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Ghostbusters Review Thread [Certified Fresh - 75%]

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Variety said:
In an unnecessary nod to fans, Feig resurrects nearly every actor or entity from the 22-year-old original — except for Ramis, who died last year, and the all-but-retired Rick Moranis — while leaving little room for memorable new spirits
Someone help the reviewer at Variety find the 3 key, they're off by a decade. Sheesh.

Honestly it sounds better than I was expecting and I was even hoping it would be good. From what I can tell it seems its biggest flaw is that it doesn't reinvent enough for being a reboot. I don't think I've ever seen a GAF review thread with so man "no score given" reviews though, that's crazy.
People hated the Robocop or Total Recall reboot as well. If they would announce a Back to the Future reboot, the down votes would explode. Why is it so hard to understand, yes some people may have problems with the cast, but for some people, maybe even the majority, the reboot in itself was already something they really hated.

Again, no.

Most people were apathetic to those films. Look at the dislike ratio for this Total Recall trailer


And here's Robocop


It's not the same situation, at all.


Still early yet, and it's bouncing around a lot but 71% (25/35) is respectable and far better than I expected given the trailers. I want to see what Kermode, Stuckman and Jahns have to say.
Still early yet, and it's bouncing around a lot but 71% (25/35) is respectable. I want to see what Kermode, Stuckman and Jahns have to say.

Indeed. Anything above 60% is mixed enough for me to give a shot, if I'm interested. The comments about the rehashed structure are disappointing, though. I would have preferred they did entirely their own thing with this
Indeed. Anything above 60% is mixed enough for me to give a shot, if I'm interested. The comments about the rehashed structure are disappointing, though. I would have preferred they did entirely their own thing with this

Same but ah well.

I'm pretty much guaranteed to love this movie tbh.


I really want to go see it, because it's Ghostbusters, BUT I have intense allergy towards "awkward humor", I'm not kidding, I could only watch 15 minutes of Bridesmaids and Spy and it became too painful to continue. So should I take a chance? I mean if it's even like half of the movies I mentioned I probably will hate it.


People hated the Robocop or Total Recall reboot as well. If they would announce a Back to the Future reboot, the down votes would explode. Why is it so hard to understand, yes some people may have problems with the cast, but for some people, maybe even the majority, the reboot in itself was already something they really hated.

Those reboots sucked and people were pretty indifferent.

Compare the reception, like the downvotes on the Robocop trailer to the GB trailer. Or the 30 second teaser that literally had no footage. To suggest it's just it being a reboot is pretty disingenuous. What about this particular poorly advertised reboot made people react SO strongly compared to your examples that were mostly met with indifference?


Critics Consensus: Ghostbusters does an impressive job of standing on its own as a freewheeling, marvelously cast supernatural comedy -- even if it can't help but pale somewhat in comparison with the classic original.

It's finally up!!! I honestly don''t think anyone would think it would nearly as good as the original.
Critics Consensus: Ghostbusters does an impressive job of standing on its own as a freewheeling, marvelously cast supernatural comedy -- even if it can't help but pale somewhat in comparison with the classic original.

It's finally up!!!

So basically exactly what I was expecting. No shit it wasn't going to compare to the original. No one coud reproduce it, not even the same people who made it.


Critics Consensus: Ghostbusters does an impressive job of standing on its own as a freewheeling, marvelously cast supernatural comedy -- even if it can't help but pale somewhat in comparison with the classic original.

It's finally up!!! I honestly don''t think anyone would think it would nearly as good as the original.
Well that's about what we would expect. Looking forward to seeing it.


So I guess you are looking forward to the Ben Hur remake, coming out soon.

Why wouldn't I? It being made does nothing to the original I love and increases the likelihood the studio will invest in a quality 4k release of an old classic.
Are you sure about that? Because from what I've seen & heard the outrage was about the fact that the trailers made the movie look like complete dogshit.

That fact that it had an all-female cast were the least of people's outrage about the movie.

Are their some people out there who hate the movie because it has women in it? Absolutely but does that represent the majority of people who don't like Ghostbusters? Absolutely not.

Nope. Straight from the get-go.

So basically I can ignore this? Because no Ray Stantz, Peter Venkman, Egon Spengler, and Winston Zeddemore means no Ghostbusters.

Also, making the leads women instead of our classic heros? That's an insult to this franchise.

Why stop at an all-female cast? Toss in a talking dog and maybe a gregarious orangutan. Oh, and make sure to have a cameo by the Spice Girls, screaming "GIRL POWER!"

If you're going to make a formulaic pile of crap, might as well make it a massive one.

lets just hope the new director is a fan of the originals and tosses the hole female idea out the window cause even i realize it isnt the same with females that will more likely be ditzy blondes walking in heels holding the blasters with the safety on like an idiot, 2 nerdy females yes thats it!

Don't worry you guys. This will easily be as good and memorable as Karate Kid 3.

(...the one where Hilary Swank played Ralph Macchio...)

Really? You can't get the original cast so lets whiteknight up the cast to satisfy some female quota?

What? Sorry but no.. i loved the first two movies and the game. Women dont like ghostbusters too much so i dont know who would watch this..

Feminist: "Now this exactly what we wanted."
Director: "So, you'll pay to see it right?"
Feminist: "What? No, I don't even like Ghostbusters."

Yeah lets put women in it for the sake of it being women.... This is getting really stupid. Do not change old things but generate new things..

This is all from the announcement that Feig was directing. The beauty of the internet is that it never forgets.

I don't think this gets close to $200 million domestic. Films this summer have dropped off a cliff the second weekend.

Yeah, that's a long shot essentially, because as I argued in the post, most comedies don't make money like that.


So basically we are looking at a "it's a decent flick worth the price of entry, but not anything to write home about."

Honestly that's fine, I just wanted a new Feig Movie with some comedy elements, so this works well for me.


Surprise, surprise. it's not hard to see a movie studio like warner brothers paying people off.
All these reviewers who have given this "feboot" a good review should be ashamed of
themselves. beating a male ghost by shooting him in his ghost dick? Not even TRYING to
invite back bill murphy and harold ramis? giving slimer a GIRLFRIEND? wake up people!
Realise that you make a statement by paying NOT to see these films! STOP listening to
EVERY corrupt review that'll have you believing otherwise. SLIMER should be SINGLE.
Critics Consensus: Ghostbusters does an impressive job of standing on its own as a freewheeling, marvelously cast supernatural comedy -- even if it can't help but pale somewhat in comparison with the classic original.

The classic

The original

Ugh. I mean yeah, true. That was always gonna be the case, but it's an easy criticism. It should say something about how it panders to the first one too much or something instead IMO.

STILL, this is going better than expected.
The classic

The original

Ugh. I mean yeah, true. That was always gonna be the case, but it's an easy criticism. It should say something about how it panders to the first one too much or something instead IMO.

STILL, this is going better than expected.

I mean, when you take a franchise like Ghostbusters, and not only reboot it, but (from the sounds of it) hit a lot of the same story beats along the way, you have to be prepared to answer these kinds of criticisms. They're totally valid.



Why wouldn't I? It being made does nothing to the original I love and increases the likelihood the studio will invest in a quality 4k release of an old classic.

Well, they could have invested the money into, and that is just an idea, an new movie. You know there a several thousand books released every year and there is actually nothing new out there to make a movie about. So you have to remake movies we already have or reboot movies we already have. Ben Hur is still a great movie you can still watch it, it is not gone. So is gone with the Wind, which will be remade as well.

What is next, do they reboot Scarface or the Godfather, maybe it is time to make Apocalypse now again.
I mean, when you take a franchise like Ghostbusters, and not only reboot it, but (from the sounds of it) hit a lot of the same story beats along the way, you have to be prepared to answer these kinds of criticisms. They're totally valid.

Well yeah. Like I said it's true, and I think a bigger problem is acknowledgement of the original too much rather than it just being "not as good" because no shit.


It seems the majority of top critics dislike the movie while the majority of small time critics like it. I think it will land in the mid 60's on RT, probably wont make its goal $ wise


It seems the majority of top critics dislike the movie while the majority of small time critics like it. I think it will land in the mid 60's on RT, probably wont make its goal $ wise

Except the majority of the "top critics" haven't released their reviews yet. This is a small sampling.
Well, they could have invested the money into, and that is just an idea, an new movie. You know there a several thousand books released every year and there is actually nothing new out there to make a movie about. So you have to remake movies we already have or reboot movies we already have. Bun Hur is still a great movie you can still watch it, it is not gone. So is gone with the Wind, which will be remade as well.

What is next, do they reboot Scarface or the Godfather, maybe it is time to make Apocalypse now again.

You know that Scarface was a remake eh?


Saw this today, was pretty decent.

The cast were actually the best part of the film, the irony is the director-slash-writer is the one who has let the franchise down with some rather shoddy pacing; despite being a man. They found it quite difficult to get the tone quite right, one minute it's dark sci-fi, the next it's a buddy comedy. But I would put that same complaint to the first two so lets let it off the hook.

Well worth seeing, it's probably about on par with Ghostbusters 2


What's with all the No Scores? Is that common?

I was really looking forward to seeing this, but after the first few trailers I could tell it wouldn't be as good as I'd hoped.
It seems the majority of top critics dislike the movie while the majority of small time critics like it. I think it will land in the mid 60's on RT, probably wont make its goal $ wise

The top critics usually average out at about 5-15% less overall than the "all critics" for non-artsy fasty films (those typically are more adored by the fancy shmancy critics and less adored by the everyday ones, and the trend tends to be reversed).
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