think the writing and the characters are fine. I would actually go so far to say that the story is quite good. It's just the repetitive nature of the game play and missions that's keeping me from finishing it.


Weirdly enough 20 hours in and I felt exactly like you... But I kept playing and after 40 hours none of that bothered me anymore and I ended up getting the plat.

It's even more bizarre because the opposite of that happened with me on Assassin's Creed Odyssey, I started playing and I loved the game, after 40 hours I started hating and I ended up never finishing it for the exact same issues.

Also, I agree that the dlc is a lot better than the base game.
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Yeah I'm with you. It's a very beautiful game, but I got bored at around 8 hours and dropped it. Tried on PS5 and on PC and just can't get into it properly. I'll probably try again if I ever feel in the mood for a samurai style game.

I put a lot of it down to me having open world fatigue. I'm so bored of open world games. They mostly follow the same formula, have repetitive mission design and usually sit around 30 to 50 hours to complete, sometimes even longer. I know some people love that checkbox design, but I've seen and played enough of that kind of thing now.

Little Mac

Gold Member
GoT was one of the first games I picked up when I bought my Slim. I really liked the characters, setting, graphics, and the story but agree that the gameplay was very repetitive to the point that I walk away from it shortly after freeing the Uncle. Not sure how deep into the game that is ...
Open world games by design are all fucking repetitive at some point and I'll never get their appeal. I would rather play a game that involves unique, focused, well designed levels with engaging gameplay, rather than roam through vast empty fields to gather some kochtkes. And yes, despite my love of Fromsoft, this includes Elden Ring. "Oh boy, another samey cavern that ends with crafting material that I'll never use or a spirit ash that I'll never use. How fun."


I quit the game after the 30th fox chase and discovering 100 samey hot springs. Enough is enough. And I even managed to finish Days Gone.

It's an Ubisoft game with great art direction, similar to Horizon.

The art direction and the combat system were the only worthwhile things in this game. A total borefest and some of the most dull exploration I've seen.
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Blasphemer :messenger_tears_of_joy:

(I am going to play it properly at some point, but I bounced off pretty hard the first couple of times I tried it - seemed pretty formulaic, and very much AC Japan. I loved Odyssey and Origins, but had already played them, so this felt pointless).


It's mid.

But i think just on the quest design and the staging they can improve a lot (given the huge success of the game for its relatively small budget they will have a way bigger one for GoY) and make the sequel much more entertaining (i won't buy it though).
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But don't worry people pretend it's a 10/10 now and they're making an anime to cement the notion
Open world games by design are all fucking repetitive at some point and I'll never get their appeal. I would rather play a game that involves unique, focused, well designed levels with engaging gameplay, rather than roam through vast empty fields to gather some kochtkes. And yes, despite my love of Fromsoft, this includes Elden Ring. "Oh boy, another samey cavern that ends with crafting material that I'll never use or a spirit ash that I'll never use. How fun."
Spot on.

Open world games are mostly uninspired garbage.

Give me a compelling linear experience instead.

I think the only "open world" game I've enjoyed this generation was Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty.
The story is great, the writing is really good, the music is awesome and the combat is some of the best in the market. But the open world is very dull and bland and I really hope in the sequel they improve this area

The best sum-up.

This game should have never been open-world. Something more focused like GOW or Stellar Blade.

Only games with great exploration (Zelda, Souls, Nikki) or lot of interactions (RDR2, GTA) should be open-world. This trend needs to end, because it's detrimental to the pace of the story and it hurts the game. I liked GoT but also felt it dragged too much in the third act.

My main problem with this game is not the fact that's it's an Ubisoft game. My problem is the bad samourai combat. Compared to Nioh, this is so bad.

The combat is truly great, but you have to play it in lethal difficulty. That's where it shines. Pretty much like TLOU.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
My main problem with this game is not the fact that's it's an Ubisoft game. My problem is the bad samourai combat. Compared to Nioh, this is so bad.
In fairness, Nioh is Team Ninja and they beat practically everyone when it comes to combat design.

My beef with the first Nioh was the complete lack of enemy variety. Thankfully, it was fixed in the sequel, but damn, this game is hard when you're a noob.


Fair points. The game is saved by its visuals and combat system. I would disageee on the Ubi formula though, this game is nowhere near as bloated. My biggest problem with the game is that the world itself is rather boring, there's not much to do nor to discover contrary to games like the witcher 3 or AC origins.
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Played right after AC:Odyssey and I 100% agree.
AC:Os world was filled with optional objectives to work through whereas 90% of all non-quest objectives in GoT amount to Go Here - Press X.

(FWIW: AC:O is one of my fav open world games)
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Open world games by design are all fucking repetitive at some point and I'll never get their appeal. I would rather play a game that involves unique, focused, well designed levels with engaging gameplay, rather than roam through vast empty fields to gather some kochtkes. And yes, despite my love of Fromsoft, this includes Elden Ring. "Oh boy, another samey cavern that ends with crafting material that I'll never use or a spirit ash that I'll never use. How fun."
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From Software Announcement GIF by BANDAI NAMCO

Yeah... no


I think I fully cleared the first big area and maybe about 40% of the 2nd area but after that I just skipped anything that wasn't part of the main story. Couldn't even bring myself to do the bigger side quests (you know the ones I'm talking about) because my enjoyment was plummeting and I only wanted to see how the main story ended.


Is Sony's Ass Creed .. is more polished but in the end the same checkmark thing.

I liked.. but nothing special

GoY will depend on how they aproach the main character ... kind of tired of girl bosses right now.
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