HamPster PamPster
First time listening to bombin in a good long while. Patrick and alex are discussing toast and toasters. What the fuck am I listening to.
You act like I am Bread isn't a newly released game
First time listening to bombin in a good long while. Patrick and alex are discussing toast and toasters. What the fuck am I listening to.
I think he was doing that for the people who will listen to this in podcast form.
Ah yeah, good point, didn't think of that.
I thought the same thing at first![]()
Nah, he was playing Lifeless Planet and after a while their attention shifted to watching cigs66 instead (whom they had just discovered earlier).
That sounds familiar, was it when they were watching twitch streams?
Did you change your username btw? I've been thinking about shortening mine to daydream.
Did you change your username btw? I've been thinking about shortening mine to daydream.
Yeah I pmed emcee last week and looks like he got to it this morning. I was tired of people thinking the bm at the end stood for bowel movement. (It was a dumb username anyway - it stood for my first and middle initials, that's the kind of creativity I've got going on)
can't imagine why anyone would think that. preposterous.
Did you change your username btw? I've been thinking about shortening mine to daydream.
Damn I forgot the GOTY podcasts are going to be a spoiler minefield again.
yup, it's the greatest reason to leave your backlog behind and play the stuff that came out this year. For me, nothing that they're going to spoil really matters since there haven't been any major games with stories i might find interesting outside of maybe Dragon Age. And please, spoil Destiny's story for me. I want to laugh.
I hope they have a creep out of the year award, because Wolfenstein has a couple of moments that i was genuinely bothered by, hah.
Damn I forgot the GOTY podcasts are going to be a spoiler minefield again.
yup, it's the greatest reason to leave your backlog behind and play the stuff that came out this year. For me, nothing that they're going to spoil really matters since there haven't been any major games with stories i might find interesting outside of maybe Dragon Age. And please, spoil Destiny's story for me. I want to laugh.
I hope they have a creep out of the year award, because Wolfenstein has a couple of moments that i was genuinely bothered by, hah.
Damn I forgot the GOTY podcasts are going to be a spoiler minefield again.
Hahahah that's great, I must have missed that one. Like a kid who gets passed on show and tell day.I think freedom's referring to an episode where vinny was ready to play his game, and they just decided to keep playing the game they had been playing (or something like that), and vinny was like "oh ok" and just kinda sat there quietly. It was funny to imagine that he was terribly aggrieved by the entire thing.
I finally got Driveclub. It was on sale.
It's not as bad as Jeff made it out to be. Perhaps the post-release patches have fixed some of the things he really disliked. The handling model IS inappropriate, though. It's... odd. It's far from "sim" but it's not arcade, either. But it is definitely the wrong handling model for a game that's repeatedly been touted as a tribute to our favorite cars, down to the fine details. What point is there in painstakingly modeling the interior stitching if the way the car actually drives isn't properly recreated?
That said, I'm enjoying the game. If I were playing fantasy video game reviewer, I would give it a 3 out 5 with the only thing holding it back from a 4 being the handling.
look at this Hayden Panettiere bathtub simulator, friends
GOTY 2015, goddammit
Did David Cage make a horror game?
Brad and Jeff just need to start making some more premium content. At the moment all they are contributing to premium is their segments on UPF. If we could get just one more thing from the two of them it would be great. I'm not trying to complain because metal Gear Scanlon has been utterly fantastic, I just want to see Jeff in more content.
Did David Cage make a horror game?
I wonder if after Ryan passed Jeff had to take over planning of liveshows and convention stuff that Ryan did, on top of his usual responsibilities of running the site and being editor-in-chief. I could see Jeff actually being pretty busy and end up little time for a premium feature while also participating in quick looks.
Just finished MGS2 part 8.... Dan keeps accidentally giving away big parts of the plot, unfortunately.
Hey duders, finally bought the year premium subscription. I'm working on metal gear scanlon obviously, and I've watched the classic ones like breaking bread and north korea drew.
It's tough to find the time to watch UPF at all since they are two hours each, but can anyone recommend any must see ones from the past I should go back and look up?
A list of (some of) the Premium content worth watching:
- A lot of the UPF episodes, e.g. the Second Life episode, the PS4 Playroom episode, the Dream Gear episode, the Lego Island episode, the Halcyon episode, the one with the whole crew back in SF etc.
- Every Random PC Game feature (1-10 on that list are all the available videos)
- Mario Party Party - 50 turns of sadness, and Mario Party Party 2
- On The Green With Sim Golf, Members Only SNES Party, The Olympic Games Olympiad
- The Breaking Brad: Demon's Souls series, the Load Our Last Souls series, the Metal Gear Scanlon series
- Backflips n' Bioforge (direct link to episode 1 since that's not linked on the Bioforge Wiki page for some reason)
- Vinny plays Bot Company, goes insane, Vinny plays Velvet Sundown
- Drew is a North Korean spy, Iceland: The Cutting Room Floor
- All the Premium Flight Club videos, like Digital Combat Simulator: P-51D Mustang Beta
- The best TNTs: Fortune Street, Dead Island, Gears of War 3, Cards Against Humanity etc.
- The Running of the Lanterns, and various Breaking Brads like Doom II Ultra Violence, Volgarr the Viking etc.
- The Load Our Last Save features. Freedom Fighters is a great place to start.
- Demo Disc Derby (6 videos so far)
- Giant Bomb Unplugged: Pathfinder, Giant Bomb Unplugged: Avalon
Hey duders, finally bought the year premium subscription. I'm working on metal gear scanlon obviously, and I've watched the classic ones like breaking bread and north korea drew.
It's tough to find the time to watch UPF at all since they are two hours each, but can anyone recommend any must see ones from the past I should go back and look up?
Hm, as a newcomer to MG who is trying to follow the plot intently, I really didn't notice Dan saying anything spoiler-y that I could identify as such. He drew the King/Sears/Solidus connection before Drew had realised it but that was pretty obvious to everyone and their cat, anyway, and I'd classify it as a reminder rather than a spoiler.
And, well, if he really spoiled something (which I doubt, the MGS nuts in here haven't mentioned anything) Drew and I wouldn't have been able to tell, anyway, so it's of no consequence.
I actually think Dan has done a perfect job so far during MGS2. Must not be easy to keep quiet.
MGS2's plot is so fucking convoluted that it's almost impossible to spoil it for a newcomer unless you're just explaining plot points at length, which he hasn't done. He's said some smaller things here and there, but there's no way someone who's new to the game would pick up on that.
I wonder if after Ryan passed Jeff had to take over planning of liveshows and convention stuff that Ryan did, on top of his usual responsibilities of running the site and being editor-in-chief. I could see Jeff actually being pretty busy and end up little time for a premium feature while also participating in quick looks.
wtf is up with rose tho
worst character of 2014
no need to reply to this but i totally think the twist is going to involve her somehow, there's gotta be some redemption for her awfulness
Jeff has, as far as I can remember, never been part of a long-running Premium feature except for Jar Time. So it's something he has delegated from the start, probably because he's too busy with running the site. I would really love another Breaking Brad or something though!
Worse, someone thought the mechanics of David Cage's game were a good example to follow.
The Lego Island segment remains the best UPF bit.
Drew got Lego Island 2 a while ago but hasn't done anything with it, yet. Probably forgot about it.![]()