so CBG19 is like some secret GG sympathizer or totally out of touch or whatever now?
seems kind of far fetched. but everyone talks towards their own narrative.
I wouldn't try to deny or explain away some of the ridiculous sexist hate this movie has received but between KF and Landis and now right in front of my eyes CBG along with a few others there does seem to be a reality for a lot of people where you say one thing or voice your disappointment in something and then all these losers and sexist/racists idiots come out of the wood work and pat you on the back cause you're kind of agreeing with them when it comes to not liking a movie - not necessarily WHY you don't - just that the end product fails.
And that must fucking suck.
Like... i can't stand some of the people in my management at my company - if that lumped me in with some of our helpdesk nozzles like they were my friends just because we don't like a boss (potentially for WILDLY different reasons) i'd be all "Nah son, go away."
Still waiting for a chance to see this bad boy for free though. super curious bout these day glo ghosts and Kate McKinnon is wyfe material. I will watch this drunk.
It's because they were attacking the logo. Which still seems weird to me, but oh well
dat stretch armstong reach though... crimeny.