There's a terror dog that steps on the car? (at 1:59)
Guess we'll be seeing the Stay-puft man aswell then, since Slimer is there also.
Sticking with my prediction frrom the other thread, the OG guys won't be in this till the end, where they will appear and save the day with one of those "oh no, the good guys have lost. what ever shall they do" moments. Maybe from out of nowhere you suddenly hear a "sick em, Ray" and hey, maybe someone will ask Ray if he's a god, and guess what?! he'll say yes this time and still get "then die" said to him.
As negative as I sound, I still hold hope that this will atleast be watchable unlike the 2016 trainwreck.
God damn it though, I wish Ray was in it from the start and interacting with the kids, not just some end of the movie cameo, which seems to be the case since we know the OG guys are in it.
All in all: still hopeful but still worried it's gonna be predictable and eyeroll inducing.