Apparently the movie revolves around the containment unit from the original that's buried in a mine
Trailer looks cool
Trailer looks cool
i mean, im mostly curious as to why that's framed as a bad thing. don't people in general love or at least really like Stranger Things?I’ve seen a lot of YouTube/social media reactions say it feels too much like Stranger Things, but other being focused on kids and sharing an actor, what similarities exist?
Agree with most in here, I always said if they made Ghostbusters 2016 in the same style with Adam Sandler, Martin Lawrence, Ben Stiller and Will Ferrell then it would have been received and bombed exactly the same. Ghostbusters 2016 was made for a specific target audience and relied on enticing those with strong nostalgic memories to buy in on the brand. And it failed, because the brand was disrespected. Ironically a lot of the same people are now complining because of the 'kids' cast. Let's call all these people anti-natalists, the bastards!!!
After watching this trailer, the era we live in is Stranger Things, hell even IT is only a 15 certificate. Movies are trying to appeal to the largest cross generation of cinema goers on a common theme. Although I think ST comparison is largely based on the same kid and a 'creepy' setting. The new trailer seems to have some honest attempts at homages while also reinventing the formula. With the lack of a true sequel of the original cast, this is probably the best we will get. I think this trailer was set early in the movie and was just teasing the tone and formula of the film.
That reddit plot leak seems to be stacking up tho.....
That gunner’s seat is fucking badass. I don’t care what anyone says.
Well, that's not hard to achieve though. I think it would be impossible to not look better.Looks a lot better than Ghostbusters 2016.
Stand by me, gremlins, flight of the navigator, mac and me, jaws 2. I stand by the last two. How could i forget Goonies and monster squad.I'm not sure yet. And I never really like the "forgotten into myth" thing these movies do. Kids 10 years from now will know what happened on 9/11. Schools will teach it. They'd teach a ghost invasion that threatened all of mankind too
They were already doing this by Ghostbusters 2, making it even worse. But, whatever. My actual problem is whether or not I want to watch a movie that seems to clearly feature kids for 90% of the runtime.
These were originally movies written with kids in mind. Though, Gremlins isn't really about kids.Stand by me, gremlins, flight of the navigator, mac and me, jaws 2. I stand by the last two. How could i forget Goonies and monster squad.
where is the original cast?
i hope that.The movie is not coming till next Summer, so likely with a big #2 trailer, thinking Superb Owl? Big reveal of who is back, will get people excited.
i hope that.
Honestly, a Ghostbusters movie without the original Cast... is not a real Ghostbusters movie
i think it's possiblei hope that.
Honestly, a Ghostbusters movie without the original Cast... is not a real Ghostbusters movie
Children typically ruin movies. Except of course children movies.Not digging it.
Can't take kids seriously.
Are these goverment jobs or can other corporations step in and compete for business?oh man imagine a ghostbusters union based movie lol
ghosts running rampant in NYC because ghostbusters are refusing to work and holding a strike
interesting starting point imo
government definitelyAre these goverment jobs or can other corporations step in and compete for business?
Competition stomped into the ground. Maybe by the end of the trilogy we can open it to small businesses again. I’ll help finance if you get a good director.government definitely
Wasnt he on goldbergs recently for spaceballs.I hope the original ghostbusters come back.. maybe with Rick Moranis taking over Harold Ramis' role. I know Moranis retired from acting but its Ghostbusters for christ's sake!
Also, the 2016 film was good.
Wasnt he on goldbergs recently for spaceballs.
go to your local middle school and ask some 6th graders to explain 9/11. See what happens.Don't know if I like the idea of kids and possibly their mom being the new team. I assumed the new cast of characters would be either older teenagers or college-age, a reasonable age for the original Ghostbusters to show them the ropes. Considering how heavy the proto-packs are supposed to be, it's going to look ridiculous to see kids running around with them strapped to their backs. I know people hate the 2016 film, but at least it had adults as the team plus the more slapstick style of comedy didn't bother me since it was an entirely new cast (whereas Ghostbusters 2 going more slapstick felt out of place since it was the OG team, but 2 had a fuck ton of problems that just killed any of its good elements for me).
The gunner seat is cool though. And Paul Rudd looks like he'll be a win. Though how the Ghostbusters' feats aren't common knowledge is beyond me, stopping massive monstrosities and proving the supernatural is real isn't something that should be forgotten even 30 years later. And I swear if they pull that beyond fucking stupid "the government convinced everyone it was a hoax despite the MASSIVE amount of evidence that would instantly rip apart such a claim" bullshit that 2 did, I'm not going to be happy.
Also, Egon must have gotten a woman pregnant sometime around the timeline of 1 and 2 for the mom's son to be that age. Which just feels odd to think about since it's EGON, yeah he had the romance with Janine but I assumed it never went that far (still better her with Egon than Louis. I heard people be all, "but she had no chemistry with Egon!" and I'm screaming, "no shit, that was the joke!"), but we'll see how the movie addresses it.
It could be good, I'm just not particularly wowed by this teaser.
I still stand by my point.
It had sliming incidents as well and a woman getting sucked into a fridge but most of the fun stuff was in the dialogue and it's one of those films that could be taken 100% serious if you let it.
It's not an outright comedy in my opinion.
2016 was a full on comedy but a bad one.
Stand by me, gremlins, flight of the navigator, mac and me, jaws 2. I stand by the last two. How could i forget Goonies and monster squad.
I didn't mind Ghostbusters 2016. Aside from all the shitty commentary prior and denials and shitty commentary after.
2.5/5 movie. Hemsworth was fantastic.
And ze woke white knights, as predicted are out in full force:
Because Ghostbusters 2016 was such a great and revolutionary movie that must be protected from the toxic fanboys at all cost!
What a bunch of whiny pricks.
I'll be entertained by the predictable media stances as per Alita and Joker in the meantime.
And ze woke white knights, as predicted are out in full force:
Because Ghostbusters 2016 was such a great and revolutionary movie that must be protected from the toxic fanboys at all cost!
What a bunch of whiny pricks.
I'm still baffled as to why SJWs attacked Alita Battle Angel. I mean, it had:I'll be entertained by the predictable media stances as per Alita and Joker in the meantime.