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Ghostbusters Review Thread [Certified Fresh - 75%]

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I put Ghostbusters 2 in the same category as Metal Gear Solid 2 and Gremlins 2 as follow-ups that gleefully go off the rails while giving a huge middle finger to the people that took the first one seriously.
I say this as someone who likes Ghostbusters 2, Metal Gear Solid 2 and Gremlins 2. They go so far and so dumb that I find them kind of endearing for it.

Uhhh, but MGS2 is great though... but so is Gremlins 2 and Ghostbusters 2. So I agree.
I put Ghostbusters 2 in the same category as Metal Gear Solid 2 and Gremlins 2 as follow-ups that gleefully go off the rails while giving a huge middle finger to the people that took the first one seriously.

I say this as someone who likes Ghostbusters 2, Metal Gear Solid 2 and Gremlins 2. They go so far and so dumb that I find them kind of endearing for it.

I like Ghostbusters 2 alot just because it's dumb(The subway section with the train is fantastic), but I wouldn't compare it to MGS2 >_> That went off the rails in a way that was deliberate.

damn youre still doing this weirdass shtick? dust the chip off your shoulder and grow up.

u r gonna have a bad time :) I'm having fun, Lijik. We can do that here, we can have fun. You like fun, don't you?
No, because the outrage over this movie was always about women.

Are you sure about that? Because from what I've seen & heard the outrage was about the fact that the trailers made the movie look like complete dogshit.

That fact that it had an all-female cast were the least of people's outrage about the movie.

Are their some people out there who hate the movie because it has women in it? Absolutely but does that represent the majority of people who don't like Ghostbusters? Absolutely not.


It is still pretty political somehow, not giving scores for example and still slamming it in the text is pretty strange.

But OK, I guess the is the times we are living now. Not liking a movies is already an insult to some people. I am not going to watch it either, because after the Star Wars fan fiction movie, I am not giving Hollywood any money anymore for stupid reboots.

No scores is quite common. New to reviews?

Never not was an insult to some people. In this case the hate was deeply driven by sexism. But you are still welcome to treat it as the second coming of Batman v Superman.

Just don't be a sexist about it. For yours sake.
It really wouldn't surprise me to find out that certain sites stopped giving scores before this film came out solely to deflect from the obvious bias for this films release. It sounds crazy but this is Hollywood.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
I cleaned up the OP a bit.

Seems like it'll be an average film that Sony can build on if the box office is right. I'm still waiting on reviews from my favorites: Jeremy Jahns, Chris Stuckmann, and Double Toasted.

A $40M Opening would be a solid performer in my books.

It's a Melissa McCarthy film, people will show up - her films usually average a 3.0+ multiple.


I like Ghostbusters 2 alot just because it's dumb(The subway section with the train is fantastic), but I wouldn't compare it to MGS2 >_> That went off the rails in a way that was deliberate

I can't speak as much about Ghostbusters 2 but Gremlins 2 went off the rails in a way that was definitely deliberate.

I think there might be some correlation that people who liked MGS2 are the same people that liked Ghostbusters 2 and Gremlins 2.


Not at all? I think a few of us bought Undertale just because it popped up at the top of Metacritic out of nowhere for example, and recently I think the Star Ocean reviews turned off a lot of people. I wouldn't consider not buying Dark Souls III if it got lower reviews than the objectively terrible Dark Souls II, but I think reviews can play a part.

Movies are a much more easier media for me to consume. I don't even bother with any review sites for movies and I don't care about agendas or such thats why I just didn't get the hate for this new Ghostbusters movie. I was a big fan of the originals and I was excited for more Ghostbusters and wanted it to do well from the beginning so we could keep getting more. I will be the first to admit that when it comes to movies I completely shut down that critical thinking part of my brain and that popcorn flick mindless dribble kicks in so i very rarely hate movies and am far from as critical as the majority of people are nowadays. I actually feel sorry for people that seem to hate every movie and pick everything apart, it seems like a dull joyless life. Reality sucks, escape it once in awhile ya know?!

Games I play less and less of nowadays and am mainly handheld at this point. I'm easier with my money during deep discount PSN sales but even then i'm afraid of shit sitting in my backlog. People are different and what one person sees in a game can be perceived quite differently from another. While one person may see deep play value in mini quests and exploring I see as running wild on my ADHD and killing any momentum to keep playing a game. People who love retro or never lived through the 80's may be enthralled by those type of games like undertale whereas I lived through that whole era and don't find it novel or deep so i'm bored in minutes. I'm better served watching a couple trailers and a bit of a lets play and deciding for myself if ts something i'm going to enjoy or not. It's something people take for granted nowadays when back in the 80's you only had box art and word of mouth and in the 90's, early 2000's you only had magazine reviews.
I can't speak as much about Ghostbusters 2 but Gremlins 2 went off the rails in a way that was definitely deliberate.

Gremlins 2 definitely went off the rails. IIRC they didn't want to make a sequel, but then they gave them an insane budget to work with, so they just went off the rails.(It's also why i didn't bring it up >_>)
My expectations for this movie have been pretty low after they released that infamous first trailer. Based on the reviews, I'd say the movie will be okay at best.

Will come back to this thread and see what the consensus is on gaf after the movie is out. I'll probably just wait until it is on amazon and rent it for a few bucks.


It is quite strange that some reviews take as much space to talk about the controversy as about the movie. The guardian review for example. Which still gives the impression it is not viewed as a stand alone movie, but still in this cultural context

Yet for many – chiefly blowhard middle-aged fanboys – their names spelled the apocalypse and the whole project was damned. The memory of their childhood favourite was being destroyed, they argued, by some hare-brained revisionism. A campaign was mounted – successfully – to make the first trailer for the film the most disliked in YouTube history.

Such backlash was notably absent when Planet of the Apes was revamped by Tim Burton, then again by Rupert Wyatt. Likewise when Fede Alvarez dared to reimagine Evil Dead for a new generation. For what incensed Ghostbusters fanatics, it seemed, was Feig’s idea to reverse the genders of the ghostbusting quartet – a decision whose politics his film tackles bluntly and frequently, without sacrificing laughs for sermonising.

So if a movie review is just as much an opinion piece about the middle-aged fanboys, of course some people may find this a bit strange.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
The movie cost $140 million to make. That kind of opening would be bad.

If overseas can at least double the domestic take, it should be fine - not a bomba, not the hit SONY was expecting to launch a franchise, still okay.
The movie cost $140 million to make. That kind of opening would be bad.

Somewhat. Check the other thread where I explain why.

A great shot for the Geboot would $40-50 million and $200 million domestic, which would put it in 22 Jump Street and Men in Black II territory. Sony should be damned happy with that. The problem is the budget $140 million (same problem MIB2 had, by the by). 22 Jump Street made roughly $144 million in profit, since it had a worldwide take of $331 million and a production budget of $58 million. Throw another $90 million on that production budget and a ton of marketing and I think GB 2016 needs around $400+ million, which again, is hard for a comedy.

$200 million domestic, $200 million international is the best bet.


It is quite strange that some reviews take as much space to talk about the controversy as about the movie. The guardian review for example. Which still gives the impression it is not viewed as a stand alone movie, but still in this cultural context

So if a movie review is just as much an opinion piece about the middle-aged fanboys, of course some people may find this a bit strange.

People is you, right? And yes, reviews also often comment on the surroundings. That is normal and this case the surroundings were hard to ignore.


Kinda funny and interesting to see how each side accusing the other of being biased and supect the reviews to be tilted towards making the film appear good/bad.

It's always the most unimportant things where people get worked up to this point of anger.


Are you sure about that? Because from what I've seen & heard the outrage was about the fact that the trailers made the movie look like complete dogshit.

That fact that it had an all-female cast were the least of people's outrage about the movie.

Are their some people out there who hate the movie because it has women in it? Absolutely but does that represent the majority of people who don't like Ghostbusters? Absolutely not.

There are several groups who are angrily opposed to this movie:

1. People with an alt-right mindset who see this casting as an SJW-feminist stunt and want it to fail because they're misogynists who can't relate to female protagonists. Some of them are Ghostbusters fans.

2. Fans of GB who wanted a sequel rather than a reboot, didn't care about the gender, but don't like this comedic creative team (Feig-McCarthy). I have some sympathy for this group, as most GB fans wanted a Ramis-Aykroyd sequel, but it seems like this film is solid so time to let it go.

3. There are folks who claim to be GB fans, but don't want any more GB in any form. They think it should be left in the past, regardless of the high quality of the cartoon, videogame and comic series in continuing the franchise. Usually these people don't have the same issue with Marvel comic book sequels or Star Wars. So their argument kind of falls apart and they fall into one of the first two camps.

Point is, the film was getting hate well before the trailers.


People is you, right? And yes, reviews also often comment on the surroundings. That is normal and this case the surroundings were hard to ignore.

People hated the Robocop or Total Recall reboot as well. If they would announce a Back to the Future reboot, the down votes would explode. Why is it so hard to understand, yes some people may have problems with the cast, but for some people, maybe even the majority, the reboot in itself was already something they really hated.


$200 million domestic, $200 million international is the best bet.

The problem is that Melissa McCarthy movies typically are more domestic-heavy. The Heat, Tammy, Identity Thief, The Boss all scored about 70% of their gains in the United States, with Spy being more 50-50.


Are you sure about that? Because from what I've seen & heard the outrage was about the fact that the trailers made the movie look like complete dogshit.

That fact that it had an all-female cast were the least of people's outrage about the movie.

Are their some people out there who hate the movie because it has women in it? Absolutely but does that represent the majority of people who don't like Ghostbusters? Absolutely not.

There were people raging about this movie the second it was announced as "an all-female reboot." Before the cast was announced, and before any trailer or footage or anything.
One day all of you will wake up and see Ghostbusters 2 for what it is, a bad movie that fails to capture the charm and energy of the original.

The first half coasts off of the chemistry of the leads, but it still feels third rate compared to the original.

It's a slog to get through and definitely gets worse as it progresses.

Liked it. Definitely isn't the original, but it's certainly not a bad movie. At least in my opinion. No one is going to wake up and realize anything though if they've
Already made up their mind.
The problem is that Melissa McCarthy movies typically are more domestic-heavy. The Heat, Tammy, Identity Thief, The Boss all scored about 70% of their gains in the United States, with Spy being more 50-50.

Boy, does Sony have a solution for this problem!

It's Chris Hemsworth.
It's Chris Hemsworth.
It's Chris Hemsworth.
It is quite strange that some reviews take as much space to talk about the controversy as about the movie. The guardian review for example. Which still gives the impression it is not viewed as a stand alone movie, but still in this cultural context

So if a movie review is just as much an opinion piece about the middle-aged fanboys, of course some people may find this a bit strange.

You find it odd that reviews address the biggest controversy about this film going in?


Liked it. Definitely isn't the original, but it's certainly not a bad movie. At least in my opinion. No one is going to wake up and realize anything though if they've
Already made up their mind.

Opinions can and do change over time.

There are movies I initially disliked and later enjoyed and vice versa.


People hated the Robocop or Total Recall reboot as well. If they would announce a Back to the Future reboot, the down votes would explode. Why is it so hard to understand, yes some people may have problems with the cast, but for some people, maybe even the majority, the reboot in itself was already something they really hated.

Right the issue is ethics in game journalismremaking classic movies.
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